Tuesday, May 31, 2011

May 23, 2011 Monday, Monday

Well Hello Hello!

I got you some pics from the MTC. I will send you another Email with the rest of the ones I got here in Germany.

That's cool. I had no idea a ton of people have been asking about me. I guess I am more popular than I think I am. Haha. That's cool though. Any news from my friends? Anyone get married? Haha.

I talk about the theater a lot, which is funny. I end up telling a lot of the good stories about that place quite frequently.

My German is coming along pretty well. We had a bit of an off week last week because of all the different conferences. I spent only a couple of days in Krefeld. We ended up having a couple of our investigators leave which always sucks but its whatever. I always say you can't get worked over someone elses decision. I did what I could but they chose to use their agency.

So that being said, we have a lot of finding time. Basically, we ended up doing doors for a few hours on Sat, which was fun but exhausting.

Ok, so I guess the weather here has been getting really nice too. I can start to wear short sleeved shirts too. Funny thing about the kids here is that even though its ridiculously hot outside, they will still wear pants and a jacket. I find it odd but amusing. Haha

That's so awesome about people helping out. It makes me feel a lot better about the money situation. I have always thought that money works itself out. I know its true too. Tithing is great.

I have been reading in the New Testament lately and for the past week and a half I have been going through it. I got through the Gospels a couple days ago and now I started in Acts. Its way cool to read about all these things and I am learning a TON. When I finish the New Testament I am going to start reading Jesus the Christ and mark all the scriptures that it refrences, as well as all the descriptions about the verses. Then when I finish all that, I am going to read through it one more time marking anything I have left behind. Basically the New Testament to me is the biggest DUH statement regarding religion. Its just so obvious that Jesus is the Christ.

Well, today Elder Mayle and I are going to go to Stadtpark Fischeln and throw the frisbee around for a while. We even went running this morning and started buying healthier food! (which is ridiculously expensive by the way)

Well, I will talk to you next week!


Elder Baker

P.S. Oh and tell Dad he needs to either email, or send me the Jehovahs Witness paper thing that either him or Papa B wrote. I really want it!

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