Tuesday, April 24, 2012

April 22, 2012 Happy Earth Day!

Well we got transfer calls on Saturday... For some reason they have't been as exciting lately as they have been. When I was with Elder Baum and Jongejan, I was so stoked about transfer calls, not so much anymore. I wonder why... Well Elder WIlkinson and I are going to stay for another one. It's good. We get along pretty well. We have been doing a lot of going by on less actives and potentials lately, and therefore we have been spending lots of time at bus stops. I'ts pretty ridiculous. I think I have said that we spend just as much time on transportation as we do in appointments. There is nothing we can do about that though. Right now, we are having a pday in Trier where the alleged "seamless robe of Christ" is on display. They also claim to have the grave of Matthew. I think today we are going to just go to the castle and check it out instead of wasting our time (and money) on a scam and hoax. Haha. I found out what Saarbrücken is known for. Elder Wilkinson said porn shops and casinos, but I remembered that he told me that Saarbrücken was a mining town. There used to be a lot of coal here. I think it's all gone now though. Haha.

  1. Do you have any words of advice for Emma and marching band? 
Yeah, stop drinking soda and start running. Seriously, not just because I love running and I think that everybody should love it too. Haha. That and stay away from the low brass kids. They are crazy.

  2. Will you send me a picture of your apartment or the address so I can see it from google earth? 
Seriously, it's not the best part of town. I wouldnt want to look at it from Google Earth... Haha

  3. Do you think you'll be transferred before Mother's Day? I was wondering how we will get to talk to you on that day. I hope we get to skype again. I still have the recording of that. I love it. I showed the beginning of it to the missionaries Friday night. They saw the part where you said it takes knocking on 1000 doors before you get a baptism. They thought it was neat that I video taped it. : ) me too! 
Well I will probably be skyping in an internet cafe because the shops arent closed on Mother's Day. Yeah, don't worry, it's gonna happen.

  4. Have you been to France yet or had splits with the Elders from France? (Katie is so jealous at this prospect. lol)
I actually have been to France. I went and got a baguette and an eclair. However you spell it... The French Elders came over for a Sunday so they can meet with the branch that meets in our building. It was fun. One of them was a little weird and Elder Wilkinson and I had some fun with that. The other Elder was like, "He needs to get transferred." Haha.

  5. Dad wants to know what the funniest thing is that happened this week.
 I don't really remember... Oh yeah, our week got all messed up because of a mega service project that has lasted like 3 weeks. It's still not done. We get to go tomorrow and "finish" This week has been brutal. I think usually the funniest things that happen are the things we say when we are waiting for bus stops and in Bahns and stuff.

  6. I want to know what the best thing is that happened this week.
I learned about Lilith. I bought some Ukrainian cologne, too. It was 1.75 Euro and it smells... well like 1.75 Euro Ukrianian cologne would smell. We found this Russian supermarket in the rough part of town and now we have been stopping by to buy some Russian sodas and stuff. It's pretty cool. I am going to send pics and check out the rest of Trier today. Next week I will have more pics for you. As far as investigators are doing, they are doing well. One makes progress very slowly and we have to have lots of patience, and the other is reading and studying a lot. It's going well for her. She plans on working towards baptism. Those are our only investigators at the moment, but we plan on starting to work with more less actives now too.

 Ok pics...

Elder Trevor Baker

 P.S. Come up with some questions for Mother's Day!

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