Sunday, August 7, 2011

August 1, 2011 Happy Birthday Mom

Hey Everybody!

First of all, I would just like to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!! Its so crazy that I have been out for 5 months. I cant believe how fast time goes by.

So as far as care packages and what not goes, the best place to send them are at the mission office. We have Zone Conference every month and I would get it then. Dont worry, I am not in a huge rush to get anything. Oh and I found a really cheap iPod at a really sketchy pawn shop here. 35 Euros, so I am good on music. This pawn shot was REALLY sketchy. Like insane. But I got a deal. Haha

Well, I got a new companion. His name is Elder Birth (Stephen, or Steven if you want to facebook stalk). He is from Holliday UT and is way awesome! I definitely have a lot that i can learn from him.

By the way, this computer I am using is ridiculously horrible so this email might not be so long. Gah, internet cafes. Sometimes I feel like I need a shower after going into one.

My awesome language skills are getting pretty legit. I can communicate pretty easily in german but i cant express how i feel very well which is typical. The language is coming along really well. I can tell that things are getting easier.

Last week was great, we had a ton of people in church. It was filled up and there was no more room. People had to sit on the stand.

This transfer is going to be really good, Elder Birth and I are going to get a lot done. We definitely work together really well. This transfer we are pushing for at least one baptism. We can totally do it.

We do teach a lot of people from a lot of different places. This place is certainly a melting pot.

Lets see, we are teaching Eckhardt. He is a German who is very intelligent. He has some really good questions and he is coming along pretty nicely. We are taking the bishop next time we go teach him.

We have also Maja who is from Serbia. She is otherwise known as Grandma. She is way nice and has a good mindset about people. We meet with her pretty often, answering questions and what not.

We also got a couple of referrals and made out appointments with them. We also have Brother Polkhaen going with us to one appointment on tuesday. He is the guy playing the accordian. He is on the right in the pictrures i sent last time.

Well, I love you guys and I will be sure to take lots of pictures with Elder Birth!

Elder Trevor Baker

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