Wednesday, December 28, 2011

December 27, 2011 Going to Wesel, Germany!

It was great to talk to you all. Skype is great! Yeah, that was so cool! I guess everyone is getting all techie now. Haha.

So I guess some info about Wesel would be pretty good. The city is really small. There are only 2 Elders there and its only a branch. So its kinda out of the way. It is actually on the complete opposite end of the mission.

My new district is going to have Elder Hardwick as my district leader... still. He was in Erlangen which was right above Nürnberg, and now he is going to my golden city Krefeld to be a district leader! That means I can go and have splits in a city that I already know! I am way excited to see some people there!

So when I got off the computer after talking to you all, I thought there is one thing that I would LOVE. That would be ties, but not just any ties. Harry Potter ties. Elder Peterson has a tie for each of the Hogwarts houses, and I have been pretty jealous of him. They are basic striped ties that simply have the crest of each house at the bottom. Those would be the coolest things ever! But let me know if you are going to get them and send them because there is a chance that I find them here.

Well, nothing really interesting has been going on this week since we last talked. We have been really busy with transfers and everything. I have packed almost everything (I am doing laundry) and I leave tomorrow at 8 am.

Oh and by the way, I am sending you a Christmas package! I got it as a gift from a member and I figured that you all would appreciate it as much as I would and seeing as I know how it *tastes*, you too can get a little piece of Germany, especially Nürnberg Germany!

Yeah, so the weather here has taken an interesting turn. It looks a lot like what London would look like. Dark, cloudy, and rainy.

Uhm, yeah, its been like 2 days since we last spoke, so I will give you a rundown of what we did. We had another 2 eating appointments yesterday and we also had a nice time getting Elder Petersons Drivers Lisence today.

Well, I am sure that next email will be filled with new and exciting stories!

Love you guys!

Elder Trevor Baker

December 25, 2011 Skype!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Caroling in Feucht

The Christmas Market

Christmas Caroling at the Christmas Market

Happy Birthday to Elder Jongejan

Elder Peterson

They had a great time singing!

Good German food!!!

December 19, 2011 Merry Christmas Week!

So let's see what all has gone down here in Nuernberg... Well I guess I can start off by saying that I am getting the feeling like I am going to be transferred this upcoming transfer. We don't know until Christmas Eve, but anything can happen.

So this past week was jam packed full of adventures. Namely a scavenger hunt adventure that the Sister Missionaries set up for us in Nuernberg! We had a bunch of clues that we had to find at all these historic sites like statues and bridges and churches. It was way cool. We (Elder Peterson and I) even chased the sisters down some of the cobblestone streets trying to see if they would lead us to the next clue! It was way fun. I thought that it was funny because half the Zone showed up for it without even realizing it. It was definitely a cool Birthday for Elder Jongenjan (can you believe that he has been my companion for 4 1/2 months??) We even went to Vapiano which is this way nice Italian resturant right next to the huge cathedral in Nuernberg. It was a good pday.

Then after we had all those fun running around moments in the Old CIty, we went street contacting in Fuerth. We were talking to one lady and this girl in a wheelchair was riding by and stopped to listen and then kept going before we finished our discussion. So we kept walking and saw her pushing herself down this street so we walked up and asked if we could help. She said that she was trying to get home. We pushed her for what would have been a 30 minute trek had she pushed herself and got her to her apartment. We asked her what she wanted for Christmas and she said that she wanted to stay healthy and for her family to be happy. It really put things into perspective when I heard that. This was a girl who is confined to a wheelchair and the only thing she is asking for is for good health and for her family to be happy. Way awesome.

We also had another Elder accompany us for a day while his trainer was in Frankfurt. His name is Elder Rhyser and he is from Switzerland. He is an awesome Elder and probably the best teacher I have ever seen. It was fun going on a split with him.

We also had a ton of fun in Feucht singing and got some awesome meat on a stick. It was way cold though. I have some pics that I took that I am getting frustrated with because they won't send. Grr. I will probably send them with my gmail account.

So we ran into a couple of creepers this week too. Some "potential investigators" who keep asking if they can come over and where we are and "if the other boys will be there too." We dropped them so fast haha. There are some really weird people out there.

So we snagged a couple appointments for Christmas, which means that we will have a lot of food to eat. I am excited, it's always really good! There is Family Ochs who feeds us on a regular basis, Family Kirzinger, Family Schultz, and Brother Strenz. They all know how to make really good food.

So just a random tid bit of information. The Germans usually open their presents on Christmas Eve (which is called Heilige Abend) and then leave their shoes outside on Christmas Eve. Then Christmas morning they go outside and their shoes are filled with candy. (I should get some hiking boots or galoshes right?) Then they hang out with their family and then they have a Second Christmas day on the 26th. All the different Traditions and cultures are really cool.

Well, I hope you all get that skype thing worked out.

Talk to you soon!

Love you!

Elder Trevor Baker

P.S. I got your package Mom. That's the only one I got so far.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

December 12, 2011 The Weihnachtsmarkt

Well hello hello...

First off, I am so excited for Christmas here this year! I went last week to the Weihnachtsmarkt, and it was the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen in my life. There were rows and rows of little wooden shops set up in the square and every single one had these really bright lights on them. They were selling Raeuchermenchen which are those little Santa Clauses that burn insense, and steins (they hold your beer), and candles and wurst shops and different kinds of shaped glass sculptures and nutcrackers and basically everything that you can imagine that is related to Christmas. It was unbelievable. We should be going by for Elder Jongejan's birthday (which is today) and having some kind of wurst. We are also having a scavenger hunt today with the Nuermberg Elders, Sisters, and the Elders from Regensburg (Elder Mayle my trainer is there right now haha). It should be fun!

Well, I wrote down a few of the interesting/funny things that happened this week...

So we were riding on a bus on the way to Nordostbahnhof to go by a potential investigator and yet again, there were two teenage girls there trying to take pictures of Elder Jongejan and I. They looked like they were trying to read out nametags too so I pulled mine off and showed one of them and she goes, "Ahhhh..." This happens on a regular basis unfortunately.

So we also decided to branch out this week too. We tried some Malz Bier and Alkoholfrei Bier. Disclaimer: Malz Bier has no alcohol. It was actually pretty good. We tried both of them and the common consensus was that the Malz Bier was wayyy better than the Alkoholfrei one. It was cool. Course its about as "cool" as you can get as a Mormon Missionary.

So then on Tuesday with Elder Peterson on the way to district meeting, we were running a little late and decided to run to catch the U-Bahn. Well Elder Jongejan and Elder Anderson were ahead of us and decided to run and try to make it. Elder Peterson and I (In back) followed suit and tried to make it. On the way down to the platform I turn around and ask Elder Peterson if he has a pass for both of us. He said he did and I was like Ok good. I bolted up the escalator and made it to the top when I heard a crash. I turned around as the Bahn was leaving and saw Elder Peterson holding these two jars in his hand and clenching the other one, bleeding. I was thinking "Why does everything interesting happen when I am with him?" Well it turns out he tried to take one too many steps on the escalator and didnt quite make the last one. He braced himself with one of his hands and the glass bottle he was holding hit the sharp part of the escalator and shattered and cut his hand open. So it was a fun ride to the Church while I was trying to keep him from passing out because he was going light headed... Well that's yet another fun story that I have with Elder Peterson.

We went caroling this past week too, which was awesome! I have never (honestly) had this much fun while doing "finding time". I honestly cant stand finding time here but caroling is way fun. It's a great and meaningful (not to mention effective) way to spread the Christmas spirit. There is that singing quote that just came to mind haha. Christmas cheer... Well most times people try to give us money but we dont accept so they try insisting chocolate instead. The people here are really generous, I have never seen a more generous people anywhere, but the idea with this is just channeling this charity into different facets such as the gospel. That would be nice. I remember president Schwartz talking about using service projects as a way for people to come to recognize the name of the church and keep themselves preoccupied with great activities.

So I don't know whether I have gotten any packages or not. They all go to the mission office and we could possibly be getting them this week or next week. So I guess keeping up on those online tracking systems would be best. I will let people know if I get packages so there isnt some kind of rummage around frantically trying to find them.

