Monday, September 5, 2011

September 5, 2011 Now In Nurnberg(German)/Nuremberg (English)

Well, here I am in Nürnberg. This place is pretty cool. I have seen quite a bit of success here in this area in the past few days. We actually live right across the street to a cement factory. It gets pretty noisy at night.

So our apartment is a 4 man apartment. We share it with the Zone Leaders. So yeah, Elder Jongejon is my companion (all 6´8´´ of him), and then there is Elder Krebs (Elder Cancer) from Switzerland, and then Elder Anderson who is the Zone Leader. We have a good time and unfortunately, because it's raining we wont be going outside much for pday. I guess we will play Die Siedler von Catan or something. We have a good time.

So as for my new address it would be easiest if you put the mission home address on the ward bulletin. That way, I won't have to wait for 5 months to get a letter that someone sent me after I left.

So my new area Nürnberg is about the size of Charlotte and there are only 4 of us here! Its so nuts! I am in the same zone as my trainer again, and actually he is like 2 cities away from me. He is down in Regensburg.

So Elder Jongejon and I have more lessons planned this week than I have ever had before. We have like 2 days just filled with appointments (none of them are eating appointments, sadly) and we have been getting contacts out the wazoo! I really like this place. I even cracked a joke during testimony meeting and got a pretty stiff response. I was about to say tough crowd, but no one would have got it. Oh well. It's just different I guess.

As for the email thing, I dont think its exclusive to just family. The only rule about it is that it says not to let emails preoccupy anything else that you are supposed to do. "limit correspondance with others" is what it says.

Tell Colin that he has to do a ton of running for me. Haha

So I think I walked by one of the massive stadiums that Hitler used during WW2 for some of his speeches. It was way crazy. The place was massive. I also talked with a ward member about the whole ordeal with Hitler stealing all the artwork in Europe and trying to purge Europe in the process. I felt very sophisticated.

So there are a few things I learned this week. When I lost my camera, I decided to let it concern me, but not let it control me. I definitely am learning how to control my thoughts and feelings. And I guess that's one of the first steps that you have to take when you apply the gospel to your life. I have a strong feeling that the apostles and prophets are able to control their thoughts every second of every day. Way cool.

As of right now, I feel like I am learning so much so fast, I think Elder Jongejon feels the same way too. We have been so tired for the past week that we decided to get to sleep at like 10 for the past couple of nights. Talking with people all day is exhausting. But talking to people all day in another language and actively trying to listen and think at the same time is extremely exhausting.

We have also been doing dedicated finding time for a minimum of 1 hour every day. Basically that means that we go around and talk to people on the streets and do doors and stuff. So far we have 2 new investigators and made like 2 more appointments with other people. Way awesome!

Well, I will hear from you later! Let me know what you think I should do about my camera situation.

Elder Trevor Baker

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