Monday, March 19, 2012

March 19, 2012 It's Spring!

So the weather is amazing now! We are going to Krefeld to play ultimate frisbee with the other Elders in the District. I am way excited, it's finally warm enough to wear shorts.

So I guess for the big news. I have been transferred! I totally thought I was going to stay. Elder Baum has been here for a while, and I thought that we would either both stay or he would leave the area to me.

The new area I am going to is called Saarbrücken. It's in Saarland near the French border, and I will be serving with Elder Wilkinson. He is from Britain. Rumor even has it that the Elders in Saarbrücken do splits with the Elders in France once a month. I may even get to go to France! I know Katie will love that.

So yeah, Wesel was way cool while I was here, and it was way fun too.

1. When is your next transfer cycle?

Hah, today. I am in transfer 9 of 16.

2. Do you think you'll be transferred?
Just did. Haha.

3. Do you need anything?

4. Do you want anything?
Course, but I hate being a burden, so I will wait for them. I may pick up a pin for Saarland and maybe a scarf from one of the soccer teams here.

5. How are your new pants?
Awesome! They are kinda loose though... I think I dropped a size. The problem with European pants is that they are tighter around the thighs. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have thunder thighs from being a runner my whole life. Haha.

6. Are your clothes fitting better now that you've lost a few pounds?
Yeah they are. I really like them now.

7. Do you ever wear your tennis shoes?
More often than you would think. They will probably be worn out by the time I get home.

8. Can you send home a letter or a story that you'd like the bishop to read in Sacrament meeting? I always love hearing missionary stories.
I have one. I will attach it to the end of the email.

9. Did you think of your favorite scripture in the Bible yet?
Acts 4:10-12

10. Have you taken any pictures in Wesel yet?

I don't think I've seen what Wesel looks like. Yeah, I did. Unfortunately it's not going to be as pretty as it was before they tore up the middle of the city to get rid of some trees. There is construction work everywhere.

11. Can you take some pictures of your apartment, too? It will be fun to look back and see what the places you lived at looked like.

Hah. You don't want to see that. Honestly.

12. Do they celebrate St. Patrick's Day in Germany?
No, I don't think so.

13. How often do you fast as a missionary?
Probably once a month. That usually covers it.

Two Sundays ago, a couple of people came into church that we didn't know. The Ward Mission Leader told us and we went and introduced ourselves to them. We had a good time in the meetings and even gave them a tour of the church and taught a lesson while we were doing it! We said goodbye, gave them information and they said they would come back next week. I honestly didn't expect them to come back.

Then last Sunday, the woman showed up again! She said that she really enjoys it here and she kept asking, "How do I know if this is the truth?" Well, the speaker cleared up that question and went through the entire Joseph Smith story. Throughout sacrament meeting, she was crying and I knew what she was feeling. After Sacrament meeting was over, I pulled out my Bible and went to James 1:5 and I said, " Joseph Smith hat diese Schriftstelle gelesen. Er hat das getan und er hat eine Antwort bekommen. Ich habe das getan und ich habe eine Antwort bekommen. Und Sie können das auch machen um eine Antwort zu bekommen." (I had to show off my German... sorry.) Joseph Smith read this scripture. He did what it said and received and answer. I have done it and I have received an answer. You can do it to and receive an answer. She was at this point in tears and said, "Thanks so much." She then wished me luck in Saarbrücken and then said, "I will never forget you."

It was a way cool moment. Then a few of the members came up and said that she was feeling the spirit. She knew it too. The only concern she had was that her entire family is Catholic. Then a member told her that she can give her family the same feeling even though they are gone. It was so awesome.

The last time someone came into the church wanting to learn, I was in Nürnberg. She was baptized by my former companion Elder Jongejan a couple of months after I left. She came in because she was looking, and the same goes for this investigator in Wesel. There are people on the search and even though I am leaving and won't be able to teach her, I am still super excited for her. She is Wesel's next baptism.

There you go. That's the story. I had to wait until the last day of the transfer for something that cool to happen, but it did.

I will let you all know how Saarbrücken goes.


Elder Trevor Baker

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