Monday, June 11, 2012

June 4, 2012 Transfer 11!

Well let's see.

Transfer 10 is over. I am now in transfer 11. Sick!

So this week has been super busy. We got transfer calls, and I am staying and Elder Wilkinson is leaving. I am getting Elder Johnson, Elder Garlick´s companion from the MTC.

I spent a good amount of money on souveniers in Idar Oberstein today so I may need an advance payment on my birthday present. I bought a Stein, a german beer mug with a lid and a pin of Idar Oberstein´s city crest. My church shoes fell apart so I needed to buy a new pair, which look really good by the way. They are really pointy. Haha. I also bought some of the cologne that I have had my eye on for the past 6 months. Or rather my nose on. So yeah. Money would be nice.

Something kinda not good happened today, but please don't freak out. I was walking up to the castle in Idar Oberstein and I felt a jolt of pain in my right knee. I am not sure what it was but it happened a couple of times today. I am keeping a really close eye on it and I am also going to let president know about it. I am not sure what it is, but I hope it's not serious. I will let you know if anything happens, but for now, please don't worry about it.

I feel like I am finally comfortable with the language! It's cool. So that's one step.

1.  Did you find out about transfers? 
Yep, I am staying and Elder Wilkinson is going to Darmstadt to work with a new missionary.

2.  What was the best thing that happened this week? 
Elder Wilkinson got transferred. Haha. Just kidding. I got some peanut butter and brown sugar from the Elders in Bitburg. That was nice.

3.  Did you go anywhere fun for p-day last week? 
We finally went to Idar Oberstein. I will send pics in a minute.

4.  Are you teaching anyone right now? 
Yeah, we are still teaching our main pool of investigators plus a couple new ones. Please forgive me for not talking about them much. I don't really feel comfortable using names or specific problems and challenges that they have. It just feels wierd.

5.  How often do you go knocking on doors to find investigators? 
Hah, not very often. We have plenty to keep us busy working with the ward.

6.  What are you studying right now in your personal scripture study? 
I am trying to get through the Book of Mormon right now. It's slow work. Haha.

7.  Did you get a chance to check out the new Bible videos the church has made?
No, I haven't. Wait, I saw one or two after General Conference. They were really well done. I liked them.  I don't have time throughout the week to check them out, but I can look at them on Pday. I don't use the internet much for proselytizing. 

Well. I am sending pics. Have a great week!
Elder Trevor Joseph Baker

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