Monday, July 9, 2012

July 9, 2012 Oh, yeah, I forgot I'm 21 now!

Well apparently I am 21 now. It took me almost half an hour when I woke up to realize it was my birthday. [Facepalm]

The only things of noteworthy importance was that I had an eating appointment yesterday with cake and everything! It was way cool especially because we just ate with that family about one week ago. We had a great time.

As for the rest of the week. There was a lot of going outside trying to contact less actives while it was flipping hot outside. That was fun. It lasted luckily only a little while until we decided to take some time for planning what we are going to do with specific less actives and investigators. It may be slightly "lazy" or "cowardlike", but sometimes if you don't plan, you won't know what to do. And what better time to plan when its so flipping hot you have to change your shirt when you come back for dinner? Those are my 2 cents. Sucks for the Elders there though. 3-4 hours.... pfew...

As for the rest of the day. I feel like taking another nap. I don't think we have anything special planned except for family home evening tonight with the Escobar family. Should be legit.

1.  In response to your question last week, and by my very scientific survey of the family,  most of us would prefer to be students at Hogwarts.  What about you?  Also, If you could be a character from Harry Potter, who would you be? 
I would probably in the end pick Hogwarts. I don't think however, I can't choose a character though. I would have way too much fun being me. I would probably be a little mischeievious as well. haha.

2.  Did your companion sing Happy Birthday to you in German?  
hah. No. Sister Niesen in the ward started that after church. It was like a linger longer and they all sang to me. It was nice. Awkard as always but nice. Haha.

3.  How's the gospel progressing in Saarbrucken?
 It's going. Slowly... It's been hard lately. Our investigators don't seem to show much interest. I am not really sure what's going to happen there. All in all. Slowly.

4.  Have you seen spaghetti eis in Saarbrucken?
I actually haven't. I know you can find it anywhere, but I haven't been looking for it. Haha.

5.  What fun things did you buy yourself for your birthday? 
I bought a Dolce & Gabana cologne. It smells so good I could eat it. Haha.

6.  How often do you get together with the Elders from your district on P-days?
 Close to never. Probably like once a transfer. It takes 2 hours to get here from where they live. It's kinda unreasonable.

7.  Do you have any Sisters in your district? 
Nope thank heavens.

8.  What is the most numerous immigrant group in Germany?   
Oh that's a tough one. I would probably say Turks. They seem to be everywhere, but most of them are actually German. They were born here and grew up here. I dunno, you could try googling.

9.  What did you do for your birthday? 
I took a nap then went to an eating appointment. 

10.  What is the most common thing you say in German to people?
Schönen Tag noch. Have a nice day. The most common thing Germans say to me is "Keine Zeit" or I have no time.

11.  Has anyone sworn at you in German (that you know of)?  
Yep. It happens fairly regularly with the drunks. I think it's kinda funny. 

12.  When is your companion's birthday? 
Like sometime in January. 

13.  Do you have a bucket list of things you want to accomplish in life?  
Actually I do. I keep it in my Journal. Which I need to start writing in more often... Most of it involves just doing random crazy things like marathons and other stuff like that.

There is a marathon in Saarbrücken by the way in Sept. If I am still here for that I will definitely see if I can run it. Or maybe just a half... haha

Love you guys!

Elder Trevor Baker

P.S. Be safe? Mom, what do you think I am getting myself into around here? =] Just kidding, Elder Johnson and I stay safe.

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