Tuesday, June 19, 2012

June 18, 2012 Fit Transfer

Well, I think we are somewhere in week 3 in this transfer. Already! Its crazy how fast things are going around here.

So Elder Johnson and I are starting a new workout program and diet. And as of 1 week, I have started to get a bit of room in my suit pants and I have lost about 3 kilos. I know it sounds like a lot, but it's been great. I have been getting up in the morning to work out, and we eat more whole foods with equal amounts of protein, carbs, and veggies. It consists of about 5 smaller meals a day. 2 of them are snacks that hold us over until the larger meals. Then we stop eating 3 hours before we go to sleep. It's been great. I haven't been tired during the day at all, and I am back down to 185 ish.  This week we are starting to work out a little bit more. Last week was a bit of a easing into the diet and exercise. It's been good.

As far as missionary work is concerned, we have had a lot of success with the day of invitation. We contacted about 70 less actives in one day. Most of them even wanted to come more regularly, too! It was a great experience.

Investigators are progressing slowly which is good. Looking back at where they started, its a miracle they made it so far. We are almost there!

I hope you liked my pics!

1.  Have you made any embarrassing mistakes in your German yet? 
Yeah, all the time. I can't think of anything in particular, but it happens a lot. 

2.  Do they have Father's Day in Germany? 
I never heard anything about it. So probably not. 

3.  Do the French speaking missionaries come over to teach the people in your area? 
I haven't seen them since the last time they came, and that was about a couple weeks ago.

4.  How are your pointy shoes? 
Still pointy!

5.  Have you made any new baking creations lately? 
Peanut butter cookies. It's 1 cup of peanut butter, 1 cup of sugar, and one egg. That's it. I can't eat too many of them cause I would get way too fat.

6.  Did Elder Mayle go home already? 
He goes home in 4 weeks! It's so crazy, he called me last night.

7.  How do you say, "Have a great week!" in German? 
Schönen Woche noch! 

8.  If someone sends you a letter to the mission home, do you ever get it? (Brother Tinkham is sending you one.) 
Yeah, but it takes forever. I got like 3 letters from him during transfers. The problem is I don't have time to write letters! 

9.  What fun things are you going to do on your p-day this week? 
Well, we have Zone Conference. I get to have an interview with president, too. I haven't seen him in about 5 months.

10.  Have you had any zone conferences or district conferences lately? 
District meetings are every week usually Tuesday. Zone Conference is next week.

11.  Will you send me some pics of you and your new companion soon? 
yeah, I will get those done so you can put it on the blog.

12.  Have you heard from Sean lately?  
yeah, actually, he emails me pretty regularly every week. He is doing great at his job and is keeping himself busy.

13.  Have you guessed yet where Carissa is going???? 
To be honest, I just looked at the bottom of the email. haha.

Well have a great week, I love you guys, and the pictures looked great!

Elder Trevor Joseph Baker

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