We had a Christmas party with the ward which was so much fun. We did an acapella version of white Christmas, I was unfortunately sick so I had to sing the bass parts and not the high part. The Senior missionary couple took a video of it so I will see If I can pass that along. The ward absolutely loved it, we got a hugh round of applause. They even asked us to sing another song, so we did Deck the Halls and Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer. It was a blast. Of course we came home laden with chocolate and baked goods. The ward is so awesome.

So like I said, I got sick on friday. Not much else I can say about that...

We also were at the church last night to watch that Christmas fireside and I really liked the quote from President Monson about how Christmas is what you make of it. I love the Christmas season.

On to some logistical things. I have some times for skype: I will be skyping home at 12:00 noon your time. That is 6:00 pm my time. Be prepared for high noon. I believe that Sean has a laptop with skype set up already. You should ask him so you don't have to buy a web cam. I will have approximately 1 hour and if there are any problems there is a phone number that you can call to figure out what is going on. So the skype name is -----and the phone number is--- that is a Colorado number but the phone is here, so the charge will be only to Colorado. I think the best option (if this is possible) is to see if Sean can make it and have him set the computer up in the living room or something. I will let you all work that out though. But if there are any problems with the time or anything, let me know.

Love you all and Merry Christmas!

Elder Trevor Baker

Friday, December 9, 2011

December 5, 2011 Christmas!! It's Coming!!

Hey Guys!

So this week has been pretty sick. We just got back from shopping and getting a Christmas tree which we bought for 15 euros. Sick!

Lets see what else happened.

So we had an ausstellung which is like a display we set up in the Fuerth inner city area. It was really cool to see how many members came and supported the missionaries. We even had Christmas songs to sing. Some of them were traditional German ones and some of the older people would walk by and start singing them along with us. It was really cool. We also talked to some people on the street who may have interest but so far we havent had anyone meet with us. It was so cold during the display and we were right outside of a bakery, so we went to pick up some hot chocolate inside and gave it to everyone. It was so cool, I wish I had taken pictures. Maybe I can upload some of the ones that Elder Jongejan took.

Well I finally left my area and got to go to Erlangen, which was a nice refreshing change. I was working with my district leader Elder Hardwick. He is from Washington state. I think and is a really cool missionary. I had a bunch of fun. We talked a lot about working out and some plans that we have for home. We had a good time and taught a couple of lessons which was cool.

We also stopped by one of the Christmas markets here in Nuernberg. It was ridiculous! There were Christmas things everywhere! I have never seen more Christmas in my entire life! They have a bunch of different things like these miniature propellers that spin when you light candles underneath. They also have some ridiculous adventskalenars. I am so excited for later today when I get to go check it out!

During this past week, we have been getting lots of Christmas treats from members. We get bags full of Christmas nuts and chocolate! Ugh I love it! I think that I will buy some Christmas chocolate and save it until I come home. Or just mail it. Yeah, that's better. I will definitely send some chocolate home. You guys do so much for me.

So on to the most important thing of the season. I am so excited to tell you all this. That I will be skyping home for Christmas! So the exact time and date has not been specified other than it being Christmas day. It may be around noonish my time, which means either really early for you all or it will be when you are opening presents! Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas! Let me know what you all think would be the best time for skyping and I feel like this is adequate time for everyone to get skype set up.

So let's see what else... Thats right, we had ward soccer night which gets really intense sometimes. There are always some really good soccer players there and they usually school us but I have a great time running around and getting my heart rate up.

So there have been just a few thoughts on my mind lately. First off, this is the time of year where we can really think and celebrate Christ's birth. While talking to a lot of people, they are just way too caught up in the commercialism of the Christmas season. There are the few however who do have some religious background and love the time that they have to visit family and friends. If you are familiar with the movie The Grinch. Theres a line where he says, "That's what its always been about isn't it? Thats what its always been about!" There's more to Christmas than just gifts and presents. It's really to spend time with the ones you love. Kinda sad that I have to leave the continent to realize that. But whatever, life is a learning process.

Second, I see a lot of people here who want to believe in something. Some kind of higher power and existence. Some kind of purpose. I have never seen so many people who want to believe, who don't want to believe. Now, don't get me wrong. I am not ragging on the people. There are people out there who are ready and being prepared. But either, they aren't ready for it, or I am not ready. Life is a picky thing.

Well, just for some logistical things... If anyone wants to send anything, they should send it to the mission office. The address will be at the bottom of the email. I will be sending a couple of little emails clearing up some things as far as packages go. Thank you all so much!

Love you all!

Elder Trevor Baker

Monday, November 28, 2011

November 28, 2011 Showaddywaddy!

Well hey guys!

So this week has been pretty jam packed. We had a great thanksgiving thanks to some awesome members and we also had one after Zone Conference.

Our Zone conference was pretty cool. We had a seventy there Elder Kopischke or someone. He was the stake president in Nürnberg and he definitely knows his stuff. He talked a lot about changing our mentalities. He talked about how we need to change our mentalities to always finding. It was really interesting. There weren't any new insights and we had heard all of it before. It was however a change from what President Schwartz wants us to be doing which is work creatively. We had this little confusion cleared up later and we even made a few little connections in what he wanted us to be doing.

So President Schwartz was at our sacrament meeting this week which was cool. He talked about missionary work of course and had a great missionary correlation meeting afterwards with him. This is where we cleared up the confusion with Zone Conference. It was a really spiritual meeting.

So you wanted me to get my testimony down for Christmas? English or German? or both? haha. I will start to write it down this week so I can send it off next week for emails. As for that care package, I hope I get it sometime! Haha.

I finally left my area too! I went up to Erlangen with Elder Paulfreyman and we had a good time. We had a couple of good lessons reading out of Deuteronomy and teaching this guy about Christ. It was really cool.

Well, with the weather change and all, it's been really hard on my mental state. Don't worry I am not going crazy, but I am starting to get sleepy all the time and sometimes it's hard to stay focused. I am told it is because the sun goes down at 4 in the afternoon and we get up when it's still dark. It's kinda annoying but whatev. Don't worry I am taking my vitamins!

As far as my emails with President Schwartz go, I have been trying to keep my emails more on subject and keep things on the right track. I know that there are a lot of elders who only tell him the fun and exciting things ( a point he addressed at zone conference) and none of the challenges. I think that this gives an inaccurate picture of how the mission is going. Then again there are elders who give emails just complaining wanting to go home. I have been trying within the past few weeks to keep things on task as well as give him accurate information about what's going on and some of the challenges I have.

This has honestly been the hardest email to write so far. I have this pounding headache and I am really having trouble concentrating on anything. I am not really sure why. Other than that, I am doing great and trying to get past this slump.

Thanks for all the emails you all send me. I really love you guys. Thanks for all your support.

By the way, I need to buy new pants... I went to iron them on Sunday and I didn't check the temperature on the iron and it melted a nice little spot on the leg. I will check some pants out but I will wait to buy any. It feels like sometimes things just don't want to go the right way.

Well enough of that.

Until next week!

Elder Trevor Baker

P.S. A member played us this song called 3 steps to heaven by showaddywaddy and said that this is what we need to do to get home. You can google it if you want. Haha

Monday, November 21, 2011

November 21, 2011 Hallo!

Well hallo. So another week another week. Seriously these things fly by. Can you believe that it's almost december?? I left at the end of Feb.!! Time has been flying.

Well we got sister missionaries this past week. They are legit like usual. I always say that sisters do the work of 3 sets of elders. This is due to a variety of reasons which would take far too long to go into right now. So...

Sadly, the past few months have been full of the slow tedious side of missionary work. There really isn't anything new to report, except for one thing. And that is how much I love learning.

So I guess I will talk about what I have been learning because, for some reason, that seems (at least visually) all that I am doing here. I was listening to a Hugh Nibley talk that he gave at BYU some time ago on the subject of Brigham Young and how much he loved learning. (As an aside, I learned that Hugh Nibley can speak German) And I was inspired from that point on to take control of situations and search for things that I can learn from them. In the talk, he talked about how we need to seek knowledge from the best books available. How we need to learn the sciences, the arts, history, literature, languages, and so on and so forth. It was really cool. It made me miss college but at the same time I feel like when I get back, I will be better prepared for it.

