Tuesday, August 30, 2011

August 29, 2011 Last Week in Krefeld

Transfer Cycle

Elder Baker and Elder Peterson

Elder Peterson and a serious game of Pokemon

The Ayala Vasquez Family

On the train with Elder Van Camp

Well, this is my last week in Krefeld. We totally thought that I was going to stay with Elder Birth for another transfer. On Tuesday I will be going to Solingen for a day and then go down to Nürnberg. That is on the other end of the mission. Its even the Christmas capital of the world! I am so excited!

There is a lot that I have learned here, a ton of it has been about myself. I have learned about my teaching style as well as how I cope with stress and emotions and even my own adaptability to different kinds of situations.

Now that I know that I am leaving I have been thinking about Nedjat, one of my investigators. He is an amazing person with incredible faith and even though I can't communicate well with him, I know that his heart is in the right place. It makes me so sad to think that I wont be around to help him progress or teach him. I have the strongest feeling that he is one of the people I was supposed to teach while out here. It saddens me however to think of another missionary dropping him because they can't communicate with him. I had been thinking about that lately, but now even more so since I received my transfer call. I am so greatful for Nedjat and everything that his family has done for us, they are amazing.

Transfers are bitter sweet, so I come to find out. Elder Birth and I decided that we have to serve with each other again, he said that there are too many memories that we would have had, but never did. Haha

Well, I will send a few pics of my last few days here. It sure was fun. Off to Nürnberg!

And I hear that you guys are sending me a package soon! Yay! I just thought of something else that would be cool, if you haven't sent it yet, but some nori, spam, and ramen noodles! Haha

By the way, it would be really nice if you could let everyone know and update it in the ward handout thing, that my address will change. Just change it to the mission office address. That would be for the best. I would still get it every week. (I think) And if not, it's not really that big of a deal. Thanks!

Elder Baker

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