Monday, April 2, 2012

April 2, 2012 General Conference

Well hello everyone!

So this week has been pretty cool. Elder Wilkinson and I have a busy week planned ahead of us. But first off, I will give some insights from General Conference.

This year, I had a really hard time concentrating to what the speaker was saying. It was kinda unusual. My mind kept wandering. I think it was just an off day. I kept thinking about what life will be like when I get back home and how awesome running is going to be... sigh. Oh well.

Then of course, the next thing that I think about is "Who needs to hear this that I know?" Yet another thought about back home. Well, at least I am having that thought right? Haha.

Then of course, my mind goes back to running. I think I am addicted to it. And that's about all for my crazy thoughts from General conference.

Now for the good stuff. This General Conference was all about correction. We all need correction at different times of our lives. I got the message that I need to take a personal inventory. It's nothing bad, it means that I might be ready for the next step, but I am not sure what that might be yet.

I had never thought how important home teaching is until I came out here too. Home teaching holds families together. It's divinely inspired.

I also really liked what Elder D Todd Christofferson said too about what doctrine really is that comes from church leaders. He said the same thing when he was with us in Düsseldorf.

Well this week I get to spend a few days in kaiserslautern because Elder Wilkinson has to go to frankfurt. Then I have another split in Saarbrücken with one of the Elders from Bittburg. Yay for long weeks!


1. So who is the better or Elder Wilkinson? (Mom)
Well, I actually do all the cooking and Elder Wilkinson does all the dishes. I'ts a good system. On a side note, Elder Baum and I never liked doing dishes, so we decided to put everything in the attic and only used one fork, spoon, knife, bowl, plate, and cup. Haha.

2. Did you get any souvenirs from Germany yet? (Mom)
No, not yet. I have had to buy new clothes lately because my other ones were wearing out. I did find a really cool store here called Primark. It's a way cheap store where you can buy clothes. I actually bought a shirt and tie for 10 euro and another 2 ties for 5 euro. It really needs to break into the US. It would put JC Penny out of business.

3. Did you watch conference? (Katie)
Yep, I watched it in the ward building in Saarbrücken. We were going to go to either Bittburg to have a party with the American ward or go to Kaiserslautern, but the money for the month didn't get in yet, and it was available to us in English here in Saarbrücken.

4. Did you see David Archuleta singing at General Conference on Saturday? He is on his mission now and is in the MTC and sang with their choir. (Katie)

No, I don't even know what he looks like.

5. How many member meals do you get every week? (Jason)
Hah, maybe like 1 if we are lucky. We need to actually put up the new eating calendar. Thanks for the reminder.

6. Do you use bikes or a car yet? (Jason)
Neither. We have some of the best public transportation system in the country. We can get just about anywhere we need to in a reasonable amount of time. The only area in the mission that uses bikes still is Paderborn which is out in the middle of nowhere. Basically, bikes are dying out. I have only used them once and I have been out for 13 months.

7. How is Saarbrucken? (Mom)
It's a way cool city. Like I mentioned, the shopping here is ridiculous. There is a university here, and it's a pretty big city too. I haven't had the chance to really check it out yet.

8. Do they play disc golf in Germany? (Mom)
I have never seen it. They do have a lot of really cool running paths and trails. Germany is very pedestrian friendly.

9. Can you believe you are at 13 months? Amazing!!! (Mom)
No, I honestly can't. I have been able to read in my journal from last year while I was at the MTC.

Love you guys!

Elder Trevor Baker

Oh and I have another talk in church next Sunday. Woo...

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