Monday, February 13, 2012

February 13, 2012 Weeks are flying by!

Wow, another week has just gone by. These things honestly go faster and faster with each passing week. Actually, in just a little over 2 weeks, I will hit my year mark of being on a mission. It is crazy.

There hasn't been anything this week in terms of awesome stories. Just the usual, fallen out appointments, and meeting with the same people. I did, however, have an eating appointment yesterday and had a great time. The ward mission leader invited us over and we had ward correlation meeting or whatever it's called in English. Then we had a really good lunch and played a game. I think we spent a total of 3 hours there. Haha.

Despite the lack of cool stories, I do have a couple of cool quotes. I was listening to a talk from Neal A. Maxwell about spiritual ecology. He talked about how sinning is comparable to the strip mining in West Virginia that leaves the landscape scarred and someone else to clean it up. It was really eye opening... or rather mind opening.

I also listened to a few talks from Hugh B. Brown, about America of course, and about honesty. He said, "Sin has many tools, but a lie is a handle that fits them all." And that is so true. He also said, "Profainty in my opinion, is an evidence of poverty of intellect."

I have been learning a lot (I say this a lot) about people out here. It's so fascinating. Learning how people tick is one of those things that help later on in life, so I have come to find out.

So now for questions! I really like these ones this week.

Who cuts your hair?
That changes in just about every area I am in. I will either find a member who can cut hair (Nürnberg), or I will bum some hair clippers from my comp or the apartment and do it myself.

Do you wear a hat outside?
When it gets really cold, I just wear my beanie. It helps out so much, usually on the 40 minute walk to church on Sundays. The wind gets going and it tears my face up. I look like an Eskimo or something.

What is your favorite tie?
My black one. It never gets stains on it! It's polyester too so it doesn't start to sag like the silk ones.

Are you tired of wearing your black suits yet?
...Yes. You were right.

Do you need anything?
No, if I ever really need anything, I can get it here. Money would be nice, but of course, I am not going to be pushy about it. It's already expenisve for me to just be here.

Do you have a pillow? (I have to ask that now that I know you didn't have a pillow for what, four months?)
Yeah I do, but its pretty gross, so I put 2 pillowcases on it. Haha.

Do I need to ask if you have a blanket? haha

How long has your companion been out?
He is one transfer older than me or in other words, a little over a year.

What is your companion like? (Katie's question)
The only word I can think of is loud.

What has been your favorite place to live? (Dad's question)

There are things that I like about every place. I can't really nail down one specific area that I like the most.

What stage of culture shock are you in? --Honeymoon, Hostility, Humor, or Home
Definitely home. I sometimes catch myself getting into a routine (such as a bad habit) and not noticing it for a while.

What are common first names for people in Germany?
Müller or Hanz. Those are the first that come to mind.

Are your church meetings all in German?
Yep, every single one.

What are the names of the districts in your mission?
The only one that I know of is the Duisburg district. I don't think they all have names or if Nürnberg had a name...

What cities are in your district?
Krefeld, Wesel, Mönchengladbach, and Duisburg.

Who is your district leader?
Elder Bullard--he is a huge ginger.

Who are the missionaries in your district?
There is me, Elder Baum, Elder Bennet, Elder Bullard, Elder Hall, Elder Hardwick, Elder Metcalf, and Elder Rampton. I didn't mean to put them in alphabetical order; it just happened like that. Hahah.

Does your mission president have any notable sayings or quotes that he always tells you?
Yes, "Wir müssen "outside of the box" denken. You can just google translate that one. It would be funnier than if I explained it. Haha. Or, "Ich habe es gevideotaped."

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