Thursday, October 20, 2011

October 17, 2011 One Week Closer to Christmas

Hey guys!

So I really don't know what happens to these weeks, they just fly by. I honestly don't know where my time went.

Well, I guess the big thing that happened this week was a little experiment. We (all 4 Elders in the city) decided to see how many pass along cards we could pass out and see how many referrals result from it. So far we haven't had anything directly result from it, but its still a good idea.

We had a couple of referrals within the last couple of weeks but they didn't turn into any investigators. Oh well, things happen.

Yeah, this week has been kinda boring, I just hope it picks up around Christmas. Things have been a lot of the same.

Well, I have been reading a lot of conference talks and they are sweet! The one by Elder Ardern is sweet--it talks about using time wisely.

Then there was the one by Elder Callister talking about the Book of Mormon. I have used some of the teaching examples in a couple of my lessons from his talk. The idea about the Bible is one point and the Book of Mormon is the second point. And when we draw a line between both of them, there can only be one line.

Well this email is going to be pretty short this week.

I am so proud of all of your trying to spread the gospel back home! I know that all of your efforts will not go unblessed!

Thanks for sending me all of those emails and I am trying to write back to the people that wrote letters I promise!

Love you all!

Elder Baker

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