Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March 12, 2011 First Long Letter

Hey guys!

So I know that I haven't given you all a full blown letter yet, and I know that the email thing is ridiculous, so here we go. Things are going well here.

My resident members are all going to Frankfurt: Elder McGuire who looks like Glenn Beck, Elder Liebelt, my companion, and Elder Larson, who has problems letting go of his girlfriend (girls=trouble).

Waking up at 6 am every morning and having time to work out during the day keeps me constantly tired and I am starting to lose weight again! Woohoo! I guess running and lifting weights every day and crappy food (same stuff from BYUH except fresher) will do it for me.

I saw Elder Hanks, Elder Harris, and Elder Page here. I spoke with Elder Hanks last night and boy has he changed. He is an example to me even though I am older. I still don't really think about it that way. Elder Harris is pretty much the same as last time I saw him except he has a receding hairline. And Elder Page still has another 6 or so weeks here. That's a total of 12 weeks for him here. I don't know how he does it.

Now for the photos situation, I have taken a lot but can't email you any of them because the computers suck. Oh well. What I was thinking was getting some pictures and printing them out at the bookstore and sending them (I get a 40% discount) or I can just send you a full memory card. Not really sure what I want to do yet.

As for what I said about my suit jackets--my old work one would work best. I know it's dirty but they have a dry cleaning service here that is fairly quick. This depends on what you all think though.

Now my German is coming along pretty well. I have given multiple discussions in German, and I am working on grammar right now. I have done discussions on God, Our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost, and the restoration. It's pretty cool. The only downside is that my companion refuses to speak German (he took 4 years) and it would end up with me speaking 80% and him 20%. Oh well. I just gotta live with it.

Just because I can, I will bear my testimony auf Deutsch:

Ich weiß dass Gott lebt. Ich weiß dass unsere Himmlische Vater will uns zurückzukehren. Ich habe ein Zeugnis auf Freunde, Dass sie haben mich ändern. Ich weiß dass Jesus Christus sünen für vasere sünden. In der name Jesu Christi. Amen.

Oh and I can also pray in German. For now I have the time to write letters like these every few days or so. I will wait for a response from this one so I don't get so confused. You guys can totally send me care packages and stuff, but please lay off the candy and cookies. Everybody has that stuff around here. Spam musubi on the other hand...jk. Well that's all for now.

Bis später, (Until next time)
Elder Baker

P.S. My rubiks cube and German awesomeness has caught the attention of all the elders. I am known as the "Deutsch Meister" now. In Das Stimmt!

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