Friday, July 20, 2012

July 16, 2012 Staying in Saarbrucken!!!

Hello again.

So this past week has been pretty cool. We had the Elders from France over again. That was fun. We had a great time. The goofy one is actually pretty cool. I guess I was wrong before.

Oh yeah, I should probably tell you all about transfer calls too. Well they were on Saturday. I am going to be staying in Saarbrücken for at least another 6 weeks! I am so happy! This place is honestly so cool. I have been meaning to learn a little bit more about the history, but that will have to wait. Sometimes those are the most interesting things about where I am serving.

1.  How do you feel about being on a mission? I feel pretty good. It's definitely hard, but it is so much fun at the same time. How do I feel about being out here? That's an entirely different question. Its bitter sweet. I love learning new things, getting out of my comfort zone, and sharing the gospel, but it's nice to have a normal life with normal non missionary friends and do normal things. I feel that my mission is a learning\molding process that will shape me into the person I am meant to be. I have learned to look at challenges or opportunities as ways to improve who I am that I can take home with me. 

2.  Why did you decide to go on a mission? That's a really good question and sometimes it requires a really complicated answer. In our mission we have been focusing on the "one by one" program which concentrates on the individual. We want to teach people not lessons. The one by one mindset is that we need to address the concerns and problems of our investigators while actually teaching them lessons and not pretending to be little psychologists analyzing them. That is why I am on my mission. I decided to come on a mission because there were people that I promised to share the gospel with before I came to this life. 

3.  Would you tell the youth anything in particular to prepare for going on a mission? I think I sent an email to Bishop Davis a few months ago with some pointers. Actually come to think of it, that was about a year ago... Basically, it's definitely not what you are expecting. It's better.

4.  Why did you say that you were thankful there weren't sister missionaries in your area? Because they have been known to cause drama or get on Elders nerves. It's hard enough sharing an area or a ward with 2 sets of Elders, but when you throw sisters into the mix, say bye-bye to eating appointments or refferals.

5.  When is your next transfer? Today is the first day of transfer 12 of 16. The next transfer is in 6 weeks.

6.  Is the German castle that Sleeping Beauty's castle in Disneyland is based on located in your mission? It's actually in the Alpine Mission. It's south west of Munich on the border of Austria. Thanks google maps.

7.  What is the best thing that happened this week? Church. I love church. 

8.  Have you read anything this week that was particularly inspirational to you that you think I should read, too? Hmm... I am not really sure. I don't think so.

9.  Do you ever get to go to the temple? No, I haven't been since the MTC.

10.   Did you get the nativity picture I emailed to you? Yeah, that's looked really cool. It was a little fuzzy but it looked awesome. Am I going to have one when I get back?

11.  Do you have any questions for us? How is the ward doing back home?

I have also been losing a bit of weight lately. So when I left on the mission I was 191 or so. I am now down to 180. So be warned, I may need to buy a new suit, the pants are really loose now. I will do my pre shopping so I know exactly what to get. Ya gotta be smart about these kinds of things... haha

Love you guys! Have a great week!

Elder Trevor Joseph Baker

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