Monday, January 14, 2013

31 Days...but who's counting?

Well hello. This week certainly has gone by quickly. Oh and this next week will go by really quickly too. We have Zone Training Meeting coming up I will let you know how it goes next week!

1. How's your teaching going with your investigators? Its going pretty well. I think the teaching is the easy part. The hard part is the commitment of the investigator. I think that teaching is the most fun part too... so I would say its going well.
2. How's your running going with Elder Turner? It was going well, when it wasn't freezing cold outside. I don't think the idea is catching any momentum, but I am definitely going to try! 
3. What happened this week that you can report to us?  I was sick. Yeah, that was fun.

4. Do you teach any classes on Sunday at church? I wasn't in charge of any of the teaching. We had a member from the District Council present.
5. Do you go to ward council meetings?  Yeah, we go every time. Its nice to report what is going on and coordinate with the rest of the ward.

6. When are you going to start getting a lot of new missionaries in your mission? This upcoming and the next transfers. I will miss it.
7. So are you living out of your suitcase yet or not yet because you didn't have to transfer? I am not living out of it... I just have everything I am not using, packed up already.
8. What is a good scripture that I should read this week? Probably the entire chapter of Mosiah 29.
9. Have you changed a lot on your mission? Yeah, but I am pretty sure you are going to like the change.

10. What plans do you have for your p-day? Well, its really cold outside and I don't know if I want to go wandering around. We will see.
11. How are the Kempes? They are doing well. I will say hi for you.
12. Have you taken many pictures of the architecture there? Well... I have taken pictures of all the pretty things in Gera. I don't know of any new or exciting locations or buildings here. Even the branch president said, "Even Elder Baker isn't ashamed of Gera." Because I wear my Gera pin on my suit jacket. He thinks its an ugly city. Meh.

13. Will you send me a new picture of you and Elder Turner for the blog. Yeah, I will try and get that done this week.

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