Sunday, May 1, 2011

April 30, 2011 Two Days Until I Leave for Germany

Hey guys, I get another Pday to prep for Germany this week!

So my MTC experience has been interesting. I have met some really cool people and made friends with just about everybody. They are Elders Liebelt, Larson, McGuire, DuPaul, Hunziker, Welker, Spendlove, Brogdon, and Price. In no particular order except for Price. (Funny inside joke)

I have sure learned a lot about the gospel and I have also learned a lot about myself while I have been here. I have figured out how much work I have to do with myself to become more effective in what I do. I have also learned how easy, and hard, some things come to me.

My German Book of Mormon goal? Yeah... I got to Mosiah chapter 10 before I couldn't take it any more. My mind was numb.

Today is my last Pday here and I leave on Monday at 5 am. There's lots I am going to miss. The long days of studying, getting fat (192 now), the food (sarcasm), and so much more.

I know now, that this is the moment where I finally go out and preach the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. I feel like I am so ready to get out of here, but at the same time I know that I will never be fully prepared. I guess I get to take it as I go.

I love you all and I pray that you are doing great back home!

Elder Trevor Baker

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