Monday, March 14, 2011

March 2, 2011 Entering the MTC

There were a great group of missionaries waiting to welcome us as we drove up to the Missionary Training Center (MTC) in Provo, Utah to drop Trevor off. All missionaries going to international locations spend two months in the MTC learning their new language. Missionaries going to domestic and international English-speaking missions spend just a few weeks. So even though Trevor had two years of German in high school, he will be in the MTC from March 2 until May 2 learning German, studying the scriptures, learning cultural information about the country he is going to and learning how to do his new calling 24/7 with structure and discipline. It's to bed at 10 pm and rise and shine at 6 am every day!

As we drove up, the missionaries at the curb welcomed us with, "Good Morning. Welcome to the MTC!" It was awesome. One Elder came over to the car and helped get Trevor's suitcases out of the trunk. There were hugs and tears. Mom handed Dad the camera to take pictures as she waited in the car. She didn't want to fall apart in front of the whole group of helpful Elders. It was hard to say goodbye for two years, but great knowing that Trevor is where he wants to be and is excited to be serving the Lord and the German people.

Fun Fact: Check out the two rolling suitcases in the pictures. It is amazing that Trevor fit everything in those two suitcases that he will need for the next two years. You wouldn't believe everything that fit in there. If I made a list of the items, it would be quite impressive!

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