Tuesday, July 3, 2012

June 25, 2012 Again

This week has been pretty good. We had an amazing appointment with one of our investigators but he didn't show up to church.

There was a cheese seminar this past week, and it was way intense. I learned all about cheese from Austria, Germany, France, and Switzerland. It was really cool. I even got to eat a bunch of it. But afterwards, we got extra and I don't think I can eat any more cheese for a while now. Haha.

I gave another talk in church this week and the members said it was good. But isnt that what they are supposed to say? Haha. I wrote it the night before, some things never change, do they? It was on how the gospel brings me joy. I thought I did a pretty good job. 

There was also the Europa Cup. The Soccer championship for Europe. I may have watched a game at a member's house. I found it incredibly boring though. 

I have been noticing some interesting things about how members in this ward show acceptance. Possibly even trust. They ask the missionaries to pray in about every class and give spiritual thoughts in about every meeting. I mean, I know we are here to support and uplift the ward, but I don't want the missionaries to replace opportunities for members to grow. Just a thought.

Other than that, its been an uneventful week. Question time!

1.  How many new missionaries are coming to your mission each transfer?  Is it about the same as when you went out? 
I keep hearing mixed reports about how many missionaries are coming in. I dont know, it varies every transfer. What I do know is that a lot of people are leaving so a lot of people have to come in to keep areas open. I don't think there will be a surge in missionaries in Germany ever. President Uchtdorf said that there should only be one set of Elders in every ward.

2.  Have you ever gone to pick up any new missionaries when they arrive to Germany for the first time?
Nope, I probably will never be there unless I am in Frankfurt as a Zone Leader or if they put Elders in the office again.

3.  What is the weather like there now?
Well, today has been kind of an anomaly in the local trend. It is overcast today and so it's a little colder.

4.  Are there any areas with missionaries South of you in your mission?
The French missionaries are in Metz and there area covers a lot of ground including just south of the border. They came over on Sunday to meet with some members in the Forbach Branch.

5.  How did your Zone Conference go?
It went pretty well. We had a good time other than the 3 and a half hours it took to get there.

6.  What were the main messages that you took from your Zone Conference? Make plans based on how your wards and areas are doing.  Basically planning.

7.  Did you get to meet with your mission president?  How did that go?
I of course spoke with him and he said that its been too long and we should have an interview. He said sometime in the next 2 weeks but I don't think that's going to happen until next zone conference because he is so busy.

8.  What is your favorite thing about Germany?  (Emma)
I really like the organization of the people. They are very methodical and thourough. They may not be as lax as Americans but they tend to get things done faster as a whole.

9.  What is your least favorite thing? (Emma)
It's not America.

10.  Do they have "Dollar Stores" in Germany?  (Emma) 
Yeah, actually, they have a bunch. Teddi is one of them. It's where I bought my flag. It's super cheap, but of course the quality is awful. Haha.

11.  Any more advice about marching band?  (Emma) Yeah, get in good shape by doing some cardio. It doesn't mean long distance running, but just get used to being active and drinking lots of water.

12.  What schools do you want me to check on for you--CPCC? UNCC? Others? Yeah, that would be pretty good. I don't think I want to jump right into school just yet, I am starting to lean towards working until the fall semester of ´13.

13.  What is one of the biggest lessons you have learned while on your mission? To put everything into perspective and place my priorities in order.

14.  What are your plans for P-day?  Any fun activities?
We are going to be going to the zoo with the Elders from Bitburg. Hopefully it will be good.

I will let you know how it goes! Love you guys!
-- Elder Trevor Joseph Baker

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