Monday, December 19, 2011

December 19, 2011 Merry Christmas Week!

So let's see what all has gone down here in Nuernberg... Well I guess I can start off by saying that I am getting the feeling like I am going to be transferred this upcoming transfer. We don't know until Christmas Eve, but anything can happen.

So this past week was jam packed full of adventures. Namely a scavenger hunt adventure that the Sister Missionaries set up for us in Nuernberg! We had a bunch of clues that we had to find at all these historic sites like statues and bridges and churches. It was way cool. We (Elder Peterson and I) even chased the sisters down some of the cobblestone streets trying to see if they would lead us to the next clue! It was way fun. I thought that it was funny because half the Zone showed up for it without even realizing it. It was definitely a cool Birthday for Elder Jongenjan (can you believe that he has been my companion for 4 1/2 months??) We even went to Vapiano which is this way nice Italian resturant right next to the huge cathedral in Nuernberg. It was a good pday.

Then after we had all those fun running around moments in the Old CIty, we went street contacting in Fuerth. We were talking to one lady and this girl in a wheelchair was riding by and stopped to listen and then kept going before we finished our discussion. So we kept walking and saw her pushing herself down this street so we walked up and asked if we could help. She said that she was trying to get home. We pushed her for what would have been a 30 minute trek had she pushed herself and got her to her apartment. We asked her what she wanted for Christmas and she said that she wanted to stay healthy and for her family to be happy. It really put things into perspective when I heard that. This was a girl who is confined to a wheelchair and the only thing she is asking for is for good health and for her family to be happy. Way awesome.

We also had another Elder accompany us for a day while his trainer was in Frankfurt. His name is Elder Rhyser and he is from Switzerland. He is an awesome Elder and probably the best teacher I have ever seen. It was fun going on a split with him.

We also had a ton of fun in Feucht singing and got some awesome meat on a stick. It was way cold though. I have some pics that I took that I am getting frustrated with because they won't send. Grr. I will probably send them with my gmail account.

So we ran into a couple of creepers this week too. Some "potential investigators" who keep asking if they can come over and where we are and "if the other boys will be there too." We dropped them so fast haha. There are some really weird people out there.

So we snagged a couple appointments for Christmas, which means that we will have a lot of food to eat. I am excited, it's always really good! There is Family Ochs who feeds us on a regular basis, Family Kirzinger, Family Schultz, and Brother Strenz. They all know how to make really good food.

So just a random tid bit of information. The Germans usually open their presents on Christmas Eve (which is called Heilige Abend) and then leave their shoes outside on Christmas Eve. Then Christmas morning they go outside and their shoes are filled with candy. (I should get some hiking boots or galoshes right?) Then they hang out with their family and then they have a Second Christmas day on the 26th. All the different Traditions and cultures are really cool.

Well, I hope you all get that skype thing worked out.

Talk to you soon!

Love you!

Elder Trevor Baker

P.S. I got your package Mom. That's the only one I got so far.

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