Monday, April 16, 2012

April 16, 2012 Baptism in Bittburg!

1. Can you send a picture of you and Elder Wilkinson and also a picture of Saarbrucken?
I will see if I can get one taken at district meeting. I need a haircut and I don't have any more MSF money to get one... I will definitely get one soon though.

2. Do you get to do service projects during the week?

Lots actually. We moved two people and it was crazy. It was like that one move Dad and I helped out at in New Mexico. It was definitely way crazy. We were at the first one for 6 hours or so and we STILL didnt finish. The other one we were only there for a couple of hours and we made a good bit of progress.

3. What is Saarbrucken well known for?
I don't really know. It's swapped sides between France and Germany many times and it was part of France until the 70s or something. It's got a lot of other cities that have Saar in the name... I will see if I can catch up on some reading for it.

4. Do you have to walk far to get to the church?
No we take a bus now. It gets us there about 10 minutes before church starts so it's all good. I am glad I dont have to walk 40 minutes every Sunday morning anymore.

5. Are there any funny expressions that the missionaries in your mission say?

It changes with every companionship. We usually have lots of inside jokes and say something to remind us of a funny experience.

6. Do you need anything?

No actually. I spent some money to get all new white shirts and another pair of pants. I don't think I will be needing anything for a while.

7. Have you taken your vitamins this week? haha (Your vitamin stash should be half gone by now so no more jokes --lol)
I have been taking vitamin C.

8. Have you met your neighbors?
Yeah, one of them is a member that we visit every Sunday. He is way cool and helps us when we need anything. We also get food from them sometimes, too.

9. What do you do for fun on your p-day?
We usually just check out the area and see what we can do that is fun. Normally it's just checking out the sites.

10. What do you usually say to someone the first time you meet them on the train or on the street?
It depends on the person. I hate information blasting people with "hey we are missionaries from the church of Jesus Christ, we are sharing a message..." I can't stand that. I usually try and talk about whatever comes to mind or anything that I am thinking about.

11. How do you feel about being allergic to cats now? Will you become a "dog person" like Dad?
I actually don't want to deal with pets unless they stay outside. It's way too much work to keep up with them. Who knows though, it could change by the time I get back home.

12. Where do your district leaders live?
I only have one, and he is my companion.

13. When is the next transfer?
Like next week. I have no idea what's going on or why this past transfer went by so fast.

14. Do you think you'll stay in Saarbrucken?
It's possible, I had two dreams last night. One was that I was getting transferred. The other was that Elder Wilkinson was getting transferred.

15. What is the best thing that happened this week?
We gave a Book of Mormon to a guy in an appointment with a less active. The story is on my other email. I will send in a few minutes.

Yeah, this week has gone by so fast.

I had a split with Elder Bateman from Bittburg. He is pretty cool. He has been in the district for 4 transfers with the same companion now. It was a really good split. I don't really know the area, but we had a great appointment with a less active member.

We were there for about an hour and a half and the woman's daughter and the daughter's significant other were there. They got to know a little bit more about the church, what the missionaries do and all that good stuff. At the end we even gave him a Book of Mormon, and he thought it was awesome. Then he asked if I could write my address in the cover-- which I did. We gave him a card and everything to go with it. It was really cool.

I did forget to talk about the baptism from Bittburg. So we gave her an interview a few days before, and Elder Wilkinson forgot the baptismal record for the interview. That's part of the reason why we went. It was really cool, and she said, "That's it?" When she came out of the water. She is going to an American ward and they really supported her. It was cool to see. It was the first convert baptism I have seen.

I have started to think about the possible progress there is in Saarbrücken. I realized last week that there is a lot of work to do, but lots of potential. I just hope that Elder Wilkinson and I can get everything done that we can.

Yeah, if you could check out semester starting times for CPCC that would be awesome. I am still wondering what I should do. My release date is somewhere in Feb now because of the shortened trasnfers, but that is still up in the air. I won't think about it too much of course... But it's always in the back of my mind.

Well have a great week. Love you!

Elder Trevor Baker

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