Monday, February 20, 2012

February 20, 2012 Guten Morgen

Well hello!

So there are a few things that I thought about during the week that may interest you all. I know I am just about halfway done (and in all reality, with the three weeks being subtracted from transfers, my halfway mark has now gone by.) So anyways, I was wondering if any of you were wanting souveniers. I wasn't going to go out and buy them right away, but if I see something that someone would think is cool, I could pick it up for them. I was thinking scarves. They are about 10 euro each and they sell a bunch of different kinds. I was thinking that I could get a few from the various soccer teams out here. Just about every major city has its own team and they look pretty cool too. Let me know what you think.

I have already started collecting the pins of all the states I have served in... they look way cool. I am pretty sure that I told you that though. Gosh, things seem so repetitive.

Well I found out some more info about the baptism in Nürnberg. Rebecca got baptized on the 18th, and Elder Jongejan baptized her! She actually asked him to baptize her! It's so awesome! I am so pumped for her! I even heard that she brought her family to church, as well. Ahh, it's so cool! Feelings like that make the mission worthwhile!

Things here in Wesel haven't changed since I was last in the district. The same investigators, same hard work. I actually know the missionaries personally who doored out 5/6 of the city itself. It's pretty unbelieveable.

So I am going to send you all the email I am sending to President Schwartz. I feel like It would give you a few insights about how things have been going. Please forgive me for the awful prose. You are free to share it and everything. I spent a while on it, and it would be a shame if my ideas go to waste. I talked with a few of the other missionaries in the district, and they said that I hit the nail on the head.

Now for the questions!

1. What did you have for dinner last night? (Dad's question)
We actually had an eating appointment with the Müller family. We had pancakes. Not just any pancakes, but pancakes with other things on them like meat and cheese and pizza sauce. It was really good. I would suggest finding a different batter recipe though otherwise it would be a little funny for you all. haha.

2. What kind of place do you get your groceries at? (Dad's question)
We shop at a store called REWE. It's pretty cheap, but it gets the job done.

3. Have you gone to any castles yet? (Dad's question)
The only castle I have ever been to was the one in Nürnberg. I took a bunch of pics of it and I think I sent you a few of them.

4. Have you met any of the German aristocracy? (pre Kaiser era) again...(Dad's question)
Uh, what? I know I am supposed to be culturally affluent by now, but I have no idea what you mean... haha

5. Do many people walk around Wesel or do most of them drive?
Everyone walks. The innercity area is always packed.

6. Do you want us to send you our testimonies that you can put into a Book of Mormon? We can include a picture if you want.
I don't know how many people here can speak English... No one that I teach can. Maybe an activity like that would best be served if you gave them to friends back home?

7. Did any funny ladies cut off your tie last week? haha
No. I think it was just blown out of proportion. It was mostly old ladies.

8. Have you driven a car over there yet? (Dad's question)
Nope. The German dirvers are crazy. I kinda dont want to. Haha.

9. Have you gotten any blisters on your feet from walking?
Back in Krefeld. We use a lot of public transportation here.

10. Have your shoes worn out yet?

11. Does your mission president have kids? Are they all grown?
I know he has at least 2 sons. I met both of them back in Nürnberg. I played soccer with one of them. Yeah, they are all adults.

12. Are you taking your vitamins?
Yes, kinda. I take them as often as I remember them. Which is often. Don't worry!

13. What are some of your mission rules that you can describe for me?
My favorite one is: Don't be stupid.

14. Did you get any new rules when you got your new mission president?
Mostly it was just a change of policy. He reviewed the previous rules and decided whether or not he liked them. Most of them just stayed the same.

15. Have you gotten sick since you've been on your mission?
Like once in Nürnberg. I will attribute that to the weather at that time.

16. Are you happy? control your gushing, please--lol
Haha, yes I am. We all have ups and downs. It's funny, most people think that missionaries are like robots whereas the weather, work conditions or anything else doesn't affect them. It does actually. Haha.


What do you eat on a regular basis?

...Rice... Vegetables... and Döners. Google it.

Like what do you normally have for breakfast, lunch, dinner?
breakfast=oatmeal lunch=rice or pasta dinner=whatever is left around the house!

How many missionaries cover an area?
Usually only 2.

Are there more than one set of missionaries in one ward or is it one set per town?
It's just one set per city. Except for some of the bigger ones. They have sisters there.

And if there are more wards than sets of missionaries, where do you go to church on Sunday?
We go to the closest one.

Do you talk to your neighbors in you apartment?
Not unless we need something. Like a key for the basement.

How has your testimony been strengthened by serving a mission?
By scripture study and the application of the principles of the gospel.

When/who decides when you go on splits with other elders?
The district leader does and sometimes if you are in a leadership position, the zone leaders will organize one.

Thanks for all the questions and I look forward to talking with you on Mother's Day (it's coming... soon... haha)

Elder Trevor Baker

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