Monday, January 7, 2013

December 31, 2012 New Year's Eve

Gera Germany
Elder Turner and Elder Baker

Well I am staying in my (probably) favorite area for my last transfer with Elder Turner!
I found out on saturday and then wrote my talk for sunday that night (and then next morning) like any good missionary would! My talk went well though.
We had a pretty epic English class on Friday though. We sat around with the Werdau Elders and talked about movies and guns and stuff with one of our investigators. It was pretty chill. Our investigator liked it. He said its always awesome.
1. So did you get transferred?  I am staying!!!

2. What did you do the rest of your Christmas Day? We stayed at the Kempes and chatted until like 9 and then we then went back to the apartment to check out all of our loot. It was a great Christmas, better than the one in Nuermberg.

3. Did you get a picture of you with your companion? I can do that right now...

4. Are there any things that happen in Germany for New Year's? How do they celebrate it? Any interesting traditions besides drinking?  LOTS of fireworks and LOTS of drinking. We went to the grocery store to buy food for the week and it was PACKED with people. Every single person had alcohol. In retrospect it was kinda funny but now I am pretty desensitized to it.

5. Ok, so what did you think about the letter I wrote you for Christmas? Oh boy, it was pretty good. I enjoyed hearing some old stories that I had completely forgotten about. All of the stories I tell here are about the mission and I guess I forgot about a few of my "back at home" stories.

6. So do you have any New Year's Resolutions? Yes, I am going to get back into shape. Elder Turner and I are going to start running.

7. Do you have any questions for us? Yes, see other email.

Elder Trevor Joseph Baker
Kirche Jesu Christi
Germany Frankfurt Mission
Corneliusstrasse 18
60325 Frankfurt am Main

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