Monday, January 7, 2013

December 24, 2012 Merry Christmas!

Melted Christmas Chocolate (Yum?)

Well, it's here! Christmas!

I guess the first thing I can tell you about Christmas is how well we
are being fed. We have so many eating appointments that I now realize
why people have new years resolutions! I have decided that its futile
to fight the system and that I will simply start working out in
January. I have to look good for the ladies, right?

We also had our End-of-the-World/Christmas-if-we-make-it-Party on
Friday. It was a lot of fun. We had a cake shaped like the earth and I
even made the Kraken (again). We had some good topics of conversation
and sister Kempe even made chili for lunch. It was really good and

I also found out that a bunch of new missionaries are coming into the
mission and that in April, Gera will have 4 Elders and the Kempes!
Thats going to be really cool.

Be sure to come up with a few topics of discussion for Christmas! I am pumped!

On a more personal note, I have been feeling better for the Christmas
season than how last year went. I could list the reasons I am sure but
I think its mainly just how comfortable things are now. Lat year I
didn't really know what or how to do things (plus the language was
kinda hard), but now I feel like I can do things well. Confidence
helps I guess.

Ah yes, here is the Trunky part of every email. (Some emails were
exclusively Trunky) I have figured out what I want to do when I get
home for school and hopefully work. That is definitely a relief. Oh
and we get transfer calls on Sat this week. That means if I get
transferred, I will live out of my suitcases and be literally trunky.
If I don't get transferred (which I hope happens) I will start packing
my things in my bags so I know if everything fits. Either way, I see
it as a win win for me.

I really hope I don't get transferred out of Gera but I think if I do
I can emotionally handle it. If I do get transferred the entire ward
will probably bombard President Schwartz with phone calls and emails
telling him how much Gera and the ward wants me to stay. Most of the
big players in the ward told me that on Tuesday. I love this place.

Oh and I threw it down with a drunk guy the other day. That was fun.

I am way excited to talk to you all tomorrow! See you then!

Elder Trevor Joseph Baker

Kirche Jesu Christi
Germany Frankfurt Mission
Corneliusstrasse 18
60325 Frankfurt am Main

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