Tuesday, May 31, 2011

May 30, 2011 Week 5 in Krefeld, Germany

Well, here it is, week 5 in Krefeld.

Well first of all, this past week went pretty well. Better than last week. Last week we spent a total of 3 days in our area due to comp exhanges and meetings. I was in Duisburg, Mönchengladbach and Düsseldorf.

In Duisburg it is apparently the dirtiest city in the world. Apparently, but it was still fun. I was with Elders Stephens and Scott. Elder Scott is from Hilton Head SC and he is hilarious. We had a lot of fun.

In Düsseldorf I was with one of the zone leaders Elder Horlacher. I learned a lot from him. Düsseldorf was huge though and the crazy thing is that there is only one or maybe two elders in each of these cities.

Mönchengladbach was really crazy. I was with Elder Forsyth who is from Boston and we went around teaching people and helping someone move. (dad would love that) Basically it was a nightmare. Packing things while we moved them and such. But it was still service. Oh well. Then we went to go teach a couple families. We taught an older guy who is actually a Gypsy. Like no joke. He can't read or anything but he is still interested and wants to get baptised in the river Jordan in Israel. He is a bit eccentric too. It was definitely a fun lesson.

But now I am back in Krefeld. It looks like I am going to be staying here for another transfer. Thats pretty good because I like my ward. The coolest family is the family from Spain. Way awesome. And then there is Bruder Polkhän. He is 93 or 92, I cant remember, but he rides around on his bike everywhere and is so funny. He talks about the war all the time. He spent time in a Russian POW camp as well as one in France. In church he talked about how he had to boil grass because they had no food for like 4 days and how they collected water in their helmets. He is way cool and I am going to get a few pics with him before I leave.

Elder Mayle and I got a couple really good ideas for baking. We are going to make a brownie cookie cake. We are going to do the first layer as brownie and then the middle layer cookie and the top layer brownie with caramel drizzled on top.

Just another thought, whoever invented ice cream needs to be exhalted.

Sorry this letter isn't very long. I was put on a computer with a horrible keyboard with some guy listening to Turkish pop music really loud right next to me.

Well love you guys. I hope everything goes better this week than last week. Oh and your monthly counter is 3 down and 21 to go. (Mom's note: This monthly counter is for Colin, especially. At the beginning of his mission, Trevor started counting this way for his little brother Colin, who misses Trevor very much!)

Not that I am counting. haha

Well Until next time!

Elder Baker

May 23, 2011 Monday, Monday

Well Hello Hello!

I got you some pics from the MTC. I will send you another Email with the rest of the ones I got here in Germany.

That's cool. I had no idea a ton of people have been asking about me. I guess I am more popular than I think I am. Haha. That's cool though. Any news from my friends? Anyone get married? Haha.

I talk about the theater a lot, which is funny. I end up telling a lot of the good stories about that place quite frequently.

My German is coming along pretty well. We had a bit of an off week last week because of all the different conferences. I spent only a couple of days in Krefeld. We ended up having a couple of our investigators leave which always sucks but its whatever. I always say you can't get worked over someone elses decision. I did what I could but they chose to use their agency.

So that being said, we have a lot of finding time. Basically, we ended up doing doors for a few hours on Sat, which was fun but exhausting.

Ok, so I guess the weather here has been getting really nice too. I can start to wear short sleeved shirts too. Funny thing about the kids here is that even though its ridiculously hot outside, they will still wear pants and a jacket. I find it odd but amusing. Haha

That's so awesome about people helping out. It makes me feel a lot better about the money situation. I have always thought that money works itself out. I know its true too. Tithing is great.

I have been reading in the New Testament lately and for the past week and a half I have been going through it. I got through the Gospels a couple days ago and now I started in Acts. Its way cool to read about all these things and I am learning a TON. When I finish the New Testament I am going to start reading Jesus the Christ and mark all the scriptures that it refrences, as well as all the descriptions about the verses. Then when I finish all that, I am going to read through it one more time marking anything I have left behind. Basically the New Testament to me is the biggest DUH statement regarding religion. Its just so obvious that Jesus is the Christ.

Well, today Elder Mayle and I are going to go to Stadtpark Fischeln and throw the frisbee around for a while. We even went running this morning and started buying healthier food! (which is ridiculously expensive by the way)

Well, I will talk to you next week!


Elder Baker

P.S. Oh and tell Dad he needs to either email, or send me the Jehovahs Witness paper thing that either him or Papa B wrote. I really want it!

Friday, May 20, 2011

May 18, 2011 Emails to Mom, Dad, and Aunt Glenda combined

Guten Tag!

Hey! So my Pday this week was changed to Wednesday for some training meeting, so this week has been pretty crazy. I will agree with you that time is going by very quickly. Its almost scary.

Cool about Katie's prom.

And I guess the big news back home is that Romney is leading some of the polls against Obama, the middle east STILL is crazy, and there is always one car at home not working.

I also heard something about archaeologists in central america somewhere finding some kind of Gold plates? I am sure you know how quickly THAT kind of information can get around missionaries.

And yes Döner is good. Basically it is calf and lamb meat which they shave off a massive cooking hunk and put it in bread. They then put sauces and vegetables in it. Its really good.

My companion is actually Elder Mayle, and he is from Windsor CO. He is pretty funny. He is into music and everything like I am except for running.

We do a good deal of tracting but its not as effective as working with the members. I was in Duisburg yesterday and we did tracting almost all day. It really depends on the area.

