Monday, September 12, 2011

September 12, 2011 Elder Bednar's visit

Hey guys, so this week seemed like just another week. It seems like it's been forever since I had a Pday. Maybe it's because Elder Bednar came and talked to us.

By the way, that was way awesome. If you wanted to get good notes you could probably check Elder Garlick's blog. I didn't take notes. Now that's not because I am lazy, but it's because Elder Bendar said that it wouldnt help us if we took notes. It was interesting. He talked a lot about being Agents and acting for ourselves, and not being acted upon. It was way cool. He even discussed at some lengths some of the Mormon "Culture" and what is, and what isn't, doctrine. He said that to make sure you dont start taking in weird doctrines, you should check to see if there is scriptural evidence to back it up, as well as the repeated words of apostles and prophets.

Well this past week I played soccer or Fußball with the ward. They were pretty good, considering that they play soccer all the time. It went really well until I nearly sprained my ankle. I kinda did but I am still able to walk on it, and move around without it hurting. We also took one of our new investigators to Gemeinde Sport and what was funny was that Elder Jongejan slide tackled him and he wasnt very happy about it. He was all good in the end though.

We also made out 8 appointments this week, which is amazing, especially for Germany. Then by some unfortunate series of events, 9 of those 8 appointments fell out. Yeah, if you can picture it, we made out a couple more after the week started and one of them fell out. So as you might have guessed we started to reevaluate our stratagy for this transfer.

So we were out doing doors for an hour or so and there was one where a little kid opened up the door. I asked if his parents were home. So this little guy goes back and starts talking in some unknown language. He comes back and slams the door. Yeah, I got the door slammed in my face by a 4 year old. Elder Jongejan said it was hilarious. I beg to differ.

Ok so I guess here is the "challeges" section of my email. I refuse to call them "complaints" or something like that. So as far as tracting goes, out here in the Germany Frankfurt Mission, you are happy that you gave out a pass along card, let alone get contact info. Now I am not saying this is a blanket that covers all of tracting, but as far as my experience goes, there are few exceptions to the rule. Now the solution to this problem is quite simple. Work with the members. There is a lovely quote by Pres. Gordon B. Hinkley in Preach My Gospel, but I don't have time to find it right now. Basically he says that when people think of missionary work, they think of tracting. But those who are familiar with the work know that there is a better way. And that is through the members. Now this can't be more true. For me, working, getting to know, and building relationships with the members is probably the most rewarding form of working out here. Now don't get me wrong, we still have to go tracting sometimes, but 1. it's not as effective, 2. you get little results for the work that you do. So there's my two cents on that.

And just one more "challenge". Its definitely interesting getting used to a 4 man apartment. Let alone living with the Zone Leader. I guess it just takes some getting used to. I love my sleep way too much, and we rarely get to bed at 10.30.

So I was at this Elder Bednar conference and there was a sister (older, but of course not old) who was looking at me kinda funny. So she came up to me and said that she worked with Grandma at BYU-Hawaii. Her name is Sister Chase and I hear that they are still in contact. It was cool and she said that I really did look like a baker. (Even though I am getting fat) Seriously, this double chin thing has to go...

Oh also, Zone Conference is on the 22 of this month. Please dont feel rushed to send me the box if it's going to cost a fortune. I am a patient person. There is a reason why I was able to run 26.2 Miles. There is that and also General Conference, so there is a chance that I could get it there. And thanks for getting me another camera. From now on, I will back up all the images I get... sadness though.

Well, I hope everything is going well back home. Tell Colin Happy Birthday! for me. Love you guys!


Elder Trevor Baker

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