Tuesday, May 10, 2011

May 9, 2011 1st Email from Germany

Hey Mom!

I am glad I was able to talk yesterday too, it was pretty cool. My companion´s parents called him too. But it was pretty late when he got the call.

My day primarily consists of going out after studying and stopping by potential investigators and seeing how they are doing. After that we typically teach lessons if we have any, and then we try to talk to people on the street on the way to and from our house. Other than that, we don't have a set schedule we go by.

I am glad Jesse is so supportive of me out here, he is a really good friend. You should let Sean know about my address too if he doesnt already know.

The bread we use is called Brötchen and we butter it, put garlic salt on it, then put the meat and cheese on it. The cheese is called Butterkäse and its pretty good. Oh and I love the milk here too.

We have already taught a couple of lessons and it went pretty well. It was mostly my companion talking but after a while I started to chime in too. We taught a family from Spain too which was really cool. I already told you about that over the phone though. But it is what the father said that was really funny. He said that when people brush off religion, he wants to grab them by the ears and say, ´´Listen to the Elders!´´

I just read about Charlotte some kind of city brochure this morning. I saw that Charlotte was mentioned in it and thought, what? Still that's pretty cool.

Oh and my favorite new soda is a Turkish drink called Gazoz and it tastes awesome! I think we are also going to eat Döner today too, which I am really excited for, its my favorite thing to eat here.

I heard that Mitt Romney is running for president and leading a lot of the polls too. Interesting thing, it would be cool if he chose Huntsman as a VP candidate. Well, anyways, because I don't know the whole story, I will stay out of it. Cool little tid-bits from Brother Iacono.

Well, I am out of time for this week. Until next week!

Bis Später!

Elder Trevor Baker

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