As for the people, they are generally closed off to religion or even talking about it. They do not like churches at all, but that doesnt mean that they dont have any kind of faith. Most people believe in God but dont really want to have anything to do with a church.

We do cook a lot of meals, typically pasta and bread with meat and cheese. I tried some really expensive cheese yesterday which was amazing.

Oh one quick thing about sending packages. Dont send packages to my address. I would have to sign for it and I wont be at the apartment because I will be out being a missionary. So all the packages should be sent to the mission office. I dont know what that exactly is but I am sure you have it. So if you could just put that info out on FB or something that would be cool. Danke!

Oh and the Brötchen is really good. Its the same idea as a Baguette but smaller. The idea of crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. It was really good putting expensive cheese and meat on them. I still havent been to a Fleischerei or a butcher. It should be soon though.

We still drop by the family from Spain every week. They are super cool, I am about to tell them to add me on Facebook. Haha.

So that's cool that the APs are still in Matthews ward. Our APs are still in Frankfurt. Cool stuff.

There is just so much going on. Well, I will talk to you all later, I still have to send a letter to my Mission President.

Tschau! Love you all!

Elder Baker

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

May 9, 2011 1st Email from Germany

Hey Mom!

I am glad I was able to talk yesterday too, it was pretty cool. My companion´s parents called him too. But it was pretty late when he got the call.

My day primarily consists of going out after studying and stopping by potential investigators and seeing how they are doing. After that we typically teach lessons if we have any, and then we try to talk to people on the street on the way to and from our house. Other than that, we don't have a set schedule we go by.

I am glad Jesse is so supportive of me out here, he is a really good friend. You should let Sean know about my address too if he doesnt already know.

The bread we use is called Brötchen and we butter it, put garlic salt on it, then put the meat and cheese on it. The cheese is called Butterkäse and its pretty good. Oh and I love the milk here too.

We have already taught a couple of lessons and it went pretty well. It was mostly my companion talking but after a while I started to chime in too. We taught a family from Spain too which was really cool. I already told you about that over the phone though. But it is what the father said that was really funny. He said that when people brush off religion, he wants to grab them by the ears and say, ´´Listen to the Elders!´´

I just read about Charlotte some kind of city brochure this morning. I saw that Charlotte was mentioned in it and thought, what? Still that's pretty cool.

Oh and my favorite new soda is a Turkish drink called Gazoz and it tastes awesome! I think we are also going to eat Döner today too, which I am really excited for, its my favorite thing to eat here.

I heard that Mitt Romney is running for president and leading a lot of the polls too. Interesting thing, it would be cool if he chose Huntsman as a VP candidate. Well, anyways, because I don't know the whole story, I will stay out of it. Cool little tid-bits from Brother Iacono.

Well, I am out of time for this week. Until next week!

Bis Später!

Elder Trevor Baker

Saturday, May 7, 2011

May 1, 2011 Last Day at the MTC

Hey Fam!

So I realized I have a few stamps left that I can use so I am going to send a couple notes.

First of all, today has been amazing. I have had a really good time here at the MTC. (I found the tunnels.)

I have got to hear a ton of cool stuff since I have been here, and my knowledge of the gospel has definitely increased.

I guess in a way, I am learning why it is important to be out here. And in a couple more days I will really find out what it means to be out there.

Looking back on it, I feel like I have used my time here pretty well. I, of course, could have done more, but that is applicable to everyone, not matter who they are, or what their work styles are. All in all, I feel satisfied and good about my accomplishments here.

So,Ich weiß dass ich mein Zeugnis mit die Menschen in Deutschland teilen werden. Und Ich weiß dass es wichtig für mich und die werd. Ich weiß dass wir mit unser Himmlische Vater zuruckkehren Können. Und Ich weiß dass wir das tun können durch das sühnopfer Jesu Christi. Ich bin sehr dankbar für das. Und Ich bin sehr dankbar für die gelegenheit zu dienen.

Mom here using GOOGLE TRANSLATION: I know that I will share my testimony with the people in Germany. And I know that it is important for me and the. I know that we can return to live with our Heavenly Father. And I know that we can do that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I am very grateful for this and I am very grateful for the opportunity to serve.

I love you guys so much, and in the morning I leave for Germany.

I will send you my contact info when I get the chance. But for now, I still have my email. We will see when I am able to check it too.

Thanks guys!

Elder Trevor Joseph Baker

Sunday, May 1, 2011

April 30, 2011 Two Days Until I Leave for Germany

Hey guys, I get another Pday to prep for Germany this week!

So my MTC experience has been interesting. I have met some really cool people and made friends with just about everybody. They are Elders Liebelt, Larson, McGuire, DuPaul, Hunziker, Welker, Spendlove, Brogdon, and Price. In no particular order except for Price. (Funny inside joke)

I have sure learned a lot about the gospel and I have also learned a lot about myself while I have been here. I have figured out how much work I have to do with myself to become more effective in what I do. I have also learned how easy, and hard, some things come to me.

My German Book of Mormon goal? Yeah... I got to Mosiah chapter 10 before I couldn't take it any more. My mind was numb.

Today is my last Pday here and I leave on Monday at 5 am. There's lots I am going to miss. The long days of studying, getting fat (192 now), the food (sarcasm), and so much more.

I know now, that this is the moment where I finally go out and preach the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. I feel like I am so ready to get out of here, but at the same time I know that I will never be fully prepared. I guess I get to take it as I go.

I love you all and I pray that you are doing great back home!

Elder Trevor Baker