Monday, November 5, 2012

November 5, 2012 Remember, remember...

Remember, remember, the fifth of November, the gunpowder treason and plot. I know of no reason, why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.
Well, that's my thing for the day. It's the fifth of November, and I celebrated by eating toast with a cooked egg in the middle of it, where the breat was taken out and the crust was left. I love the movie V for Vendetta...
Anyways, on to more important things. I have officially 100 days left as of today. (Don't worry I am not counting, I have a calendar that tells me) and Elder Anderson has about 17 days left until he goes home and I get a new companion.
I guess the most important/interesting thing that has been happening is the hints I am getting from my companion and everyone else in the Zone that I am going to be training for my last 2 trasnfers. Elder Anderson has even told President Schwartz that he wants me to train. I have thought about it a lot though and I would do it if it comes to that.
1. Does Germany have Daylight Savings Time? 
Yes! I was so happy when I heard that I get an extra hour. I was still exhausted at church though. Sister Doerlitz said I looked like it. Haha.

2. So how is your new camera? 
Uh amazing. I haven't had the chance to take a lot of pictures with it lately but I will be going to Weimar tomorrow so we will see what will happen.

3. Any exciting news in Gera? 
Well, we are having trouble leaving people to make their own descisions... that's always annoying. You know, people making their own choices. We were planning on setting a baptismal date but we need to cover some other things before that is done.

4. Do people get flu shots in Germany? 
I think so, I have seen some ads around but I am not sure if that is what they are for. It's something to do with shots so I am assuming flu.

5. How is Elder Anderson's Trunkiness quotient on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the most trunky?? 
Probably like a 5. I am getting it out of him. It's just a matter of time! Hahahah!

6. Has this transfer been flying by for you, too? 
Yeah, I don't know if its that I am excited about christmas or what, but I am excited!

7. Do you think you'll be able to skype again at Christmas? 
 If I stay in Gera then yeah, I will be able to. If not, then I will make it happen somehow.

8. What are you doing today for p-day? 
Chillin. I am also going to take a nap.

9. How is the ward?
 They are doing good, they have made some good progress, but we still need to work on some things.

10. Have you learned any new German words lately? 
Pech. It means sucks. Like "He had Pech" means "Sucks for him"

11. Do you think you'll be able to have a good conversation with Herr Hablutzel when you come back? 
I can usually talk about what I want to talk about. I can talk about anything with him.

12. What is the part of Preach My Gospel that you think we should focus on first in Family Home Evening? 
Maybe the missionary lessons. Yeah, that would be good. Cover the first lesson for the first week.

13. What is the best part of your day? Sending emails.

14. Any questions for us at home? Did you vote?

I will be considering doing something for band during the fall semester. Tell Emma to keep in mind that I haven't touched a Euphonium in over 2 years let alone played one in band. I think it would be really fun.
Have a great week!

Elder Trevor Joseph Baker
Kirche Jesu Christi
Germany Frankfurt Mission
Corneliusstrasse 18
60325 Frankfurt am Main

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