Monday, October 10, 2011

October 10, 2011 Things are changing!

Well Hello Hello!

Things in Nürnberg are going just as well as ever! So this is the first week of the new transfer and things are changing! So the weather has been changing and it's getting cold and raining. I am actually glad it's getting cold. My reason for this is because when I wear a coat, I dont look as fat. =)

So yeah, leaves are changing, we are having just as much fun as ever too. It's fun when we walk along this busy road to get to the U-Bahn station. These massive trucks decide they want to drive really close to the curb and splash water on us. Haha. It's fun though, on the way here Elder Jongejan got nailed.

So we were in the middle of an appointment and Brüder Keller, our joint teach was talking about the war and when he was little he had to scavenge to make money to buy food. He was talking about how the Americans bombed and destroyed a lot of Nürnberg. He pointed at me and said, "Ihr habt das gemacht!" Which means, "You did that!" Elder Jongejan and I were laughing because he makes little jokes like that all the time. It's all in good fun. It's funny what he does to missionaries; he tries to make it awkward for us by using sarcasm. Most Germans don't get sarcasm, but Brüder Keller does because he spent a lot of time around Americans after the war. So most missionaries don't expect a
German to use sarcasm. We get caught off guard sometimes when he says that we have to pay him for joint teaching appointments. He is hilarious. He even tells us to wire money in from the mission office. Haha.

Well, Elder Jongejan and I had a nice refferal from a little (and I mean LITTLE) community (that's the only thing I can call it) from Well, we finally got out there, after taking a train from the trainstation and and walking for like 2 hours--on a hiking trail. We get there (in the rain) and use the doorbell, and this guy comes out. He's like "Yeah?" So we were like, we recieved information and stuff. He respond with, "We don't believe in anything." We offered to leave a card and he said, "It's not necessary." Yay... referral contacted... Either way, we might end up going back and putting our number on a card in their mailbox. I think the wife was the one who had interest.

Also, in Nürnberg it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! (This is the Christmas capital of the world) And I LOVE IT. There is a pre-Christmas market in Fürth, which is part of the city, and I hear that they have a roasting Ox every year. Like an Ox on a spicket just turning. I also hear that it's really expensive (which is why I won't be having any) but delicious. I guess I can just take pictures? Haha, The four of us are going to check it out today. (If the weather lets up).

Let's see, there was also the suspected alcoholic cake (which we got from a member) so hurrah for number 2! We went by a less active and she was like, oh here is some apple cake I just made. So we had it and it was alright and took some home. I was eating dinner (after finishing our fast) and I was like, why does it smell like alcohol? Well we deducted (is that the right word?) that the cake was the source so we threw it out. Fun.

I had Elder Anderson call the office and they said that they never got the package so yeah, apparently it's lost in Germany somewhere. So I say that we should skip the Christmas package and save myself from a lot of trouble.

Well that's about everything interesting that happened this week. To be honest with you, I was thinking this email was going to be a lot shorter. : )

Well on to the "challenges" section of the email. (I call it "challenges" because I refuse to call it complaining.)

The work here is slow but I see signs of improvement. I have been looking up some of the prophecies for Germany, (there's a lot, and I will share some of those next week so I can write them down and stuff) and there is a TON that has to and will happen to the church here in Germany. I have heard things that were shared by apostles and general authorities that speak about Germany exploding with members. I am excited! For now however, I need to learn patience and work on preaching the gospel humbly. The work is slow and steady, but it will pick up. My question is, Will the people become agents unto themselves, or will something act upon them?

I guess I will leave that as a nice little segue (spelling?) to my next email.

Love you guys!

Elder Trevor Baker

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