Friday, January 25, 2013

January 21, 2013 Tannenbaum Wands

Well, I guess the only new exciting or interesting thing that we have done recently was make a couple magic wands out of wood. That was fun. We both have real Tannenbaum Wands. Haha.

Ah yes, we had Zone training too. It was wierd, we ended up talking about stuff that will go on after I go home.

I am seriously getting tired. This time of year is really hard. Ugh, I need a nap...

1.  What are the plans for Gera when you get an extra set of missionaries?   Will they live near you or another part of town? Well, I am not sure for now. Its still going to be a while before they get here, heck, I don't even think they are in the MTC yet.

2.  Do you know if you will be getting Elders or Sisters? I am pretty sure we will be getting Elders. I can't see them sending sisters to Gera. They have other bigger cities they can send sisters to.

3.  How's Sean doing?  I have no idea. I think I will shoot him an email this week.

4.  What are your plans for p-day today? Well, we are going to go looking for a suit for Elder Turner and then I have no idea what else. There really isnt anything to do in Gera, especially while its snowing outside.

5.  Is there anything that you will leave behind in Germany instead of bringing it home? Probably a bunch of books. I am not sure which ones yet.

6.  Have you gotten a new bed yet? Yeah, we got them set up and now I can sleep like a baby.

7.  Does Elder Kempe have to get a new apartment set up for the new missionaries that are coming?  How does that work?  Who sets up their apartment? I have no idea. 

8.  It is probably too cold to think about eating it now, but have you had any spaghetti eis since your birthday there? No, I haven't really thought about ice cream in a while...

9.  How are your investigators coming? They are doing well, we are anticipating setting a baptismal date with one of them on tuesday.

10.  How many lessons do you teach on average a week? Oh gosh it depends, sometimes we have a lot of fallen out appointments and other times, we aren't even in Gera because of meetings we have with other missionaries. Anywhere from 5 to 10.

11.  Have you been able to talk to anyone successfully through tracting lately? No. Its really hard here. I think that the majority of people have some kind of faith but they don't for some reason want to open up to others. Probably due to an offense by some religious person in the past. 

12.  Do they have pass-along cards in Germany like they do here? Yeah, we have all of the materials in English translated into German.

13.  How do you stay warm when you are outside for the day? Breaks.

14.  Is there anything you wish you would have brought with you but didn't?
15.  How's Elder Turner?  Running much lately?  And no, its way too cold to go running outside. Like -8 C.

16.  Do you have any questions for us? Well, what are you expecting me to do when I get home?

Yeah. Well, catch you later!

-- Elder Trevor Joseph Baker
Kirche Jesu Christi
Germany Frankfurt Mission
Corneliusstrasse 18
60325 Frankfurt am Main

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