Tuesday, March 6, 2012

March 5, 2012 Start of Year 2!!

I am officially over the mark! Over 1 year baby! Woot!

Well we dropped our last investigator this past week. It was a mutual agreement. She knows that she can't progress with what she has going on in her life, so we are taking a pause. We told her that when her circumstances change, she is free to call us. I hope and pray that everything will work out for her. It's always hard to drop people, but sometimes it has to be done.

Well what that means is that we have 24/7 finding time since we have no one to teach. It's pretty hard especially since neither of us enjoy finding.

Elder Baum and I have found out how to get along which I find rather surprising. I would think of it as a refreshing new start. I guess if you spend enough time with someone you will learn to like them (or at least get used to them), even though we hate each other. Haha. We just joke about it now. It's like its a running gag...

One interesting little morsel of political deliciousness (this is for you Dad) is one of the new mission policy sheets. Apparently we are no longer allowed to have any kind of "worldly entertainment." Now what it means by this is we are no longer allowed to have "playing cards, games, or any other kind of hobby equipment." Even though it doesn't say we cant "play" them...

Now I know what you are thinking. There must be a really bad problem in the mission with spending time playing games, but as far as I have seen there really isn't a problem. We still study, leave the house on time, and do proselyting with having the time to go play a quick game of "Settlers of Catan" before sleep. Just my opinion.

Speaking of opinions, I have figured out that sometimes even though you are right, you shouldn't always voice it. Last time I did voice it, and I felt like it put me a step back. Honestly I don't think that is a negative thing. I can't really explain it in words. It's hard. Haha. But you will see it in me when I get back home. Well I hope you will see that I have changed for the better. I have still maintained who I am, but it's like a Tevo 2.0, smarter, faster, better looking! haha

On a short side note, I heard one of the ZLs say that he was surprised that Elder Rampton (in my district and someone I have a lot of respect for) hasn't started a mutiny yet. Seriously? I guess the ZL is playing the game. Whatever man. Grow up.

I have really been thinking about studying law when I get home. I know its a long way off, but it's something to ponder about at the very least. It's a subject and facet of the gospel that is very applicable to life, vocation, and even the grand eternal scheme of things. What is going to be the biggest moment of our existence? Judgement. The great and terrible day of the Lord. The pleasing bar of God. That's the whole reason we are here on this earth. To prepare for judgement.

All of it deals with law. Law is an eternal principle. We have commandments, which we must keep to avoid punishments. There are consequences for our actions. Every single one creates ripples in the expanses of eternity.

All of that, and you can make a killer living off of it too. :)

So those are just a few of the thoughts I had a couple nights ago while I was in a really pensive state of mind.

I am diggin the questions this week!

1. What is gluhwein mugs (sp?) (Grammie)
Those are basically mugs that come with alcohol. Gluhwein is some kind of Wine. It is usually served warm and popular around Christmas time.

2. What is Nuremberg wurst mit kraut - she said it is the best wurst in Germany, do you agree? (Grammie) Is this kraut like our sour kraut here?
That is basically a Bratwurst or similar to a hot dog, with a kind of relish on top. The Kraut is litterally a weed. Sometimes they are pickled.

3. What is spaetzle - looks like noodles in the picture. (Grammie)
It is actually, just noodles. What makes it special is the cheese and sauce that people put on it.

4. What is jagerschnitzell? (Grammie)

A hunk of meat that has a specific kind of jager sauce or spice on it.

5. Does Germany go on Daylight Savings Time? (Grammie) We change the clocks forward an hour next Sunday.
I don't think so, I haven't even noticed. Haha.

6. What kind of fruit trees grow in Germany? (Grammie)

Probably lots of apple trees. Ther Germans love apples.

1. Does your companion have a sense of humor? (Dad)
Yeah, kinda dry and sarcastic.

2. How are your clothes fitting? (Mom)
Well, they still fit. I lost 4 kilos since I got from Nürnberg. That's about 8lbs.

3. What day do you do the most walking? (Dad)
Sunday. We have to walk 40 minutes to get to church.

4. Is it still in dead of winter, or has it started to warm up yet? (Dad)
It's started to warm up, but its still chilly. The wind is really the kicker.

5. Do you get to go to the temple while you are on your mission? (Mom)
I actually found out last night that I get to go with the ward on Easter Monday.

6. What was the funniest thing anyone has said to you when you were knocking on doors? (Dad)
Probably the guy who came to the door in nothing but underwear who says, "As you can see, I really don't have time right now." Haha.

7. Have you been chased by any dogs? (Mom)
No, I am rather surprised at how well trained dogs are here. People walk them all the time.

8. What is your favorite meal in Germany? (Dad)

Probably Rouladen. Its rolled up meat rolled in Bacon and sometimes it has veggies inside. It's typically served with potatoes.

9. Do you see lots of Volkswagen Bugs in Germany? (Emma)
I have seen only 3 since I have been here.

10. Do you wake up on your own or do you need your alarm? (Mom)
Both. Haha.

11. What time do you wake up? (Mom)

12. What time do you go to bed? (Mom)

11:00 to 11:30. I like to write things down that happened during the day.

13. What is a typical day like for you? (Mom)
Wake up. Prep for the day. Study. Get some random task done. Eat lunch. Go to an appointment an hour and a half away. Come home and have an evening meal. Go outside and try to talk with people. Get rejected. Swallow sadness. Make some phone calls. Plan. Then wind down for sleep. (Mom here...Awwww...this sounds so hard and so sad. He needs our prayers!)

Elder Trevor Baker

P.S. This is the most disgusting keyboard I have ever seen.

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