Monday, May 14, 2012

April 30, 2012 Visit to Trier

Hey guys this week has been pretty fun!

 So we went to Trier (the oldest city in Germany, so the story goes) to go see the robe of Christ. We saw it in the cathedral there but unfortunately I wasn't able to get a picture of it. They gave me one instead! It was pretty cool. I don't think it actually was the robe or tunic or whatever, but it was definitely old and apparently the only reason they showed it this year is because it's been 500 years or something since they first started putting it on display. It was definitely something cool to check out even though it was a hoax. I am glad to say that I did it and saw it! But seriously it looked like a 15th century night gown that was dragged through mud 500 years ago.

 We then went to La Porte Nigra in Trier. Apparently, it used to be an old roman fort. I took a bunch of pics and a couple vids. I will see if I can get those to you this week.

 Well, I guess the most exciting thing coming up is mothers day! That means that we get to skype! So here is the deal. That Monday we will be going to the internet cafe and I will skype you there. I will most likely be using my old skype account. I just checked and it still works. The account name is ..... and I will probably be able to skype whenever is most convienient for you on Monday. I have a time window from 10 am to 6 pm my time for the internet cafe. That's basically my entire pday. haha.

 Things here have been doing really we. Our main investigator is doing really well. She has started to work on the word of wisdom which is going to be a big challenge for her, but I know she can make it. She has made a ton of progress lately and she has been having a lot of support from the ward. Things are looking really exciting for her now. I am still working on the Book of Mormon challenge. That's to mark every reference to Christ, his attributes, and his words. I am in Alma now. Things should go smoother through the war chapters.

 This week's questions:
 1. Do you still have your investigators coming to church? (Grammie)
 Yeah actually. Our most promising investigator comes every week and even prepares herself better than most members for church. We are planning on setting a date with her this week.

 2. Which investigator made the most progress this week and tell us about it. (Dad)
 So she has been progressing really well. She found a job, loves to help people and has a great outlook on life. We have been meeting 3 or so times a week and she says that its been helping her a lot. We are working on the word of wisdom right now but we have to have patience with it.

 3. What was your favorite food item you ate this week? (Dad)
 Probably my cheap cereal (cinnamon toast crunch) with maple syrup used as milk. Then of course there were some nuts we got from a member from Macedonia. They were like really dry and they tasted like they were supposed to be healthy so we called them "Macedonian Health Nuts." I know its not that funny, but that's where we get our kicks and giggles from. Haha. Then of course Sister Schroeder. Oh my. The best meals ever are eaten at her house. We had a classic meat potato and vegetable course. It was way good.

 4. What day did you spend the longest on the trains and what were you doing? (Dad) Anytime we go to district meeting in Bittburg, we spend 2 hours on trains going to and then another 2 hours back. Its always nice to catch up on beauty sleep. Haha.

 5. Are you planning any more trips over to France for missionary splits? (Grammie)
 I actually have been in France on a split because we don't have an investigator that only speaks French and (or) the French Elders don't have any investigators who only speak German.

 6. How far are you actually from the border of France? (Mom)
 Like a 20 minute train ride or a 20 minute Strassenbahn ride.

 7. When are you going to send us a copy of the talk you gave in your Sacrament meeting? (Grammie)
 Probably not, I didn't have access to a computer because I had to write it the Saturday night before. Haha some things never change.

 8. Have you figured out how many miles a week you travel on the train on average? (Grammie)
 I have no idea. I don't even think about it.

 9. Have you gotten any new ties? (Grammie)
 Yeah actually, there is a sale going on that has ties for 2 for 2 Euro. They are pretty good quality and the silk ones are 1 for 2 Euro. I have around 20 new ones or so.

 10. Are the ties any different than the American ones? (Grammie)
 Yeah a lot. The stripes typically go the other direction, they are skinnier, and the colors are usually brighter and more saturated. American ties look really goofy now.

 11. Do you prefer the German style of clothing to the American style of clothing? Both church dress and casual. (Dad)
 I prefer German styles for dress clothing, but the German casual style is a lot like American style. I like the casual American better. There is something about a good pair of jeans and a t-shirt. The German Dress style is a little more form fitting and sleek. I like it.

 12. How is your new German suit? (Mom) I want to see a picture. : )
 It's been great. I may have a picture already, but we will see. I only wear it for Zone Conference and Church.

 13. Do people ride bikes much in your mission? (Dad)
 Hah, no. I rode bikes once as a golden and I haven't since. I know a lot of missionaries have fantasies about riding out to random hamlets and dooring them out. I don't because I know there are better things you could be doing, instead of wasting your time riding out into the middle of nowhere. And when you pick up an investigator out there you have to go back just to teach. It's a big time waster. I saw it a lot in Wesel. Sorry for the rant, but we live in a country with the best public transportation system in the world. We can get around really easily for the most part.

 Talk to you soon! Elder Trevor Baker

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