Monday, January 7, 2013

January 7, 2013 Happy New Year!

Well, here we go for his week.

We had New Year's Eve, which was pretty fun I must say. It was great
having the Elders from Werdau there. We stayed up until midnight to
celebrate and watched all of the people shoot off fireworks. There
were, as always, a few impaired individuals. I made sure to get videos
of them. Despite all of the mayhem, we had a great time just hanging

There was one especially drunk guy who kept blowing up beer bottles at
the end of the street. I got a video of it. Haha.

There were a few people that I said goodbye to this week. I talked
with Elders Baum, Jongejan, and Johnson. It was cool to see them going
home. I never thought I would actually see them leaving. I talked
about it all the time, how they would all be home and I would be stuck
behind, but I think the next 6 weeks are going to be fun. I am at
least going to try and make them fun.

1. Do you have any other pictures to send this week? Yep.

2. Have you had any interesting events happen yet this new year? Well,
new years was interesting. It was pretty fun just watching the crazies

3. How many missionaries will be going home from your mission when you
do? 2 as far as I know. Elder Liebelt (my MTC comp) and I.

4. Do you travel all together when you go home? How does that work?
Hah, no. He is most likely flying to Dallas and I will be flying to DC
or something like that. So the goodbyes are at the airport.

5. Do your investigators ask you difficult questions? No not really.
Its just a matter of correcting funny ideas and doctrines. Thats the
hardest part.

6. What is the most common thing people want to know about when you
talk to them? Either money or how long I have been in Germany.

7. Is Elder Turner a district leader like Elder Anderson was? Elder
Turner is the District Leader and Elder Anderson was the Zone Leader,
but he was more of a Lame Duck Zone Leader because he was going home
at the end of that transfer.

8. What do you commonly do when you go out of your apartment the first
thing in the morning? We usually try to go by on some people.

9. How long do you spend outside? That depends on the day. Some days
we are outside all day, other days we have lots of appointments.

10. Is it getting really cold and snowy there? Not yet. Its supposed
to get bad at the end of this week. Its snowed a lot here earlier in
Dec. but Winter hasn't really hit yet.

11. Does it snow there a lot or get icy like it does here? Oh it
snows, then turns to slush which sucks.

12. Do you see many people outside at all? Surprisingly yes. Everyone
goes outside in the worst weather possible. Last time it really picked
up snowing, we saw people out taking a stroll down the street.

13. So when are you and Elder Turner going to start running? We
already started :)

14. Is he a runner like you or just willing to give it a try and get
in a little more exercise? He ran cross country in High School.
Course, that was like 3 years ago.

15. Or did you have to convince him that running was a good idea???? haha

16. Do you have any plans for your p-day? Uh, we wanted to go running.

17. Do you still have to hang up your laundry to dry in your apartment
after you wash it, or do you have a dryer? Oh, we dont have dryers
here. We have fun little racks to hang the clothes up. On the positive
side, it makes everything easier to put away and fold when its dried.

18. Do people eat lots of saurkraut there or is that just a
stereotype? Yes, and I like it. Believe it or not, I like it.

19. Are your clothes worn out yet? Almost. I am not planning on buying
new clothes for a while though. I think I will be ok.

20. What is the best thing that happened this week? Uhh... I don't
know. New Years Eve?

Elder Trevor Joseph Baker

Kirche Jesu Christi
Germany Frankfurt Mission
Corneliusstrasse 18
60325 Frankfurt am Main

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