I have been really searching the scriptures for new insights that I never before had, as well as using the teachings of people like Hugh Nibley, Cleon Skousen, Truman G.Madsen, and Bruce R. Mconkie. I have been loving it. I don't know whats happened to me! I have all of a sudden started to love reading! AHHH!

Well, we have had lately extra time of mission wide finding time. On Wedesndays we have stuff like "consecrated finding time" which to me personally sounds a little redundant because my time here is already consecrated.

Well we did it, and had some interesting people answer doors and such. One old lady was real nice to us but didn't have any interest. We talked with her for about 15 minutes. Then we talked to a woman who very violently slammed the door in our face. It was funny. I think she was being rude on purpose. Haha. Then we talked with a guy who said that Christ never existed. Then, Elder Jongejan said that he definitely did exist. Then there came the door. Haha. It was something that we just have to work with.

So, the weather here has been changing (why is the weather always a topic of discussion? haha...) and it has really been getting cold around here. I have busted out the heavy coats and stuff. Hopefully, it doesn't get too bad.

Last night we went by a member to drop off a Book of Mormon in Turkish and the members were like come on in! So we came in and talked with them for a while. (They are seriously like the coolest members here.) We even got a ton of ice cream and got some Christmas stuff to send back home! So be expecting something in the mail in a little bit. I love Christmas time!

So let's see... we moved the sisters in which was cool. I am way jealous they have an apartment overlooking the old city and it's a very nice one. We spent almost all day moving boxes of furniture up these stairs to an elevator. It was just crazy.

I also went to ward soccer night which was cool. I turned down the notch on the soccer though which was nice.

Thanks guys for sending me emails every week. Especially Grandma in Phoenix, Sean, Grammie, Mom, and Everyone back at the house. I know I don't really respond specifically, but I do read your emails every week.

So what's the status on that package? Is my birthday package supposed to turn into a Christmas package? Let me know what's up.

Thanks guys Love you all!

Elder Trevor Baker

Monday, November 14, 2011

November 14, 2011 Staying in Nurnberg!!!

Hey Guys, this week we got transfer calls and I get to stay in Nürnberg for Christmas! Yay!

So basically there are a couple of cool things in Nürnberg during Christmas time. There is the world's Largest (so I hear) Christmas Market. As well as it being the Christmas capital of the world. So that means I may send a few things home for Christmas!

There are a couple more developments of late. Such as the weather all of a sudden plunging. It's gotten really cold here. I have started wearing gloves and a scarf. And its only Autumn, I get to experience Winter here in a month or so. Yay!

Strange story--so I think we talked to a cannibal this week. He was talking about some crazy religious cannibal thing which I didnt understand at first. But he decided to give out some reading material (which we took, innocently) and took it home. Then as we started to read through it, we found out what it was. Haha, we got rid of that fast.

Well, this week has been pretty same old same old. It tends to happen like that when you stay in an area for over 3 months. I am trying to get better at writing things down that I see and hear.

Thanks everyone for sending me mail. I have sent off all of the letters that I needed to write and perhaps I will be able to send some German chocolate home soon.

Thanks guys, I don't really need anything out here. Keep up the work (whatever it is)!

Elder Trevor Baker

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Listening for the Spirit November 7, 2011

So what's up guys?

First off I got Dad´s email as well as Emma´s and Mom´s and Grandma´s! Thanks y'all! (I have to represent my southern twang) And the emails were nice; they help me get by week by week.

So this week has been pretty good. We definitely had a lot going on. First off, our new (ish) investigator was at a baptism! (Not hers but a kid´s) and she thought it was great! She is honestly the most (dare I say) golden investigator that we have ever had. She regularly attends church, all the activities, we are getting her involved in institute, and she has been reading (she is somewhere in Alma I think) and it's been going great. The only setback is that her parents have something against the church. That can be addressed though. We have awesome members.

On a side note, I found something very interesting out this week. We were at some kind of missionary meeting and I found out that in the school curriculum here, they teach that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is on the same level as the JWs and Scientologists. I could not believe it. However, the German govt considers us non sectarian or something like that and the govt puts us on the same level as the Catholics and Protestants. Just some interesting tid bits.

Anyways with our investigators we always see how it goes and take it from there while always listening for the spirit. It works out great. I love the way teaching works.

Anyways, back to the investigator. We had an epic joint teach with out ward mission leader and his wife. They explained points that we could not really elaborate on in German (let alone English). It was stellar. When asked if she would set a baptismal date, she said "not yet" due to her parents. So I guess we need to figure that one out.

We also had a great lesson in Priesthood this week. We taught a nice lesson on Preach my Gospel and how it applies to members as well as missionaries. (That means you all should get one; it really is good) We talked about scripture study and how we can make it more spiritual. I am of the doctrine that we learn faster through the Holy Ghost. I have seen it here with myself and as well as my companion. It's really awesome. I have learned so much. I dont think I could write everything down, even if I had the time.

Anyways, back to the Priesthood class. In Preach my Gospel there is a section about learning the language. It not only emphasizes how we as missionaries can learn the language faster, it talks about those who don't speak English. It encourages them to learn it because of how important it is to learn another language. There are also other conclusions I have drawn from that. I would have to write them down so I can send you another email next week. I made a couple of those points in Priesthood class. There was one member who was like... "Well the language of heaven will be English!" It was pretty funny.

Well, Thanks guys for sending me mail (LaShae) and I am honestly working on writing letters (honestly Pday is our busiest day).

Thanks for all the Prayers and have a good week!

Elder Trevor Baker

Monday, October 31, 2011

October 31, 2011 Halloween!

Hey Guys! It's Halloween!

I guess I will start off...

This week has been pretty good. We haven't had a bunch of appointments, but we have definitely talked to some interesting people on bahns and on the street. We have definitely planted some good seeds. Elder Jongejan even talked to some basketball players on a bahn and had an awesome conversation. One of the guys was 7 feet 2 inches. It was sweet!

I have been really working on learning as much as I can while I am out here. Right now I have been studying D&C and so far it has been really cool. I have learned so much about the early history of the church as well as many revelations regarding the Millenium, life after death, and the many records that are to come forth. I love the scriptures. When I finish D&C, I will start to work on the Pearl of Great Price then the Old Testament. Ah, I am so excited!

I am loving my time here in Nuernberg with Elder Jongejan, and I am excited to see what is in store for me next transfer!

So this week at church, we had an excellent Sunday. After our investigator came (for the fourth week in a row) the ward members have been getting so excited for missionary work! Members have been offering to help us out with appointments and giving us opportunities to help the ward with missionary moments. We had a great combined priesthood and relief society meeting where we talked about how the ward can not only do missionary work but ward work as well. We also showed them tools they can use to share the gospel such as pamphlets, pass along cards, and DVDs.

I really think that our new investigator is meant to get our ward up and moving with missionary work. She has been extremely receptive to what is being taught in the church classes. She has even read in the Book of Mormon and prayed, and I believe that she felt something. We have an appointment later this week, and we (and the ward too) are really excited about it!

Next week Elder Jongejan and I are teaching the priesthood class about preach my gospel. We are definitely excited but of course, we are still trying to decide what angle we want to take. We just need to listen to the spirit and do what he says.

By the way, the Germans don't really celebrate Halloween. There are a few that do, but it's not as big here. I think today we are going to be carving pumkins. We thought about doing a Hitler Halloween and carve our pumpkins with the stasches on them but I don't think we will have time today to go to the Doku Zentrum, which is the massive arena complex that Hitler built while he was here.

Oh another milestone... as of tomorrow, I am one third of the way done with my mission (but who is counting?) Also, I found out that I won't be getting home on March 2 2013, but I will be home 2 weeks before that. (Honestly I am not counting)

I am glad sister Davis thought that the letter (and cartoon) I sent her was funny. I thought it was hilarious. I was really tempted to show Aaron Vincent the cartoon over his email... Oh well. Haha.

Everything else is going welll over here and I hope that I will be able to stay for Christmas. They are already putting up the decorations all over the city. I will start taking pictures in a couple of days.

Thanks for everything, and no, I don't need more vitamins (I can buy them here) and other than that, I am doing great. By the way, candy is not a requisite for a care package. I am a fatty out here. =)

Elder Trevor Baker


Monday, October 24, 2011

October 24, 2011 The Good and the Bad--that's how it goes.

