Thursday, March 31, 2011

March 31, 2011 Week Five

Hey everybody, I think I am on week 5 now. Things here are going pretty well. Lots of classes, German study, and Gospel Priciples. The food here is better than BYU-H. Its pretty much the same but a few days fresher. Thinking about that makes me miss the fresh open air of scrambling hills and the beaches. I get a classroom with the hiss of the AC. But all is well! It doesn't bother me because I have things to be doing.

For those of you who write, I will hold a guarantee that I will write back. It may take a few days for the letters to get out to wherever you are, but I will write back always. I am supposed to write letters only on P-Day which for me is Thursday. I do however have some time during the week to write a few notes here and there, but the vast majority of writing happens on P-Day.

Dear Elder's are nice too. Everyone around here thinks of them as txt messages. Speaking of which I learned a couple of German texting words. gt8 means Guten Nacht. I wont waste my time writing them all out. But they're pretty funny. But anyways, Dear Elder's are cool, and real letters are cooler. Props to Jesse Sindelar for sending me a real letter.

So everyone here is getting crazy about General Conference. Some people are saying that the missionary men's choir will sing in it. If it does and you miss it, then I am sure it will be on All of the missionaries have the same meal schedule too which makes me a little concerned about over 2000 missionaries crammed into the cafeteria (if you have been there, you would know).

There is an Elder I met from Rock Hill named Elder Caraway. He is hilarious and gives me some kind of relief from the occasional "I am now in Utah" thought. We have some good jokes about back home we spread around the British and Australian Elders. Amuhrica! Yeah! Guns! Yeah!

On another note. I feel like my testimony and faith in Jesus Christ has vastly grown and improved. The more and more I think about it, the more and more I know that I need it and that I need to spread this message to the German people. I feel like the more I learn about the gospel of Jesus Christ, the more I learn about myself. I know I was called to Germany for a reason, I know that there are certain people there I promised I would teach them, and I know that if I can put my mind to the work, and let the Lord use me as an instrument, I can change peoples' lives.

Ich weiß dass das Evangelium wahr ist. Ich weiß dass Jesus Christus mein Erlöser ist. Ich weiß dass Joseph Smith das Buch Mormon übersezte. (No idea about the last one, cut me some slack here, only gopsel german for 4ish weeks.)

The phrase I am now starting to live my life is: Der Ausdauer schlaft nie. Endurance never sleeps. Thank you Dean Karnazes.

For anyone going through a rough time in their life, turn to Jesus Christ. One might think that they have no one to turn to, no one to ease their burden because it is them that bears it. Turn to Jesus Christ. He felt your pain, and bled for it. I know that if you turn to Jesus Christ, he will ease your burdens. God doesn't give anyone a trial in this life that they cannot handle. He provides a way, always.

Love, Elder Trevor Baker

1 comment:

  1. I love it when missionary letters start turning so ultra-spiritual. :D What a feeling that must be to read as a mother. I can't wait for that! :)
