Wednesday, October 5, 2011

October 4, 2011 Staying in Nurnberg!!

So I am staying in Nürnberg with Elder Jongejan!

Basically, I don't even know what happened this week, but I will try to sum it up.

So I heard a story from a couple of Elders in my Zone. Apparently the Pope lives somewhere around here in my zone. And some Elders were doing some door to doors and found someone. They asked him what the purpose of life was. The man answered, if I have any questions about that I will ask my brother; he's the Pope.

So we found a new finding idea (because I hate doing street contacting and door to doors) we basically stand near one of the entrances to the old city and hand out pass along cards with our info on them. So far we have literally seen dozens of people fold up the cards and put them in their pockets. It's worked so nicely. People around here hate it when we walk up to them and start talking with them, so we are starting to get a little more creative. It's something that I learned out here that I can expound on later.

So General Conference was sweet! I got a ton of notes on it too! (I have never done that before) So my favorite talk was definitely by Elder Tad R. Callister. He totally nailed it out of the park with his talk! I am actually going to print it off today too. I loved how he said that it was either true or it wasn't. And that the only way you can figure it out is if you read it. (The Book of Mormon) (sorry my thoughts aren't as well rounded as they used to be, I have been thinking in German lately)

Well on the way to emails today there was a guy who thought he was so clever. He walked up to us and started asking us crazy questions and then brought up polygamy. It wasnt his ignorance that was making me angry, it was all the people who were staring and laughing, while he was making us look like idiots. Well, I figured what he wanted was a negative response so we didn't give him one. Haha sucker!

So Elder Jongejan and I already started an Advents Kalendar. It's so cool! We are going to do one for next month too! Haha!

So there was a quote from a talk that I heard, it wasn't general conference though. It said, "All frustration comes from unmet expectations." I thought that was so right. I was having a frustrating day yesterday and it was because I was expecting too much of myself. I was expecting myself to be a robot and be able to pull the missionary work all by myself. Of course that's not how its going to be. Oh well, live and learn.

So I found out that Elder Petersen is coming and going to be living in the same apartment as us! Yeah! I am pumped.

In my personal reading, I am working on Doctrine and Covenants, which has been going really well, I am almost done. I love reading scriptures!

Well, things here are going well. And I hope you all have a good week!

Elder Trevor Baker

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