Saturday, March 19, 2011

March 17, 2011 Week Three

So here we go with week three at the MTC. I don't know if I said this before but the food here is better than BYUH. Its basically the same stuff but fresher (because they don't have to ship it across an ocean). One of the nice things about this place is that we get gym time every day except for Pdays and Sundays. Yesterday I ran for the whole time (about 50 minutes) without stopping and it felt great! Even with the elevation change!

The district that I am in is really cool too. My companion Elder Liebelt and I are getting along better, and I am really starting to get to know lots of the other Elders too. They are all really funny too. One of them is making a giant rubber band ball and its about the size of a pineapple now. Fun stuff. We haven't started to race in the laundry carts yet though... just give us a few weeks. lol

I haven't had any feelings of homesickness (and im thankful for it) but it would be nice to hear from some people and get more letters. ( I have already got a ton but more couldn't hurt.) There are a few people I would like addresses from. Sean Cooley, Jesse SIndelar, Sarah and Meagan Kasper, Jessica Dinh, and maybe a couple more. I can't really think of anyone else yet. Oh Michael Rabon too. But instead of emailing just put it in a letter or something. I never have that much time to shoot emails off. Letters are better. Oh Dear Elder is great too. They are like txt messages but without a phone.

So my German is going great. I can give multiple discussions in German (broken German), but it still counts. From our first day here we started teaching someone in german. That was difficult but its gotten better. I have been learning faster that I ever did in high school (surprise) and I am acutally retaining the language. There are missionaries who have been here for about 5 or so weeks and I can hold a decent German conversation with them. Its not the understanding, its the speaking thats difficult. Now looking back on things if I were speaking English I would have a much easier time conveying the message. Oh well. German it is.

All in all, things are going well. Just please don't send me any candy or sweets. Literally every single missionary has at least 3 bags of cookies they hand out to everyone because they are getting fat. I wouldn't mind some Wasa Crackers though... those things are great. You can tell the Davis family about that. They would think its pretty funny.

Oh and tell sean he needs to send me lightsabers. My Jedi skills haven't been practiced in a while. lol

I also found out about dry cleaning here. Jackets are 7 dollars so things are pretty cheap. I was also curious if any of you back home would want an engraved hymnal or something. I can get just about any language and get it engraved for free. I can also get the Large green german hymnal for super cheap too. The smaller ones are around 4 dollars. I just need to pay for shipping. Also, shipping in Germany is ridiculously expensive so I want to get everything done while I am here.

Well I am going to go take a nap, eat lunch and then probably write some letters before dinner.

Bis Später! Ich liebe euch!

Elder Baker

P.S. Oh and whoever is managing my facebook, I would really appreciate the addresses from the people listed above.

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