Monday, February 27, 2012

February 27, 2012 Hump Week!

Zone Conference...

Well this Zone conference was pretty good. I enjoyed it and I think that President Schwartz took a few things that I said into consideration.

I learned a few more things that we can do with people in regards to contacting (which I still loathe). And I learned some other creative finding techniques which I am half tempted to use.

We found out that Elder D. Todd Christofferson is goong to be in Düsseldorf and we get to have a 2 hour meeting with him! It's actually only for the missionaries in the Düsseldorf and Dortmund zones so its going to be a really small meeting. I am excited for what he has to say.

There was one thing (actually 2) that the Dortmund ZL said that was interesting. He said twice that we just need to forget who we are in the work. I was sitting in the back thinking, "No, thats the opposite from the truth." I didn't say anything but I kinda whished that I did. It's something thats stupidly insignificant so it seems, but out here, it's all about the mindset.

Of course it was fascinating to note how a few of the missionaries got up for the testimony meeting just to suck up and brown nose to President Schwartz. Those kind of things always happen, but I just ignored it. Haha.

I got a few letters, which I am writing drafts for responses and coming up with ideas for what kind of stories I should include.

This week has been so crazy. Mostly just politics/drama. Our district has taken some hard hits with investigators. M'Gladbach had both of their investigators leave them and we have been having a hard time with people progressing. Our investigator (yeah, we have like 1) is really having a hard time right now. Unfortunately, we as missionaries can't do anything for her. She has to make a desicion. Hopefully she makes the right one.

Right well that's about all that happened this week. I feel so burned out, I just want a break. I dont know where I am supposed to find all this energy I need.


1. Do school age students wear uniforms to school over there?
No, actually, people working don't usually have a dress code either. Normally they just wear street clothes. It's pretty interesting and informal, unless of course you see a businessman or something.

2. Do they have minivans over there?
Surprisingly yes, but they look like turtles and don't look like American cars. Thats one of the first things I noticed, that German cars look funny. I dont know what American cars look like anymore. Haha.

3. What is your favorite saying in German that you like to use?
Probably "genau" (exactly) or "Das stimmt doch gar nicht!" (That's not true!) I think that with every companion I have been with, I have used a different phrase or saying or movie quote.

4. Do you have any favorite scriptures that you'd like to tell us so we can look them up this week?

5. Do you use a German Preach My Gospel book? Y
eah, I don't use it that often though. I dont' have time to sit and search for what I am looking for. I usually just study in English and when I have a word that I don't know in German, I look it up.

6. Do you have a German set of scriptures that you use everyday?
Yeah actually. I use the Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price, and D&C, and a German Bible. I have been using the Martin Luther translation of it. I like it better than the one I got at the MTC. It's the one that Joseph Smith said was the most correct translation. I am still working on getting an older text version which doesnt have any of the revisions that the new one has.

7. How often do you clean your apartment?
Weekly. It usually gets pretty dirty, so we clean it when it gets too unbearable.

8. Do you have a laundry facility in your apartment?
We have a washer in our apartment and a drying rack. That's about it.

9. How many wards are in Wesel?

10. Does your mission president know English? Y
ep, he speaks Denglish all the time though. It's really funny.

Thanks for the good questions this week! Friday is Hump Day!

Elder Trevor Baker

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