Hey guys, so this week had a couple of cool things happen and a couple of not so cool things. That's really how it goes though.

Anyways, so we were going to a members house and we were waiting at a bus stop and we hear this car really revving its engine. We look around the corner and we see this stalled car in the middle of the road (blown transmission) and we run out there and ask if there is anything we can do. ( I am sure she was thinking "duh") So we end up pushing her little European car down the road across an intersection and into this auto shop. It was really cool that we got to help someone right at that second. It was definitely scary though.

Then later on in the day, we were walking down the street talking about how pidgeons don't fly anymore, they just walk everywhere. Then out of nowhere, this pidgeon comes swooping down nearly hitting this guy in the face. We saw this all happen and watched the guy with a funny look on his face. Definitely one of the funniest moments of the week.

So we have been hit hard numberwise this week. The whole zone has been hit hard and we don't really know why. Maybe it's not the right time... Oh well.

Nothing really new has happened in the last week other than interviews with President which went well.

He talked about using service projects to make the Mormons get out there. He also talked about using surveys too. It sounded interesting and we are going to have to check out what the ZLs did for surveys.

We had an interesting lesson with an investigator who might not actually be investigating. We talked about a ton of different scriptures pertaining to God, and when we finished, he sealed the deal with, "There are lots of interpretations for these scriptures..." And kind of took it down that road. It's unfortunate that we might drop him because he wont make any progress, but that's the nature of the game!

I guess that Zone Conference is on Thanksgiving this month and there is an awesome member there who is going to cook for us! I am so stoked! She cooks for all the Zone Conferences as well as other missionary events. Members here really know how to hook us up! She even said that she was going to go to Grafenwöhr (sp?) and pick up some American stuff off of the base. Yeah!

Thanks guys for sending me so much mail!

(Keyboard at the internet shop is horrible so sorry it's not too long today.)

Love you guys!

Elder Trevor Baker

Thursday, October 20, 2011

October 17, 2011 One Week Closer to Christmas

Hey guys!

So I really don't know what happens to these weeks, they just fly by. I honestly don't know where my time went.

Well, I guess the big thing that happened this week was a little experiment. We (all 4 Elders in the city) decided to see how many pass along cards we could pass out and see how many referrals result from it. So far we haven't had anything directly result from it, but its still a good idea.

We had a couple of referrals within the last couple of weeks but they didn't turn into any investigators. Oh well, things happen.

Yeah, this week has been kinda boring, I just hope it picks up around Christmas. Things have been a lot of the same.

Well, I have been reading a lot of conference talks and they are sweet! The one by Elder Ardern is sweet--it talks about using time wisely.

Then there was the one by Elder Callister talking about the Book of Mormon. I have used some of the teaching examples in a couple of my lessons from his talk. The idea about the Bible is one point and the Book of Mormon is the second point. And when we draw a line between both of them, there can only be one line.

Well this email is going to be pretty short this week.

I am so proud of all of your trying to spread the gospel back home! I know that all of your efforts will not go unblessed!

Thanks for sending me all of those emails and I am trying to write back to the people that wrote letters I promise!

Love you all!

Elder Baker

Monday, October 10, 2011

October 10, 2011 Things are changing!

Well Hello Hello!

Things in Nürnberg are going just as well as ever! So this is the first week of the new transfer and things are changing! So the weather has been changing and it's getting cold and raining. I am actually glad it's getting cold. My reason for this is because when I wear a coat, I dont look as fat. =)

So yeah, leaves are changing, we are having just as much fun as ever too. It's fun when we walk along this busy road to get to the U-Bahn station. These massive trucks decide they want to drive really close to the curb and splash water on us. Haha. It's fun though, on the way here Elder Jongejan got nailed.

So we were in the middle of an appointment and Brüder Keller, our joint teach was talking about the war and when he was little he had to scavenge to make money to buy food. He was talking about how the Americans bombed and destroyed a lot of Nürnberg. He pointed at me and said, "Ihr habt das gemacht!" Which means, "You did that!" Elder Jongejan and I were laughing because he makes little jokes like that all the time. It's all in good fun. It's funny what he does to missionaries; he tries to make it awkward for us by using sarcasm. Most Germans don't get sarcasm, but Brüder Keller does because he spent a lot of time around Americans after the war. So most missionaries don't expect a
German to use sarcasm. We get caught off guard sometimes when he says that we have to pay him for joint teaching appointments. He is hilarious. He even tells us to wire money in from the mission office. Haha.

Well, Elder Jongejan and I had a nice refferal from a little (and I mean LITTLE) community (that's the only thing I can call it) from Well, we finally got out there, after taking a train from the trainstation and and walking for like 2 hours--on a hiking trail. We get there (in the rain) and use the doorbell, and this guy comes out. He's like "Yeah?" So we were like, we recieved information and stuff. He respond with, "We don't believe in anything." We offered to leave a card and he said, "It's not necessary." Yay... referral contacted... Either way, we might end up going back and putting our number on a card in their mailbox. I think the wife was the one who had interest.

Also, in Nürnberg it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! (This is the Christmas capital of the world) And I LOVE IT. There is a pre-Christmas market in Fürth, which is part of the city, and I hear that they have a roasting Ox every year. Like an Ox on a spicket just turning. I also hear that it's really expensive (which is why I won't be having any) but delicious. I guess I can just take pictures? Haha, The four of us are going to check it out today. (If the weather lets up).

Let's see, there was also the suspected alcoholic cake (which we got from a member) so hurrah for number 2! We went by a less active and she was like, oh here is some apple cake I just made. So we had it and it was alright and took some home. I was eating dinner (after finishing our fast) and I was like, why does it smell like alcohol? Well we deducted (is that the right word?) that the cake was the source so we threw it out. Fun.

I had Elder Anderson call the office and they said that they never got the package so yeah, apparently it's lost in Germany somewhere. So I say that we should skip the Christmas package and save myself from a lot of trouble.

Well that's about everything interesting that happened this week. To be honest with you, I was thinking this email was going to be a lot shorter. : )

Well on to the "challenges" section of the email. (I call it "challenges" because I refuse to call it complaining.)

The work here is slow but I see signs of improvement. I have been looking up some of the prophecies for Germany, (there's a lot, and I will share some of those next week so I can write them down and stuff) and there is a TON that has to and will happen to the church here in Germany. I have heard things that were shared by apostles and general authorities that speak about Germany exploding with members. I am excited! For now however, I need to learn patience and work on preaching the gospel humbly. The work is slow and steady, but it will pick up. My question is, Will the people become agents unto themselves, or will something act upon them?

I guess I will leave that as a nice little segue (spelling?) to my next email.

Love you guys!

Elder Trevor Baker

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Beautiful Nuremberg!

Elder Baker and Elder Jongejon & the Nurnberg District

Elder Baker 6'1" & Elder Jongejon 6'9"--The tallest Elder in the Germany Frankfurt Mission!!

Nurnberg/Bayern District

October 4, 2011 Staying in Nurnberg!!

So I am staying in Nürnberg with Elder Jongejan!

Basically, I don't even know what happened this week, but I will try to sum it up.

So I heard a story from a couple of Elders in my Zone. Apparently the Pope lives somewhere around here in my zone. And some Elders were doing some door to doors and found someone. They asked him what the purpose of life was. The man answered, if I have any questions about that I will ask my brother; he's the Pope.

So we found a new finding idea (because I hate doing street contacting and door to doors) we basically stand near one of the entrances to the old city and hand out pass along cards with our info on them. So far we have literally seen dozens of people fold up the cards and put them in their pockets. It's worked so nicely. People around here hate it when we walk up to them and start talking with them, so we are starting to get a little more creative. It's something that I learned out here that I can expound on later.

So General Conference was sweet! I got a ton of notes on it too! (I have never done that before) So my favorite talk was definitely by Elder Tad R. Callister. He totally nailed it out of the park with his talk! I am actually going to print it off today too. I loved how he said that it was either true or it wasn't. And that the only way you can figure it out is if you read it. (The Book of Mormon) (sorry my thoughts aren't as well rounded as they used to be, I have been thinking in German lately)

Well on the way to emails today there was a guy who thought he was so clever. He walked up to us and started asking us crazy questions and then brought up polygamy. It wasnt his ignorance that was making me angry, it was all the people who were staring and laughing, while he was making us look like idiots. Well, I figured what he wanted was a negative response so we didn't give him one. Haha sucker!

