Tuesday, May 29, 2012

May 29, 2012 Street Display and Baptism in French Branch

Street Display in Saarbrucken, Germany
                                                  Go to www.mormon.org/deu

Well here we are.

So basically we had a couple of things happen this week. We had a
street display which was cool and we also had a baptism in the 
French branch.

The street display was fun. It was really hot though with the sun
shining on us. I did end up with a slight singe. However, that was
alleviated significantly by the wind. We also got these really cool
street display signs, but the problem with them was that they wont
stand up in the wind and because the center city is like a wind
funnel, they were totally useless. We still had a good time even
though it seemed like everything was going against us that day. We
still had some good conversations with people.

Then the French branch had a baptism which was way cool. We got to
listen in French and eat some food afterwards. They had more people
then the Saarbrücken ward did. Haha.

And with the baptism the French elders came too. There was of course
the one that Elder Wilkinson and I poke fun at and then the one who I
am pretty sure I saw at the MTC.

Yeah, that's about it.

1.  Did you get to go to the place that has the church in the side of
the cliff? 
No... We ran out of money, we planned to go today, but the
Elders in Idar Oberstein checked out...again. So we will see some of
the sights here in Saarbrücken that are normally closed on Mondays.

2.  Did you get transferred or did Elder Wilkinson get transferred? 
We aren't sure yet; our conference call is on Saturday.

3.   Are the people in Germany typically blond and blue-eyed? 
It varies a lot. The stereotype of German people is, of course, a

4.  Have you seen any of the new Bible videos from the church yet?  
No I haven't yet, I guess that's something to look up today...

5.  We're having Memorial Day here on Monday.  Does Germany celebrate
that holiday? 
Yeah they do. It's actually the day of Pentecost. They
call it Pfingsten.

6.  The Indy 500 was today.  Does Germany have race car races like
I don't really know. I am somewhat lacking in German television
and sports.

7.  I liked hearing about the sausages in jars in your last letter.
What is the strangest thing you've eaten since you've been in Germany?
They use a lot of mushrooms. I never liked mushrooms before my mission,
but now I love them.

8.  Have you tried anything that you would like to learn to make when
you get back home?

9.  Have you been writing in your mission journal? 
Uhhh... Not really.
It's really hard to do it... I write notes though!

10.  When is the next time you will be in Frankfurt at the mission
Probably in February when I go home. I don't really like being in
the middle of everything, which is Frankfurt.

11.  Do you have a favorite scripture? 
 I have lots. Check out 2 Nephi 9.  It has a lot of good doctrine in it.

12.  What hymns are your favorites to sing in German?  Do you know
"Praise to the Man" in German? 
My favorite is a Christmas one called
"Weit, Weit Entfernt dort in Morgenland." I still like "Praise to the
Lord the Almighty". I can play part of it on the piano.

13.  Did you find a euphonium yet? 
Yep! But I don't think I can rent it
or borrow it. I found it in a store in the middle of nowhere in

Well that's about it for this week. I will let you know what happens later!

Elder Trevor Baker

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