Saturday, July 28, 2012

July 23, 2012 Hallo!

Well hello!

So this week was pretty cool. We did some cool district meeting pics and took a trip to see the Saarbug (I am sure you figured that one out).

Well, we found a nice opportunity to do some service. One of our investigators is moving and we were asked to help fix up the new apartment. It's definitely going to be a lot of work and we asked the ward for help, but one thing that this ward isn't so sure about is a spur of the moment opportunity. I don't know what it is, but they just are kinda weary about it. That's just the impression I got when I saw their faces when I announced it it Elder´s Quorum Meeting. Either way, we are going to be busy working this week. It will be nice.

We are also going to have a nice zone training meeting on Wed. this week. It should be fun, president Schwartz should be there along with the APs. I am not really sure what's gonna go down, but it should be good. 

We also got a couple of new refferals so we are pretty stoked about that. 

So, yeah, I also need to buy either new pants or a new suit. So a little money would be nice. I have of course been shopping around for the best deal so I will figure out what's going on. Haha.


1.  What was the awesome pose you and your companion were doing for your photo you sent me?  It looked like Washington crossing the Delaware.  Am I close? Hm. Actually, I have no idea. I just made a random pose. That is a cool one though.

2.  Not a question, but Colin wanted you to know that he loves the Zelda video games. And I love them too!

3.  So did Elder Johnson stay in Saarbrucken with you? Yeah, we are both still here in Saarbrücken.

4.  How long has Elder Johnson been out? 6 weeks longer than I.

5.  Emma is giving a talk in church next week on Friends.  Do you have any advice for her? Be, yourself.

6.  How is your eyesight without your glasses?  Can you read ok? Actually, it's been really good. I can actually read in the scriptures without my glasses. I only use them for the computer and when I am tired.

7.  What kind of fort was that you were on in the video of the Saar River? That is called the Saarburg. It's a castle fort thing that has been there for like a thousand years. I actually took a picture of a toursit sign that has a bunch of the historical highlights on it. I will send that your way.

Hope you guys have a great week! Love You!

Elder Trevor Joseph Baker

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