So Elder Jongejan and I already started an Advents Kalendar. It's so cool! We are going to do one for next month too! Haha!

So there was a quote from a talk that I heard, it wasn't general conference though. It said, "All frustration comes from unmet expectations." I thought that was so right. I was having a frustrating day yesterday and it was because I was expecting too much of myself. I was expecting myself to be a robot and be able to pull the missionary work all by myself. Of course that's not how its going to be. Oh well, live and learn.

So I found out that Elder Petersen is coming and going to be living in the same apartment as us! Yeah! I am pumped.

In my personal reading, I am working on Doctrine and Covenants, which has been going really well, I am almost done. I love reading scriptures!

Well, things here are going well. And I hope you all have a good week!

Elder Trevor Baker

Thursday, September 29, 2011

September 26, 2011 Still Greenie Elders!! HaHa

Transfer calls already this week? Time is going by fast!

So this week was pretty good. Elder Jongejan and I have had a lot to do and have been really busy, which is good. The sad thing is that I can't remember what we really did last week and I have even started to write them down. Well let's see what we have got...,

So first off Elder Jongejan and I were looking for a place that sells pens and envelopes. We found a possible place called "Paulos Buchhandlung." We were like sweet! So we walk right in and I start to see pictures of the Pope and some other religious things. Then this Nun walks by and asks if she can help with anything. I thought "That makes sense now." Everything clicked. Then some old lady cornered me off and started talking to me with a thick Bayerisch accent (I to this day do not remember what she said) and all I got out of it was, "It's nice to see people laugh and smile, the old folks home is horrible." Something to that effect. Well they didn't have any pens or envelopes so we walked right out, and thought about how that may look. A couple of Mormons walking out of a Catholic bookstore. Haha, we are such greenies out here.

We had another good week of ward soccer night. I didn't break or injure anything this time though! But we still played hard and our investigator told me that I am an attacker... funny. Haha.

So a couple of nights ago, Elder Jongejan was trying to fix a light bulb. (he is way tall, the perfect person to do it) and he twisted in in the socket and it made some cool purple and green looking sparks. That was way fun. Missionary apartments are always a blast.

So as far as my care package, I got aunt Glenda's but I didn't get yours. Don't feel bad about me not getting it. (It's probably a good thing so I don't get any fatter than I already am(+ 20 lbs)) And as far as Christmas goes, just use that money to pay for that month. I don't really need anything. I am however, excited for the package whenever I get it.

Zone Conference was pretty good. I really enjoyed listening to all the new ideas that are being tossed around. The more and more I learn and stay here, the more and more I become aware of missionary politics. Dont worry though, I am not going to complain about that. I can honestly see it impeding the work though. Just saying.

Well I don't really know what else happened this week. We had some good appointments and some not so good ones but that comes with the job.

Have fun back home and try not to have too much fun without me.

Love You!

Elder Trevor Baker

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

September 19, 2011 Locked IN!

So I guess this week didnt have much going on but there were a few funny instances. Probably the best one was when Elder Jongejan and I got locked in the apartment.

So what happened was that Elder Jongejan left his keys in the door over night, and the Zone Leaders had to go up to Frankfurt early in the morning. So they left at about 7:00 and thought that the keys were theirs and decided to lock the door behind them on the way out. So Elder Jongejan and I go through studying and get ready to go out and do some work and that's when we realized it. We were locked in... on the second floor. So what happened was we called the Zone Leaders and they were in a meeting so they didn't answer. We basically cancelled everything that we had going on that day (which wasn't much) and chilled in the apartment. So about a couple of hours later, Elder Anderson calls us and says, "I am so sorry." He said that he thought the keys were his and that he wouldnt be home until 9:30 (it was actually 9:45) and that we really couldn't do anything. Then he asked us if we have ever seen the movie The Princess Bride. We said yeah, and then he suggested that we tie bed sheets together and rappel out the window (I kid you not, that's what he suggested). Elder Jongejan and I look out the balcony thing and see that its a good 20 ft drop down to the pavement. I wasnt really thinking about how bad that would be if something went wrong, but I was thinking about how long it would take for some neighbor to call the cops on us. So we decided to just do some more studying and playing Die Siedler von Catan all day.

That was just about the coolest thing that happened to us this week. Other than Oktoberfest starting this week. We get to enjoy it today! Aha just kidding. But seriously, I saw massive groups of guys walking around the inner part of the city in Lederhosen. It looked pretty ridiculous. I even heard that Elder Mayle bought some.

So General Conference is coming up, which we get to see at our ward building. It's the stake building so a ton of people are going to be there. We have already started inviting lots of people, less actives, inactives and so on.

It has started to get cold around here! Finally! It feels like Autumn (Winter too) is here! We have already started listening to Christmas music!

Elder Jongejan and I joke about how some missionaries letters compare to the area they serve. So in South America, they talk about lots of baptisms and a bajillion lessons each week. In North America they talk about way awesome spiritual experiences and how many member referrals they get. But here, because of how many times we get rejected, we have to laugh and joke a lot. I think its something that takes our minds off of the rejection. I have honestly never had a time in my life where people were rejecting what I say and what I am teaching, than out here. But I am learning a lot and I feel like I am making the most of my time here.

It doesn't seem like we have any baptisms on the horizon here but on a brighter note (and a completely different topic) I finished the Book or Mormon this morning. Like actually studying it, it was intense. Now I guess I am going to start in D&C and then move onto the Old Testament. Yeah, thats right. That's how hardcore we are here.

We are having a degree of sucess. We got a contact last week, and also a lesson yeasterday! Yeah, then we found out that they are already being taught by the other Elders... But we got a referral and we set up an appointment with him so that should go well.

Well like 2 weeks left in this transfer and time has been flying by! It's unbelievable.

I guess the only "TRAGIC" thing (haha) is that I HAVENT BEEN GETTING CHICK MAIL! WHAT IS THIS? Sometimes it's the only thing that keeps you going. lol Elder Jongejan STILL gets chick mail, and he is 1 transfer older than me.

So yeah, good times here in Nürnberg, things are going well. Thanks for the packages that you all sent and I really do appreciate it, even if I dont write an ultra impressive email. It's great, I love it.

So yeah, I will catch you all next week!

Love you!

Elder Trevor Baker

Monday, September 12, 2011

September 12, 2011 Elder Bednar's visit

Hey guys, so this week seemed like just another week. It seems like it's been forever since I had a Pday. Maybe it's because Elder Bednar came and talked to us.

By the way, that was way awesome. If you wanted to get good notes you could probably check Elder Garlick's blog. I didn't take notes. Now that's not because I am lazy, but it's because Elder Bendar said that it wouldnt help us if we took notes. It was interesting. He talked a lot about being Agents and acting for ourselves, and not being acted upon. It was way cool. He even discussed at some lengths some of the Mormon "Culture" and what is, and what isn't, doctrine. He said that to make sure you dont start taking in weird doctrines, you should check to see if there is scriptural evidence to back it up, as well as the repeated words of apostles and prophets.

Well this past week I played soccer or Fußball with the ward. They were pretty good, considering that they play soccer all the time. It went really well until I nearly sprained my ankle. I kinda did but I am still able to walk on it, and move around without it hurting. We also took one of our new investigators to Gemeinde Sport and what was funny was that Elder Jongejan slide tackled him and he wasnt very happy about it. He was all good in the end though.

We also made out 8 appointments this week, which is amazing, especially for Germany. Then by some unfortunate series of events, 9 of those 8 appointments fell out. Yeah, if you can picture it, we made out a couple more after the week started and one of them fell out. So as you might have guessed we started to reevaluate our stratagy for this transfer.

So we were out doing doors for an hour or so and there was one where a little kid opened up the door. I asked if his parents were home. So this little guy goes back and starts talking in some unknown language. He comes back and slams the door. Yeah, I got the door slammed in my face by a 4 year old. Elder Jongejan said it was hilarious. I beg to differ.

