Tuesday, November 20, 2012

November 19, 2012 Thanksgiving Week

Well, it's Thanksgiving week!

Well, I have been like a day ticker for Elder Anderson now, I have been able to say exactly how many days he has before he goes home for the past transfer now. It's at 3, by the way.

We had a nice day at church and made out some appointments for the week. Unfortunately our investigator didn't show up, so we have to work on that a little bit.

Yeah, I don't know what else to talk about. Writing these things gets harder and harder as the weeks go by. Oh and remember when I said I had 100 days left? Yeah, that's already down to 87. Ridiculous. 

1.  Did you get transferred? I am staying in Gera.

2.  When does Elder Anderson head home? He goes home on Friday morning. He leaves Gera on Thursday morning though. 

3.  Who is your new companion? He is Elder Turner. He is a transfer younger than me.

4.  Where is he from? Despite the fact that we were at the MTC at the same time, I can't put a face to the name. But to answer your question, I have no idea.

5.  Do they ever eat turkey in Germany? No, they actually eat more goose and duck.

6.  Do they have any sort of Thanksgiving holiday over there at some time of the year? The only one that I know about is called Erntedankfest. Thats like a German thanksgiving. It literally means Festival of thanks of the harvest.

7.  Are you still in Gera? Yep. I am here for another transfer. Probably until I go home.

8.  Have people started decorating for Christmas like they have started to here? Oh gosh, yes. The mall here is filled with stuff and the Markt is also decked out.

9.  Do they have a Christmas market where you are like they had in Nuremburg? Oh yeah. We are actually singing in it this year too. We got a contract with the city to do a show. I am certain it will be well documented because of the Senior Couples that are coming.

10.  What are three adjectives to describe you as a person? Well, my companion said, smart, teachable, and serious. I on the other hand like to think of myself as cunning, unbroken, and humorous. I will give you an example. Elder and Sister Kempe were in our apartment taking pictures of our bed (we need a new one) and then Elder Kempe said to me, "You should have been on a mission 50 years ago. We would have had fun!" Then he looks at Elder Anderson and says, "Ugh, and you're the big bad Zone Leader." Haha.

11.  What are three adjectives to describe your mission? I don't know if I can condense everything in my mission book into three adjectives...

12.  What was the best thing that happened this week? I get a new companion! Just kidding... Or am I? 

13.  What are you going to do for p-day? Getting Elder Anderson ready to go home. He has 3 days left!

14.  When will you send more pictures? Uh, soon? I am not sure. Probably during transfers.

15.  Any funny things happen lately? Uhh... 

16.  When is your next zone conference? No idea. I should probably figure that out.

17.  When is the next time you will be in Frankfurt? Probably when I leave. I never go to Frankfurt.

18.  If someone mails you something to the mission address, how do you get it? Someone brings it to the Zone during transfers. Then I get it sometime around district meeting or splits or something.

19.  Do you think you'll be able to go to the Frankfurt temple some time? Yeah, like on Feb. 14th. Haha.

Thanks by the way for the money in the account. I will think of it as my Christmas Package.

Love you guys, have a great week!

I am actually excited about some of these things going on at home! You should also see if the missionaries can skype, I know that if they could, they would love that. We are told not to ask members so we aren't a burden, but since I have the Kempes, I will most likely be skyping home for Christmas!

Elder Trevor Joseph Baker
Kirche Jesu Christi
Germany Frankfurt Mission
Corneliusstrasse 18
60325 Frankfurt am Main

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