Monday, March 12, 2012

March 12, 2012 Over the Hump!

Well hello everybody!

This week has been way busy. I will start off with some of the news. Elder Baum went to the doctor for some kind of throat pain. He got some antibiotics for it, and the doctor said it could be something with his stomach and that he could have laringitis. Fun stuff.

Then later during the week we had a stake wide mission preparation day for everyone who is preparing to go on a mission. We had classes from many returned missionaries and even had a fireside from the stake president. It was held in Wesel which is in the corner of the stake so the turn out wasn't as good as we hoped for, but we had 100% attendance from our ward and had a great time. I think the youth also enjoyed it, too. It was funny because even I learned a few things.

We also had a couple randomly show up to church on Sunday. They were a little older and said that they really enjoyed it. We gave them a tour of the building right afterwards and even taught a few principles as we were going through. Those kinds of moments you can't pass up.

The "Elder Christofferson Experience", as I like to call it, has already gone by. We had a 3 hour meeting with him and got to ask some cool questions. He is a very down to earth guy and reminds me a lot of Dad... It was funny to note how some of the missionaries were sucking up to him. I understand there is a difference between respect and sucking up, but they were suckin up haha. Even more interesting to note is that the missionary who wrote a letter to him (ZL) asked the most questions. Just a quick reminder, writing general authorities is not permitted and is against the white handbook rules. Double standard? Just food for thought.

Well, as far as "moving up the ranks" goes, I don't want anything to do with it. I have already made my desision to not play the game. I just dont see how being a DL or ZL is going to make me feel like I have accomplished anything. Basically, there is a problem with the "robots" in the mission and what isn't coincidental is that they are all in those spots... It also doesn't help that a lot of them walk around with their noses stuck out in the air. I have already isolated myself from it, so it's whatever.

If you can tell, I don't want anything to do with leadership positions. I have seen what it does to missionaries. It screws with their heads a lot. I don't want it, so don't be surprised if I never get put in. I could talk for hours about mission leadership, and I may write you a supplementary email next week about it. So hang tight!


1. What do you usually do on p-day? What is your schedule like on that day?
Shopping, Emails... That's about it. Sometimes we go to Krefeld just because there isnt anything to do in Wesel.

2. Did you buy some new pants last week?
No I am buying them today! Yes!

3. When is your meeting with Elder Christofferson?
It was awesome! There was a stake fireside afterwards too that everyone enjoyed!

4. How much does gas cost in Germany?
like 1.49 a liter or something? Not really sure.

5. How much does milk cost or a loaf of bread?
Milk is 49 cents for 1 liter and 79 cents for a loaf of bread. You can tell that we eat a lot of it right? haha.

6. So what do you and Elder Baum do for fun on your p-day?
Window shopping... a dangerous pastime, I know.

7. Has Elder Baum had any investigators get baptized since he's been out?

Yeah, I think it was in Weimar. And Rebecca got baptized and I had a good convo with Elder Jongejan about it too!

8. Are there any cultural no-no's that are interesting over there? Like specific cultural rules that everyone follows?
Shaking hands across people shaking hands... It makes a certain sign from a certain time period from a certain political faction...

9. What are typical names for dogs or cats over there?
The only ones that I have seen are Minka and Mimsy, both cats.

10. What is your favorite scripture in the Bible?

Ask me again, next week. I have too many that I would be looking for a while. I will have one picked out.

11. What is your favorite color these days?


12. How are your eyes? Are your glasses okay? (I see you in pictures without your glasses, so I'm just wondering).
Yeah, they are good. I only use them for reading because I think my eyes are changing.

13. Do they have shopping malls over there? What about big discount stores like Walmart?

They have one in Duisburg, it's huge. Walmart? No, they have a Real. It's like a walmart but... well yeah, it's like a walmart. It's a little smaller too.

14. Do people grow their own little gardens?
I call them gypsy shacks. They have sheds that they keep their tools in and do their gardening on a little plot of land.

15. Are there farmer's markets where people can shop for local produce?

I have no idea. I think so but they are held usually on Sundays.

16. What is a popular kind of jelly or jam that people eat over there?
The Germans eat a MASSIVE variety of jams and jellies and Nutella and so on. They don't usually have dinner, they have Abendbrot. Literally evening bread. They put cheese or meat on it and have it like a dinner.

17. How many people are in your ward?

Probably somewhere around 70 active.

18. Do they have many youth in the ward?
Maybe 10 or so.

19. Have you seen Elder Mayle or any of your other companions since you've moved?

Yeah, he is still in Solingen so we see eachother for Zone Conference.

20. What is the best thing you can tell your mother this week? : )

I have gone from about 90 kilos to 83 kilos since I got back from Nürnberg! I am somewhere around 183 lbs now!

Yeah, so thats about it. Love you guys, and I am going to send a package home soon.

Elder Trevor Baker

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