Ok so I guess here is the "challeges" section of my email. I refuse to call them "complaints" or something like that. So as far as tracting goes, out here in the Germany Frankfurt Mission, you are happy that you gave out a pass along card, let alone get contact info. Now I am not saying this is a blanket that covers all of tracting, but as far as my experience goes, there are few exceptions to the rule. Now the solution to this problem is quite simple. Work with the members. There is a lovely quote by Pres. Gordon B. Hinkley in Preach My Gospel, but I don't have time to find it right now. Basically he says that when people think of missionary work, they think of tracting. But those who are familiar with the work know that there is a better way. And that is through the members. Now this can't be more true. For me, working, getting to know, and building relationships with the members is probably the most rewarding form of working out here. Now don't get me wrong, we still have to go tracting sometimes, but 1. it's not as effective, 2. you get little results for the work that you do. So there's my two cents on that.

And just one more "challenge". Its definitely interesting getting used to a 4 man apartment. Let alone living with the Zone Leader. I guess it just takes some getting used to. I love my sleep way too much, and we rarely get to bed at 10.30.

So I was at this Elder Bednar conference and there was a sister (older, but of course not old) who was looking at me kinda funny. So she came up to me and said that she worked with Grandma at BYU-Hawaii. Her name is Sister Chase and I hear that they are still in contact. It was cool and she said that I really did look like a baker. (Even though I am getting fat) Seriously, this double chin thing has to go...

Oh also, Zone Conference is on the 22 of this month. Please dont feel rushed to send me the box if it's going to cost a fortune. I am a patient person. There is a reason why I was able to run 26.2 Miles. There is that and also General Conference, so there is a chance that I could get it there. And thanks for getting me another camera. From now on, I will back up all the images I get... sadness though.

Well, I hope everything is going well back home. Tell Colin Happy Birthday! for me. Love you guys!


Elder Trevor Baker

Monday, September 5, 2011

September 5, 2011 Now In Nurnberg(German)/Nuremberg (English)

Well, here I am in Nürnberg. This place is pretty cool. I have seen quite a bit of success here in this area in the past few days. We actually live right across the street to a cement factory. It gets pretty noisy at night.

So our apartment is a 4 man apartment. We share it with the Zone Leaders. So yeah, Elder Jongejon is my companion (all 6´8´´ of him), and then there is Elder Krebs (Elder Cancer) from Switzerland, and then Elder Anderson who is the Zone Leader. We have a good time and unfortunately, because it's raining we wont be going outside much for pday. I guess we will play Die Siedler von Catan or something. We have a good time.

So as for my new address it would be easiest if you put the mission home address on the ward bulletin. That way, I won't have to wait for 5 months to get a letter that someone sent me after I left.

So my new area Nürnberg is about the size of Charlotte and there are only 4 of us here! Its so nuts! I am in the same zone as my trainer again, and actually he is like 2 cities away from me. He is down in Regensburg.

So Elder Jongejon and I have more lessons planned this week than I have ever had before. We have like 2 days just filled with appointments (none of them are eating appointments, sadly) and we have been getting contacts out the wazoo! I really like this place. I even cracked a joke during testimony meeting and got a pretty stiff response. I was about to say tough crowd, but no one would have got it. Oh well. It's just different I guess.

As for the email thing, I dont think its exclusive to just family. The only rule about it is that it says not to let emails preoccupy anything else that you are supposed to do. "limit correspondance with others" is what it says.

Tell Colin that he has to do a ton of running for me. Haha

So I think I walked by one of the massive stadiums that Hitler used during WW2 for some of his speeches. It was way crazy. The place was massive. I also talked with a ward member about the whole ordeal with Hitler stealing all the artwork in Europe and trying to purge Europe in the process. I felt very sophisticated.

So there are a few things I learned this week. When I lost my camera, I decided to let it concern me, but not let it control me. I definitely am learning how to control my thoughts and feelings. And I guess that's one of the first steps that you have to take when you apply the gospel to your life. I have a strong feeling that the apostles and prophets are able to control their thoughts every second of every day. Way cool.

As of right now, I feel like I am learning so much so fast, I think Elder Jongejon feels the same way too. We have been so tired for the past week that we decided to get to sleep at like 10 for the past couple of nights. Talking with people all day is exhausting. But talking to people all day in another language and actively trying to listen and think at the same time is extremely exhausting.

We have also been doing dedicated finding time for a minimum of 1 hour every day. Basically that means that we go around and talk to people on the streets and do doors and stuff. So far we have 2 new investigators and made like 2 more appointments with other people. Way awesome!

Well, I will hear from you later! Let me know what you think I should do about my camera situation.

Elder Trevor Baker

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

August 29, 2011 Last Week in Krefeld

Transfer Cycle

Elder Baker and Elder Peterson

Elder Peterson and a serious game of Pokemon

The Ayala Vasquez Family

On the train with Elder Van Camp

Well, this is my last week in Krefeld. We totally thought that I was going to stay with Elder Birth for another transfer. On Tuesday I will be going to Solingen for a day and then go down to Nürnberg. That is on the other end of the mission. Its even the Christmas capital of the world! I am so excited!

There is a lot that I have learned here, a ton of it has been about myself. I have learned about my teaching style as well as how I cope with stress and emotions and even my own adaptability to different kinds of situations.

Now that I know that I am leaving I have been thinking about Nedjat, one of my investigators. He is an amazing person with incredible faith and even though I can't communicate well with him, I know that his heart is in the right place. It makes me so sad to think that I wont be around to help him progress or teach him. I have the strongest feeling that he is one of the people I was supposed to teach while out here. It saddens me however to think of another missionary dropping him because they can't communicate with him. I had been thinking about that lately, but now even more so since I received my transfer call. I am so greatful for Nedjat and everything that his family has done for us, they are amazing.

Transfers are bitter sweet, so I come to find out. Elder Birth and I decided that we have to serve with each other again, he said that there are too many memories that we would have had, but never did. Haha

Well, I will send a few pics of my last few days here. It sure was fun. Off to Nürnberg!

And I hear that you guys are sending me a package soon! Yay! I just thought of something else that would be cool, if you haven't sent it yet, but some nori, spam, and ramen noodles! Haha

By the way, it would be really nice if you could let everyone know and update it in the ward handout thing, that my address will change. Just change it to the mission office address. That would be for the best. I would still get it every week. (I think) And if not, it's not really that big of a deal. Thanks!

Elder Baker

Monday, August 22, 2011

August 22, 2011 Great Week in Krefeld

Haha! Back to school! I remember that, I guess I will still have to experience that a couple more times right? Haha.

Well, first of all, we FINALLY got a translator for one of our investigators! It was so awesome, it was definitely the best appointment I have had out here. He wants to be baptized and he has read through the Book of Mormon already and we are working on getting him some other church material. It was so awesome. We cleared up a ton about different commandments, and he even said that to him Jesus Christ is important to him. It was definitely the fruits of 4 months worth of labor. Definitely worth it.

Interesting tid-bit, we contacted somone who was in our contact at your own risk file. That was interesting. He is slightly radical in his views but he was a nice guy. It only shows me how friends can take you down the wrong path. Still, I hope he overcomes it.

As for me not wearing my glasses, I don't like wearing them outside where it's all hot and sweaty.
They just fall off my face and I have to keep adjusting them. No I didnt break them. Trust me, you will hear about it if that ever happens. Haha.

So we had an awesome time last Sunday at the Ayala Vasquez familys house. We played a game like pictionary, had some dessert and even got stuck there during a thunderstorm! Oh and I watched one of the guys play a game of Modern Warefare 2. I had to sit on my hands during it but it was cool.

So Elder Birth gave a talk during sacrament meeting and he forgot his notes at home. So that was fun. He ended up writing a talk during one of the other classes and giving it about 30 minutes later. Haha.

We had an awesome eating appointment with the Spence family too. They are awesome. Brother Spence is a great ward missionary and does a lot of work. I love it!

So I found out that our next zone conference is in about a month. The third week in the next month. Basically, there isn't anything I really really need. Except for a pillow... but thats another story. I will talk about that later. I love pictures, and videos, and things like that. American candy would be pretty cool too. Maybe like Junior Mints or something like that. Or just junior mints and ramen noodle packets. That would be an awesome package!

