Monday, October 31, 2011

October 31, 2011 Halloween!

Hey Guys! It's Halloween!

I guess I will start off...

This week has been pretty good. We haven't had a bunch of appointments, but we have definitely talked to some interesting people on bahns and on the street. We have definitely planted some good seeds. Elder Jongejan even talked to some basketball players on a bahn and had an awesome conversation. One of the guys was 7 feet 2 inches. It was sweet!

I have been really working on learning as much as I can while I am out here. Right now I have been studying D&C and so far it has been really cool. I have learned so much about the early history of the church as well as many revelations regarding the Millenium, life after death, and the many records that are to come forth. I love the scriptures. When I finish D&C, I will start to work on the Pearl of Great Price then the Old Testament. Ah, I am so excited!

I am loving my time here in Nuernberg with Elder Jongejan, and I am excited to see what is in store for me next transfer!

So this week at church, we had an excellent Sunday. After our investigator came (for the fourth week in a row) the ward members have been getting so excited for missionary work! Members have been offering to help us out with appointments and giving us opportunities to help the ward with missionary moments. We had a great combined priesthood and relief society meeting where we talked about how the ward can not only do missionary work but ward work as well. We also showed them tools they can use to share the gospel such as pamphlets, pass along cards, and DVDs.

I really think that our new investigator is meant to get our ward up and moving with missionary work. She has been extremely receptive to what is being taught in the church classes. She has even read in the Book of Mormon and prayed, and I believe that she felt something. We have an appointment later this week, and we (and the ward too) are really excited about it!

Next week Elder Jongejan and I are teaching the priesthood class about preach my gospel. We are definitely excited but of course, we are still trying to decide what angle we want to take. We just need to listen to the spirit and do what he says.

By the way, the Germans don't really celebrate Halloween. There are a few that do, but it's not as big here. I think today we are going to be carving pumkins. We thought about doing a Hitler Halloween and carve our pumpkins with the stasches on them but I don't think we will have time today to go to the Doku Zentrum, which is the massive arena complex that Hitler built while he was here.

Oh another milestone... as of tomorrow, I am one third of the way done with my mission (but who is counting?) Also, I found out that I won't be getting home on March 2 2013, but I will be home 2 weeks before that. (Honestly I am not counting)

I am glad sister Davis thought that the letter (and cartoon) I sent her was funny. I thought it was hilarious. I was really tempted to show Aaron Vincent the cartoon over his email... Oh well. Haha.

Everything else is going welll over here and I hope that I will be able to stay for Christmas. They are already putting up the decorations all over the city. I will start taking pictures in a couple of days.

Thanks for everything, and no, I don't need more vitamins (I can buy them here) and other than that, I am doing great. By the way, candy is not a requisite for a care package. I am a fatty out here. =)

Elder Trevor Baker


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