Wednesday, July 13, 2011

July 11, 2011 New Mission President and German Ice Cream!


So this past week has been pretty cool. It was my birthday which was interesting and to a point didn't feel like it, so don't feel too bad. Haha

We actually had an eating appointment with the Bree Family and it went really well. They even made me a cake. Elder Mayle and I are trying to work with the members under the direction of the new mission president, who is AWESOME by the way. He talked a lot about meeting with members and showed us its importance.

I actually had my interview with him on my birthday which was pretty cool. He is so cool. He reminds me of a grandpa kind of figure. His wife even gave me a Lindt chocolate bar. It was delicious (of course).

If you can believe it, transfer calls come in a couple of weeks. That means I am no longer a newbie and I could potentially be leaving this area of the mission. I really hope I stay though. I love my district. Especially Elder Hogan and Elder Peterson. They love movies just about as much as I do and love doing awesome stuff like, getting JW material and destroying it so it doesn't get into the hands of people searching for the truth.

Just a little bit of an update on our Serbian investigator, we met with him and he said he wanted to get baptized. So we were like, can we set up a date? and he said he wanted to wait until his son gets married. ... We need a translator really bad haha.

I dont think you got a picture, but I actually cut my own hair. I buzzed it just like you did to Colin. Haha it looked alright but I was just lazy so I did it myself.

Not much else happened this week, but it was still good. I will try and write down some of the things that happen in District meeting and throughout the week.

Love You!
Elder Trevor Baker

P.S. This is the only new picture I took. Its called Spagetti Eis. Basically its the most delicious ice cream I have ever had. It was vanilla Ice Cream and Kiwi Sauce and Kiwis. It's a good thing this place is right next to our apartment. Haha.

1 comment:

  1. Holy mackerel that looks good!! I want to try that!!
