Monday, May 14, 2012

May 7, 2012 Spam Musubi!

Well hello Everybody.
 Another week has passed. This week has been full of trying to contract less active members and a few appointments with investigators. First off, we have been riding in buses and bahns more than ever trying to squeeze go by's between appointments. So far we have made out a few appointments (mostly for next week), but we hope a lot of people will show up to a few of the wards activities. We have an activity next week where the brethren will be cooking for the sisters. It sounds like it should be fun and yesterday we practiced. We have been handing out lots of invitations to some of the sisters so we hope people show up. Then last week in Ward Council, the bishop asked if there were any missionaries who could play any instruments... I told him that I could (I haven't even touched a Euphonium in years). He seemed excited to hold a musical evening or something. We will see if an instrument ends up in my hands.

 So yeah, skype is good to go. I also had an eating appointment with some members here. They asked me what kind of food I would like and I said I didn't have a preference. Then they said if they didn't get any requests we wouldn't get food. So I said spam musubi. Well long story short, I ended up making spam musubi for the family and they loved it! I will send a couple pics. Anyways, this week has gone by way fast and I am glad you all got those pics I sent. Have a great next week!

 Well, here are some questions for this week.

 1. What do you think about the job I applied for at the district office?
 I think its cool; if you make more money and have enough time to get everything else done that needs to be, then I don' see why not.

 2. Is Elder Wilkinson a fun character? He looked like it in the pictures you sent.
 Yeah, he is pretty funny. He usually comes up with something else to joke about every day or so. We have a good time.

 3. Have you broken your glasses and don't want to tell me? I never see them on you, and since you've had glasses since you were in 1st grade, you probably still need them.
 No, I really haven't! I think I told you that my glasses are a little too powerful now. After wearing them for hours sitting on trains and stuff, my eyes start to get really tired. If you want me to take a picture of them and send it to you, I can.

 4. If you haven't broken your glasses, do you need new ones or a new prescription or something? I think you need to be able to see. It's kinda important! lol
 I don't think its a big deal. I still use them for reading and stuff, but its kinda handy not being able to see some things while on the street. What I mean by that is that its nice not being able to see all the porn shops around here.

 5. Have you ever met for church in a building other than a chapel? (Dad)
 Nope. Every branch and ward in our mission has its own building or office. The only one that I have seen that didn't have its own building was Idar-Oberstein. It's in a rented out office on the second floor.

 6. Have the places you've met for church always been wards or have some of them been branches? (Dad)
 Everywhere I have been has been a ward except for Wesel. That was still a branch.

 7. How far is Trier from Saarbruken?
 A 2 hour train ride.

 8. Is Elder Wilkinson happy to be skyping home to his family on Monday? One of the missionaries in our ward wasn't really interested in talking with his family. Maybe he's afraid he'll get homesick.
 Well, I don't think he will be skyping. I don't think he is that excited about it either.

 9. Emma wants to know if you miss her. heehee.
 Haha. I got her email too. Yeah. I miss everyone. But with my current release date, I am looking at a little more than 9 months left.

 10. Have any of your companions played musical instruments? Which companions and which instruments? (Dad)
 Let's see, Elder Mayle was the most musically talented he played piano, organ, and french horn. Actually, he was the only musical one.

 11. You said it was shorts weather. How hot is it right now? (Dad)
 Well, it WAS shorts weather. It's chilly again, but in spite of that, I am still wearing shorts. 

12. Everyone knows German drivers have a reputation for driving fast on the autobahn. Do they have a reputation for driving any other way? (Dad)
 No, they drive pretty crazily sometimes. They like to floor it and then hit the breaks a lot of the time. I could show you when I get back. =)

 13. What time does the internet cafe you are going to skype from open up?
 Early, it's never been closed since I have been here. It may go late into the night.

 14. Are German kids into video games as much as American kids are? (Dad)
 Oh yeah, one of the members that lives above me showed me some of the new computer games that came out recently. It was nice.

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