So about this pillow thing... Ever since I have been in Krefeld, I haven't had a pillow. I have two peices of foam in an old pillowcase. I wont dare take a picture because it would frighten you. It's really funny. We are just too lazy to go out and get a new one. That is also compounded by the fact that I don't really notice when I sleep and it doesn't bother me.

Well we also get transfer calls this week. So that means there is a chance that I am leaving or staying. I am going to guess that I am staying. But you will know next week! Guesses anyone?

Well, Today we are going to play sports down in Düsseldorf. Probably Ultimate frisbee or something.

By the way, I keep getting the crappy keyboard here in this internet cafe. It takes FOREVER to type anything.

So I will hear from you later and I love you guys back home!


Elder Trevor Baker

Monday, August 15, 2011

August 15, 2011 Pictures!!!

Elder Birth and Elder Baker

Kempen, Germany

August 15, 2011 Week???? I can't keep up anymore.

Well this has certainly been an interesting week for me. I have definitely seen a lot in just the short time I have been here.

Well to start off, every single appointment with investigators that we had fell out this week. That includes them coming to church as well. I see this as a test of patience and faith. Oh well, going back to last weeks email about goals and wishes, I have a circle of concern and a circle of influence. The circle of concern is what I may be focused on mentally, but the circle of influence determines my actions. I just need to define these... haha.

I was reading what Joseph Smith wrote about persecution and such. He said, "Marvel not, then, if you are persecuted; but remember the words of the Savior: "The servant is not above his Lord; if they have persecuted me, they will persecute you also"; and that all the afflictions which the saints have to pass are the fulfillment of the words of the prophets have spoken since the world began."

I was reading that yesterday and I thought, wow it totally is true. Every time someone yells "sect" or "satan" or "pharisees" at us, it really makes sense to me. It's really sad to hear them but nonetheless they are there.

And as I went on reading, Joseph Smith talked about how just when we are going to do the most amount of good, the most amount of opposition comes in out way. It is so true. What I have found is that people downplay and even outright deny the power of the opposition of good. It exists and I believe that is one of the precious pieces of knowledge that has been lost over time. It sure is scary.

Well on to other things, Elder Birth and I love chocolate. It only fits that we are in Germany where the chocolate is amazing. Last week we got a ton of chocolate and a ton of ice cream, it was awesome, but at the same time it was pretty bad. We came up with a quote: "The easiest way to get rid of a temptation is to give into it. Then its no longer a temptation but a regret." I will just let you savor those words of wisdom.

It was so bad last week, that Elder Birth and I had a massive sugar crash. We named it "The great sugar crash of the 12th of August." It was really bad. No energy. Haha.

Also, I got these awesome talks from Elder Mayle by a guy named John Lund. We listened to one recently and there was something in it that struck me pretty hard. "Mature love is when you learn to appreciate differences and not resent them." It just made sense to me. It applies both to married life, dating life, missionary life, and just life in general. I find that when I focus on people's good qualities and spend less time focusing on imperfections of others, I am generally more happy. Truth! This is truth!

Well, we wont have zone conference until the second or third week maybe in September. So yeah. Oh well. I was actually hearing some good advice. When you send Christmas packages, make sure you send them a couple months early otherwise they will get here late. Deutsche Post... crazy.

Well, that's about it for this week. Hope all is good and I will hear from you all next week!

Elder Trevor Baker

Monday, August 8, 2011

August 8, 2011 Heyo

So its another week here in Kre-Feld!

Well, I have gotten to know Elder Birth a little bit more now and he is a pretty cool guy. The only problem is that I get the feeling that I wont be with him for more than one transfer. We have both talked about it and we both get the same feeling. But you know, anything can happen. I actually joked that I would train next transfer. Haha. Now that would be interesting. I doubt it though.

Anyways, on to things that happened during the week. As far as productivity goes, Edler Birth and I get a lot done together witch is really good. We had a few more lessons than last week and we have been building a stronger relationship with the ward. I feel like I am starting to see success. Watch I am going to get transferred. Hah.

So I was in Düsseldorf last week. Again. I was with Elder Telfer, one of the zone leaders, again. Haha. We still had fun though. We basically went all over the city and did some refferal work. It was intense but fun. Elder Telfer is definitely zone leader material.

So we met this lady who was refferred from Göttingen a couple of weeks ago at the church. We brought Brüder Polkähn along and had an awesome tour of the building. We went into the Chapel and the woman explained that i looked really plain. Brüder Polkähn explained that pretty well and because he used to be catholic, he was able to give her the perfect answer. We later showed her the Baptismal font and she was like, I really want to be baptized. So I guess we have a soft baptismal commitment! =)

So I just thought of something I thought was really interesting that I learned this week. So, as missionaries, we deal with goal setting and using these numbers as key indicators of how things are going in our particular area. Well, I realized what a goal really is. A goal is something that I or we as a companionship achieve. So applying it to missionary work: Lets say I want to have 2 baptisms. That is not a goal, that is a wish. It depends on somebody elses agency for it to be fulfilled. This being said, I have learned how to not feel bad if I fall short of goals. I have learned not to be dissapointed to the point where I feel like I am at fault. I still feel bad for the person who may not have made the right choice, but as for myself, I have learned how to feel successful, even where on the surface it may not look like it. Sorry if that doesnt make sense, I can feel like my english is going. Haha.

Oh funny story. So I was not adequately warned around here that the Germans put weird stuff in their Ice Cream. So I bought some Straciatella Ice Cream, which is very delicous by the way. I hadn´t looked at what was in it because I was just used to buying it. I bought the cheapest kind. It was actually a different brand than what I usually get. You can see where this is going cant you? Anyways, I had already eaten half of it and Elder Birth had just finished talking to me about the stuff germany put in their ice cream. That made me really want some. So I go into the freezer and pull it out and walk back to the couch with a spoon. I really didnt want to check on the back and just start eating but I took heed to Elder Births advice. He asked " are you going to check?" I was like... "maybe" It was at that moment that I realized that this ice cream was especially delicous and i couldnt quite get the taste. I checked. It had "Wein" in it. So I had to go and throw it out. I will say though, this ice cream was delicious. Anyways, to end the story, I was really sad that that ice cream was so good but so bad. Oh well. I guess thats my lesson for not checking what is in stuff before I buy it.

Well, Elder Birth and I may play a couple games of Die Siedler Von Catan and maybe some frisbee later today.

I hope everything is going well at home and by the sound of it, it is.

I love you guys!

Elder Baker

Sunday, August 7, 2011

August 1, 2011 Happy Birthday Mom

Hey Everybody!

First of all, I would just like to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!! Its so crazy that I have been out for 5 months. I cant believe how fast time goes by.

So as far as care packages and what not goes, the best place to send them are at the mission office. We have Zone Conference every month and I would get it then. Dont worry, I am not in a huge rush to get anything. Oh and I found a really cheap iPod at a really sketchy pawn shop here. 35 Euros, so I am good on music. This pawn shot was REALLY sketchy. Like insane. But I got a deal. Haha

Well, I got a new companion. His name is Elder Birth (Stephen, or Steven if you want to facebook stalk). He is from Holliday UT and is way awesome! I definitely have a lot that i can learn from him.

By the way, this computer I am using is ridiculously horrible so this email might not be so long. Gah, internet cafes. Sometimes I feel like I need a shower after going into one.

My awesome language skills are getting pretty legit. I can communicate pretty easily in german but i cant express how i feel very well which is typical. The language is coming along really well. I can tell that things are getting easier.

Last week was great, we had a ton of people in church. It was filled up and there was no more room. People had to sit on the stand.

This transfer is going to be really good, Elder Birth and I are going to get a lot done. We definitely work together really well. This transfer we are pushing for at least one baptism. We can totally do it.

We do teach a lot of people from a lot of different places. This place is certainly a melting pot.

Lets see, we are teaching Eckhardt. He is a German who is very intelligent. He has some really good questions and he is coming along pretty nicely. We are taking the bishop next time we go teach him.

We have also Maja who is from Serbia. She is otherwise known as Grandma. She is way nice and has a good mindset about people. We meet with her pretty often, answering questions and what not.

We also got a couple of referrals and made out appointments with them. We also have Brother Polkhaen going with us to one appointment on tuesday. He is the guy playing the accordian. He is on the right in the pictrures i sent last time.

