Saturday, May 26, 2012

May 21, 2012 Time goes by so fast!

Well, it's been another one of those weeks. 

There is a new initiative in Saarbrücken to try to reactivate less actives. The a bunch of people from the stake are coming as well as all the missionaries in the Zone to visit a bunch of people. It sounds like it should be fun.

Yeah, I went to Kaiserslautern last week and was with the Zone Leaders for the day. That was weird. Elder Telfer is going home in a couple weeks. I remember doing a split with him last year at this time. 

Its weird how quickly things are changing here. We don't know if Elder Wilkinson will go, or I will. We are already at week 5 this transfer which means I have 6 transfers left. Time goes by so fast. 

Next week we plan to go to Idar Oberstein for P-day. They have a church built into the side of a cliff so we want to go check it out.

1.  How many zones are in your mission, and how many zones have you served in? 
There are 7 and I have served in 3. The zones are Frankfurt, Heidelberg, Kaiserslautern, Dortmund, Düsseldorf, Erfurt, and Nürnberg. I have been in Düsseldorf, Kaiserslautern, and Nürnberg. 

2.  How many missionaries are in your mission? 
 I think there are around 170 or something.

3.  Did the numbers increase or decrease after the mission in Switzerland changed and didn't allow any non-Swiss missionaries? 
They changed the missions at that time (so I think) and the numbers decreased.

4.  How many new missionaries do you think you get in your mission each month? 
We are about to get an influx of about 50 new missionaries within the next 3 transfers. The number varies monthly.

5.  How often do missionaries enter your mission?  Is it every six weeks like your transfers? 
Yeah it's every 6 weeks.

6.  What kind of training do you get when you get to Germany?  
Well, we basically get thrown into the mix of things. Its cool.

7.  Have you ever traveled alone on your mission like during transfers? 
Nope, my trainer has once though. It never really happens.

8.  What is something you want to see in Germany before you come home? 
Yeah, there's this cute girl in one one of the wards I was in...haha jk

9.  Do the mission presidents of the different missions like Frankfurt and Berlin ever get together? 
Yeah, they have lots of meetings. They are always in Frankfurt though.

10.  Do you still keep in contact with Elder Baum?  Is he still in Wesel? (I can't believe Elder Mayle is going home soon!  That seems quick!) 
Yeah, I talk to him sometimes. He is doing well.

11.  How often do you do your laundry? Once a week. 

12.  What is something you see sold in German grocery stores that you don't see here?
Hot dogs in glass jars. Haha

13.  Do many people have piercings or tattoos there? Yeah, lots actually.

14.  Have you ever asked members how they joined the church (if they are converts)? Yeah, when we have eating appointments it usually comes up. It's cool.

15.  Do the members ever give you referrals? Not very often. 

16.  Do you teach investigators in members' homes or in the investigators' homes? I have a couple of times in Nürnberg. But other than that, no.

17.  Who were you riding with in the car in the video?  Who was driving? So that was Elder Harty. He was in Ramstein but he is not in Bitburg. That was the second split I did with him. He is pretty cool.

18.  How often do you get to ride in a car to do your missionary work? Like on splits. That's about it. 

19.  Did the Elders from France tell you anything interesting about their mission or mission life there? The only time we talked with them was last transfer and they didnt talk about mission life at all. Just the areas and stuff like that.

Not much going on this week other than district meeting and stuff.

Well have a great week and I will talk to you later!

Elder Trevor Baker

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