Monday, August 22, 2011

August 22, 2011 Great Week in Krefeld

Haha! Back to school! I remember that, I guess I will still have to experience that a couple more times right? Haha.

Well, first of all, we FINALLY got a translator for one of our investigators! It was so awesome, it was definitely the best appointment I have had out here. He wants to be baptized and he has read through the Book of Mormon already and we are working on getting him some other church material. It was so awesome. We cleared up a ton about different commandments, and he even said that to him Jesus Christ is important to him. It was definitely the fruits of 4 months worth of labor. Definitely worth it.

Interesting tid-bit, we contacted somone who was in our contact at your own risk file. That was interesting. He is slightly radical in his views but he was a nice guy. It only shows me how friends can take you down the wrong path. Still, I hope he overcomes it.

As for me not wearing my glasses, I don't like wearing them outside where it's all hot and sweaty.
They just fall off my face and I have to keep adjusting them. No I didnt break them. Trust me, you will hear about it if that ever happens. Haha.

So we had an awesome time last Sunday at the Ayala Vasquez familys house. We played a game like pictionary, had some dessert and even got stuck there during a thunderstorm! Oh and I watched one of the guys play a game of Modern Warefare 2. I had to sit on my hands during it but it was cool.

So Elder Birth gave a talk during sacrament meeting and he forgot his notes at home. So that was fun. He ended up writing a talk during one of the other classes and giving it about 30 minutes later. Haha.

We had an awesome eating appointment with the Spence family too. They are awesome. Brother Spence is a great ward missionary and does a lot of work. I love it!

So I found out that our next zone conference is in about a month. The third week in the next month. Basically, there isn't anything I really really need. Except for a pillow... but thats another story. I will talk about that later. I love pictures, and videos, and things like that. American candy would be pretty cool too. Maybe like Junior Mints or something like that. Or just junior mints and ramen noodle packets. That would be an awesome package!

So about this pillow thing... Ever since I have been in Krefeld, I haven't had a pillow. I have two peices of foam in an old pillowcase. I wont dare take a picture because it would frighten you. It's really funny. We are just too lazy to go out and get a new one. That is also compounded by the fact that I don't really notice when I sleep and it doesn't bother me.

Well we also get transfer calls this week. So that means there is a chance that I am leaving or staying. I am going to guess that I am staying. But you will know next week! Guesses anyone?

Well, Today we are going to play sports down in Düsseldorf. Probably Ultimate frisbee or something.

By the way, I keep getting the crappy keyboard here in this internet cafe. It takes FOREVER to type anything.

So I will hear from you later and I love you guys back home!


Elder Trevor Baker

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