Saturday, May 7, 2011

May 1, 2011 Last Day at the MTC

Hey Fam!

So I realized I have a few stamps left that I can use so I am going to send a couple notes.

First of all, today has been amazing. I have had a really good time here at the MTC. (I found the tunnels.)

I have got to hear a ton of cool stuff since I have been here, and my knowledge of the gospel has definitely increased.

I guess in a way, I am learning why it is important to be out here. And in a couple more days I will really find out what it means to be out there.

Looking back on it, I feel like I have used my time here pretty well. I, of course, could have done more, but that is applicable to everyone, not matter who they are, or what their work styles are. All in all, I feel satisfied and good about my accomplishments here.

So,Ich weiß dass ich mein Zeugnis mit die Menschen in Deutschland teilen werden. Und Ich weiß dass es wichtig für mich und die werd. Ich weiß dass wir mit unser Himmlische Vater zuruckkehren Können. Und Ich weiß dass wir das tun können durch das sühnopfer Jesu Christi. Ich bin sehr dankbar für das. Und Ich bin sehr dankbar für die gelegenheit zu dienen.

Mom here using GOOGLE TRANSLATION: I know that I will share my testimony with the people in Germany. And I know that it is important for me and the. I know that we can return to live with our Heavenly Father. And I know that we can do that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I am very grateful for this and I am very grateful for the opportunity to serve.

I love you guys so much, and in the morning I leave for Germany.

I will send you my contact info when I get the chance. But for now, I still have my email. We will see when I am able to check it too.

Thanks guys!

Elder Trevor Joseph Baker

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