Tuesday, May 31, 2011

May 30, 2011 Week 5 in Krefeld, Germany

Well, here it is, week 5 in Krefeld.

Well first of all, this past week went pretty well. Better than last week. Last week we spent a total of 3 days in our area due to comp exhanges and meetings. I was in Duisburg, Mönchengladbach and Düsseldorf.

In Duisburg it is apparently the dirtiest city in the world. Apparently, but it was still fun. I was with Elders Stephens and Scott. Elder Scott is from Hilton Head SC and he is hilarious. We had a lot of fun.

In Düsseldorf I was with one of the zone leaders Elder Horlacher. I learned a lot from him. Düsseldorf was huge though and the crazy thing is that there is only one or maybe two elders in each of these cities.

Mönchengladbach was really crazy. I was with Elder Forsyth who is from Boston and we went around teaching people and helping someone move. (dad would love that) Basically it was a nightmare. Packing things while we moved them and such. But it was still service. Oh well. Then we went to go teach a couple families. We taught an older guy who is actually a Gypsy. Like no joke. He can't read or anything but he is still interested and wants to get baptised in the river Jordan in Israel. He is a bit eccentric too. It was definitely a fun lesson.

But now I am back in Krefeld. It looks like I am going to be staying here for another transfer. Thats pretty good because I like my ward. The coolest family is the family from Spain. Way awesome. And then there is Bruder Polkhän. He is 93 or 92, I cant remember, but he rides around on his bike everywhere and is so funny. He talks about the war all the time. He spent time in a Russian POW camp as well as one in France. In church he talked about how he had to boil grass because they had no food for like 4 days and how they collected water in their helmets. He is way cool and I am going to get a few pics with him before I leave.

Elder Mayle and I got a couple really good ideas for baking. We are going to make a brownie cookie cake. We are going to do the first layer as brownie and then the middle layer cookie and the top layer brownie with caramel drizzled on top.

Just another thought, whoever invented ice cream needs to be exhalted.

Sorry this letter isn't very long. I was put on a computer with a horrible keyboard with some guy listening to Turkish pop music really loud right next to me.

Well love you guys. I hope everything goes better this week than last week. Oh and your monthly counter is 3 down and 21 to go. (Mom's note: This monthly counter is for Colin, especially. At the beginning of his mission, Trevor started counting this way for his little brother Colin, who misses Trevor very much!)

Not that I am counting. haha

Well Until next time!

Elder Baker

1 comment:

  1. You are doing SO GOOD at keeping these posted Kris!! You are going to be so glad you did -- but just as importantly, *I* am happy you are doing it! I LOVE reading these as fast as you can get them up! ;)
