Hey, this week is going to be shorter because I am in Isenach looking at a castle.

So pretty much, the companionship is going well. Better than it was before. We have a couple of new investigators this week and we have the week stacked full of appointments.

1.  Have you ever driven a stick-shift vehicle? Nope.

2.  Emma wants to know if you will be a helping/staff member at band camp next year because she really wants you to and you would be really cool and it would be a great experience and it would be wickedly awesome and you would love it and Stevenson would pay you (probably). and, and, and, and,..... all of that and more! Maybe, it depends on what things look like for school during fall.

4.  What is the last new thing you tried to eat?
I ate Leberwurst which was pretty good. Its pretty much pasted pig. Oh and pig liver in it too.

5.  Is there anything you would like to try to eat that you haven't yet? Uhhh, no. But I am open to suggestions. I will eat just about anything now. (And werent you worried that I would go to Africa and be forced to eat things I didn´t like?)

6.  What do you think of Dad's letters which are longer than normal?  Do you like them longer or shorter? I like them longer, even if that means they come less often.

7.   What are your zone conferences like?  Are they on Saturday?  Do you have a big dinner together?  Do you just meet on Sunday???  So this upcoming Zone COnference is going to be in Nürnberg on Thursday. We usually have a massive lunch (provided time allows) and then we all go back to our areas. After this zone conference, I only have 1 left.

8.  What do you think Emma should be for Halloween?  She thinks she will be a ceiling fan.  She will wear a t-shirt that says, "GO, Ceiling!" and she will carry a pom pom like for cheering.  Get it?  --a Ceiling Fan?  haha.  Can you think of anything else clever like that for her to be?

9.  What traditions do they have in Germany for Halloween? They sell buckets of popcorn... I dont think Germans like halloween much. Its not so big here. It gets overshadowed by Christmas.

10.  Is you ward going to do anything? Uhhh. No. I assume we will have a Christmas party though.

11.  Do you have any holidays coming up in Germany? Nope. Its pretty much like America minus the Thanksgiving.

12.  What kind of meat do they eat mostly? Mostly Pig and Beef. Sometimes we have fish or chicken but not that often.

13.  How are your clothes and shoes holding up? My clothes are good, my shoes are doing ok too. I just hope I dont get fat over Christmas, thast the most brutal time of the year.

14.  What is the funniest thing that happened last week? We talked to a Muslim guy who asked us if we wash after we use the toilet... Then he wanted to press the conversation even further. I quickly stopped that.

15.  Is working with a zone leader any different from working with a regular missionary? Yes, it's very by the book. I have to gauge when he is going very by the rules and when he wants to have fun.

16.  How many new missionaries does your mission get each month? Lots apparently, I dont know the full number though.

17.  Where should we send your Christmas package? You´re sending a Christmas package? I would rather not have to lug it around... I will talk about that next week. Just remind me.

18.  How often do you do your laundry? Once a week.

19.  What non-scripture book are you reading now? The Hand of Mormon by Terry Givens.

20.  Is there anything that you would like us to send you from home ? Nope.

21.  Is it hilly there or flat? Very hilly in the area of Thüringen.

22.  Are the leaves changing yet?  Is it past peak? Yeah, they all just fell off the trees. Now its really august.

23.  What are you going to do for your p-day?We are checking out the Castle that Martin Luther Translated the Bible.

24.  Did you get your nap last Monday? Oh yeah, it was glorious.

25.  Have you cooked your famous chocolate chip cookies in Gera yet? Yeah, twice actually. I made them for a member´s Birthday and he loved them.

26.  Are your scriptures looking well-loved? Yeah, you could say that. Its pretty colorful now.

27.  How's the work going? It's going great.

28.  Have you had splits with anyone you don't know? Elder Smart from California. He is pretty cool too.

I will send off pics next week!


Elder Trevor Joseph Baker
Kirche Jesu Christi
Germany Frankfurt Mission
Corneliusstrasse 18
60325 Frankfurt am Main