Tuesday, October 30, 2012

October 29, 2012 Week 4 of Transfer 14

This is week 4 out of 6 and I am in transfer 14 of 16. Things are looking bleak. Haha.
This past week has included much recollection of past events and even some anticipation regarding the future, more specifically, my future. I still don't have a clue as to what is going on. I need to take some more time to figure out what I need to do before I get home for example registering for classes and such.
Let's see, it snowed last week. I will send more pics.
1. Grammie wants to know if you've eaten Gaisburger Marsch (beef stew) and Nudelsalat (noodle salad). I have had Nudelsalat, thats pretty good. Of course there is the classic meat, potato, and red cabbage.
2. What was the best thing that happened this week? Well, we went to the birthplace of J.S. Bach and where Martin Luther wrote the Bible. That was cool. I will send off pics in a minute.

3. When do you go on your next split? I have a split this week on Wednesday throught Thursday. I get my companion back on Friday. I am going to be with Elder Smart. He reminds me a lot of Elder Mayle. Haha.

4. What did you think of Berlin when you were there? It was cool. I haven't seen much of it because we were in a bus and in the conference center the whole time.

5. How is your mission book coming along? I am filling in a few of the things I can, but time hasn't been on my side here. Soon enough, it will be close to done.

6. Is Elder Anderson getting trunky yet? Surprisingly no. I don't know if I am doing something wrong... Haha.

7. What do you have planned for your p-day today? Well, after I fixed Elder Kempe's computer... again... I think we are going to get some shopping done. Nothing special.

8. Where in Lehi does Elder Anderson live? I have no idea. I already asked if He knows Leslie and Jason, but he didn't.

9. Have you heard from Sean?  I actually have. He shot off an email last week. It was good to hear from him again.

10. Do they drink hot chocolate in Germany? If so, does it taste better than hot chocolate here? Not really. Mostly coffee. I have had some but I don't think its as good as American stuff.

11. So what kinds of things did you talk about with the missionaries that you saw a few weeks ago that you were with in the MTC? We talked mostly about where we were in Germany, what the other members of our district are up to and we swapped a couple of other stories. 

12. How long do you feel like you've been out on your mission? I feel like its been a really long summer camp. Thats what I said to Elder Birth. I am going to come home and expect everything to be the same, but it wont be.

13. Have you seen the Kempes lately? What did they do when they were in Berlin? Yeah, we see them all the time. I am not sure what they did in Berlin though.

14. Do you get emails from anyone else? Just you and Grandma. I of course get a few from friends but not very often.

15. What news would you like to hear from home? Topics? Oh man, I don't even know. I would ask about the election, but that's almost over and I already know what's going to happen. Maybe I should look at Schools or something? I don't know...

16. Did your appointments this past week work out with any of the people you were trying to contact? Hah, sadly no. No one is ever home around here for some reason. We did teach like 6 lessons in one day. That was cool.

17. How is your apartment? Did you clean it yet? No, my companion can sometimes be a detriment. I have taken the initiative in separating the sides of the room to "my side" and "your side."

18. I'm glad you got a glorious nap last week. That made me smile! What other things do you do that you consider glorious? Rest. Rest is glorious. That and spending time with members.

19. Do many people ask you about the election here in the U.S.? Surprisingly no. I thought they would be asking us all the time. I did hear from our Branch President that the press has been consistently negative when speaking about the church here in Germany. I have to keep my cool more often than I would like.

20. Do you teach many people who are from other religions?  The Germans like to make a patchwork religion or as I like to call it sometimes, "Cafteria Religionists." They pick and choose what they like from different religions and philosophies. It makes things rather hard sometimes.

21. Do you teach many people who don't have any religion? Most people in Eastern Germany are atheists. Most of them have no intrest in religion so we don't teach them. Those we do teach believe there is something more out there so we talk about that.

22. What is your favorite type of service to do for people in Germany? Well, it snowed two days ago so we went out and shoveled snow.

23. What advice do you have for people who are planning to go out on their missions earlier now (18 for men, 19 for women)? Preach My Gospel. Study it.

24. Any special advice for Katie about missions or preparing or anything else? You're going to learn a lot. You might as well start checking out Preach My Gospel and some other stuff now. I don't know what else I could write out in an email. There is just so much.

25. You wanted me to remind you this week about your Christmas box. If you don't want us to send one, we can put money in your account so you can get something you want there, but I thought you would want something to open up. : ) What are your thoughts? I would rather get something here. I don't feel like wasting 60 bucks sending something through the mail. I am still thinking of what I want for Christmas. Gosh, it's so far away, but at the same time, it's not.

Have a great week!

Elder Trevor Joseph Baker
Kirche Jesu Christi
Germany Frankfurt Mission
Corneliusstrasse 18
60325 Frankfurt am Main

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