Well, I love you guys and I will be sure to take lots of pictures with Elder Birth!

Elder Trevor Baker

Monday, July 25, 2011

July 25, 2011 Staying in Krefeld

Well this email should make up for the really short one last week. There was a TON of stuff that happened last week.

First of all, I went to Wesel. FINALLY. I have been hearing about Wesel for the past 2 transfers and I hear it is awesome. And it was. So I was working with Elder Holzer and we had a great time.

So Elder Holzer is a really good missionary. Way awesome. Probably the most energetic person I have seen in the mornings. He has such an appetite for work.

Anyways, we went to a place called Franks Hood. Basically it is a refugee camp for people from all over the world. My first thought was, "This looks like Boy Scout camp." Run down buildings but incredibly resilient people. We taught like 3 lessons there.

My experience with our Macedonian man (who still wants to get baptized) came in handy as I had learned a few words and was able to communicate using primarily hand signals and simple (broken) German. Elder Holzer did an awesome job keeping things on track too.

So Wesel is a little north of Krefeld and it was 99.8% destroyed in WW2. They actually held a meeting trying to decide if they want to rebuild Wesel in the same place or in another location. So the story goes.

Then the next day, I went up to Düsseldorf to work with Elder Telfer who actually trained Elder Liebelt my MTC companion. He is definitely a great worker and we had a couple of lessons while I was there.

We taught James, a progressing investgator, in English as well as having a member present. The members name is Boahine. He is from Africa and is a King. Yeah thats right, I had a member lesson with an African King. He is very knowledgeable about the scriptures and can quote from memory verses at will in at least 2 different languages. Epic.

Now when I finally got back to Krefeld we got transfer calls. Elder Mayle is leaving Krefeld. (FINALLY) and I am staying. My new companion is Elder Birth. He is currently in Gelsenkirchen. I don't know how he works or anything but I hear he is pretty cool.

So we also had Sommerfest on Saturday which was pretty sweet. Free food and hanging out with people from the ward? I'm there. I will put up some pics and a couple videos.

The game we were playing in the pictures was Settlers of Catan. It was so much fun. We actually have one in Krefeld. Its so awesome!

Well, I need to go and upload videos and pictures. I will talk to you later!

Oh and by the way, Zone Conference is going to be either the first or second week in August. Just fyi.

Love You guys!

Elder Trevor Baker

Oh and I was just wondering if I should go out and get some kind of ipod. Elder Mayle is leaving and I don't have any music. I was going to look around and see if I could find one. Just let me know. Bye!

Monday, July 18, 2011

July 18, 2011 Learning Some Lessons

Hey Guys!

This week was pretty cool. I found some teachings of the prophets books in English which was cool. I read a lot in the one from Wilford Woodruff. I definitely learned a lot from it.

So I have about 4 ish tips for people.

1. Dont share ultra spiritual experiences with others. Those are for your own edification.
2. When someone shares a spiritual experience, stirve and pray to obtain the spirit so that you may learn from it as well. It probably means that they wanted you to feel the same thing that they felt when it happend.
3. As one continues to study and live the gospel, the more he or she wants to share it with others.
4. Dont ever brush off an "ah ha!" or epiphany moment from someone. I guarantee that you can learn from it too.

So as I was reading in the Teachings of the Prophet Wilford Woodruff book and I felt impressed to do a better job at keeping a journal of things that come to me. I have always been pretty bad at it but now I feel like I can keep it up out here.

This week is the last week I spend with Elder Mayle and or Krefeld. I find out where I go next and who my next companion is on Saturday.

Oh, interesting thing happened on Sat. We were on our way back from Kempen after a fallen out appointment and we got to Bahnhof, and we saw JWs everywhere. After some inquiring, we found out that there was a massive conference in Dortmund for a couple of days. Anyways, we started to get surrounded by about 15 of them and we could see that they were coming in for some kind of bash (so we assumed). So applying some clever body language, we blocked them off from coming up and talking to us. We could see them pointing and making imaginary name tags with their hands at us. We got out unscathed fortunately. Just another day in the war between good and evil.

In other news, we had a cool appointment with Frau Dernelc. She calls us her grandsons. We keep teaching her about the Book of Mormon and I even shared some pics from back home. She sends her greetings and loves how happy we look. She thinks dad is way cool for being a pilot too. She said she always wanted to be a flight sterwardess, but she became a nurse instead. She is a way cool lady and maybe I can send a picture or two home.

I got all the birthday wishes and the ecards too. Thanks guys it was really nice!

The only thing that I wish was different out here is that I wish I could go running every now and then. It's pretty rough going from almost every day to twice in 3 months. It's really hard. That's definitely the most difficult thing out here for me. I can handle not being at home, or with fancy electronics, but not running is definitely a sacrifice that I have had to make.

Sorry for the little venting at the end.

Love you guys and I cant wait until next week!

Elder Trevor Baker

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

July 11, 2011 New Mission President and German Ice Cream!


So this past week has been pretty cool. It was my birthday which was interesting and to a point didn't feel like it, so don't feel too bad. Haha

We actually had an eating appointment with the Bree Family and it went really well. They even made me a cake. Elder Mayle and I are trying to work with the members under the direction of the new mission president, who is AWESOME by the way. He talked a lot about meeting with members and showed us its importance.

I actually had my interview with him on my birthday which was pretty cool. He is so cool. He reminds me of a grandpa kind of figure. His wife even gave me a Lindt chocolate bar. It was delicious (of course).

If you can believe it, transfer calls come in a couple of weeks. That means I am no longer a newbie and I could potentially be leaving this area of the mission. I really hope I stay though. I love my district. Especially Elder Hogan and Elder Peterson. They love movies just about as much as I do and love doing awesome stuff like, getting JW material and destroying it so it doesn't get into the hands of people searching for the truth.

Just a little bit of an update on our Serbian investigator, we met with him and he said he wanted to get baptized. So we were like, can we set up a date? and he said he wanted to wait until his son gets married. ... We need a translator really bad haha.

I dont think you got a picture, but I actually cut my own hair. I buzzed it just like you did to Colin. Haha it looked alright but I was just lazy so I did it myself.

Not much else happened this week, but it was still good. I will try and write down some of the things that happen in District meeting and throughout the week.

Love You!
Elder Trevor Baker

P.S. This is the only new picture I took. Its called Spagetti Eis. Basically its the most delicious ice cream I have ever had. It was vanilla Ice Cream and Kiwi Sauce and Kiwis. It's a good thing this place is right next to our apartment. Haha.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

July 4, 2011 Happy Birthday this Week!!!

The Perfected Krefelder Kraken
(Death by Chocolate turns into Death by Calories!!!) Read On.....

Hey Mom!

Thanks for all the birthday wishes! Especially from everyone! I loved the ecard too. I got a couple really cool European ties too. They look pretty epic. We got ties for the Fourth of July too.

So we remade the Kraken, and its new and improved. Here are the numbers.

I counted a minimum of 25,000 calories in it. One piece is about 625 calories. It is literally death.

Here is the rundown of what is in it. Bottom layer brownies with german white chocolate. On top of that is peanut butter. Middle layer my cookies with milk chocolate chunks. Then more peanut butter on top of that. Then the top layer is more brownie with german white chocolate. Then to top it off, we got brand name oreos crushed them up and put them on top with lindt liquid chocolate.

I ended up eating 2 pieces yesterday. Basically thats 1250 calories just like that. Hahaha

Not much happened this week other than that. We had a good time tie shopping and we also met the new mission president. He has the grandpa way about him. Its pretty cool. He even gave us hugs haha. He also said dont do street contacting which was interesting. He is changing a lot but I know that he is doing things that president Ninow could never have done. Its because he is german and knows the culture. Way cool guy and I can't wait until I have an interview with him. Oh and his wife loves running! hahaha

So today we are going to have a party in Duisburg so I should take some pics and stuff and send them next week. The party is for 4th of July and we are all bringing stuff to it. I can't wait. We are leaving in about an hour for it.

I dont really know what else to talk about other than nothing has happened like the bahn thing from last week and things are still going well. Oh and just let people know once more that even though I dont have time to respond to all their emails, I still read them all and are appreciated!

Ok so I am going to send this off and try and get a few photos out.

Love you all!

Elder Trevor Baker